Adobe Is Killing Flash in 2020


Aug 20, 2006
It’s finally over: Adobe has announced that they will stop updating and distributing the Flash Player at the end of 2020. Content creators are being urged to transition to newer, open formats such as HTML5, WebGL, and WebAssembly.

Adobe will continue to support Flash on a number of major OSs and browsers that currently support Flash content through the planned EOL. This will include issuing regular security patches, maintaining OS and browser compatibility and adding features and capabilities as needed. We remain fully committed to working with partners, including Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla to maintain the security and compatibility of Flash content.
Good bye you will not be missed by me. The security of my computer thanks you Adobe.
Considering 95% of Flash updates are security patches, I can say I'm honestly really concerned that they're going to stop updating.
Wow...... everyone was screaming Flash is dead back in 2010 when Adobe stopped developing it for mobile browsers. 10 years later and it will finally be done on desktops too. Wish they would at least find a way to safely and properly display old flash sites and content for nostalgia though.
Wow...... everyone was screaming Flash is dead back in 2010 when Adobe stopped developing it for mobile browsers. 10 years later and it will finally be done on desktops too. Wish they would at least find a way to safely and properly display old flash sites and content for nostalgia though.

10 years, that's about what I was thinking. This was inevitable but it was going to take time. And no doubt there'll still some Flash out there after 2020.
I have had flash installer on my main browser for a decade now.

i still do for internet explore to keep it compatible with some weird sites that at horrible coded but t hat can be counted on 1 hand.
Wow...... everyone was screaming Flash is dead back in 2010 when Adobe stopped developing it for mobile browsers.

I thought it was dead on mobile when Apple said it wasn't allowing Flash on their iDevices because of battery detain issues. That would have been around 2010.

Now, to convince all of the content providers and news orgs to spend the money and go with non-flash players.
Here's your hot money tip for the day:

Invest in companies that do web development, especially contracting ones. Government as usual will be 5 years behind getting off flash, will pay a fortune, and will accept incompetence as standard.

Adobe said they will also no longer be distributing Flash. That is a disaster waiting to happen as much as security holes. You really don't have the option any more if you can't install the plug-in.
It's surprising how many sites still ask to run flash crap. I only allow one, because I can't get the content anywhere else, but I keep hoping they will change over to something else soon. I can't wait to dump Flash forever.
Wow...... everyone was screaming Flash is dead back in 2010 when Adobe stopped developing it for mobile browsers. 10 years later and it will finally be done on desktops too. Wish they would at least find a way to safely and properly display old flash sites and content for nostalgia though.
Run it in a Windows 98 virtual machine!

I recently ported a flash site to SVG and CSS animations and it was not hard at all. Modern browsers offer all the functionality natively that Flash ever did. Adobe could have stayed ahead of this by really pushing the open standards and building development toolsets around those. If you're pushing proprietary development frameworks and you're not Apple, you're going to have a bad time.
Well, it's only about 20 years late. But I guess it's better late than never.
I missed the part where we started hating on flash. I'd rather hate html5 it brought nothing but pain to me. Every site that switches to html5 started acting weird immediately including but not limited to youtube.
So how much of the old web will be essentially worthless once Flash goes away? Think of all those custom applications built using flash. I've hated it from day one, but it seems to have legacy verging on that required for x86.
Why wait so long??

People have relied on it for decades. There are still some pretty major companies and sites, that, for some reason, still use it. It's fair to give big companies that move slow a few years go potentially re-design their whole damn website or product. Even FedEx still uses it and was offering people $5 to install it. There will still be sites that use it when the plug is pulled.
I haven't done web animation for years, so is Flash just exporting your timeline as HTML5 now instead of a SWF?
Flash stopped being animation-only in the late 90s, so features added after that point can't be expected to convert easily to HTML5 and you'd almost always have to rebuild them from the ground up.

I kinda liked Habbo Hotel and some of the more creative websites from back in the day, but the excitement did seem to die shortly after 2000
It's surprising how many sites still ask to run flash crap. I only allow one, because I can't get the content anywhere else, but I keep hoping they will change over to something else soon. I can't wait to dump Flash forever.

I'm gonna guess pron.

Was I right?
I'm sure the new Adobe/Apple lovechild will be SO much better than flash.

I wonder what amazing watermarking tracking tech waits within.
Some of those Flash animations were golden in the day!

Nice knowing ya Flash, now piss off and die already.