Ads at the side of the forums not displaying or just gone?


Jun 3, 2005
Are the ads on the right side of the forum gone or is it just my browser being borked? At times my browser sizes the forums like there's something there but after a couple of seconds stretches it to fit tthat spot so I'm wondering if I'm having some sort of issue with my browser.
madmat said:
Odd, I never noticed. Thanks!

I still find it hilarious that everyone bitched when they showed up there... and then once they were gone, no one noticed :p
Viper87227 said:
I still find it hilarious that everyone bitched when they showed up there... and then once they were gone, no one noticed :p

I am one of those. I mean I didnt mind them but I didn't notice until i read this thread. :D
it will be back according to kyle. im hoping for a VM or other nice OEM ad :p
Viper87227 said:
I still find it hilarious that everyone bitched when they showed up there... and then once they were gone, no one noticed :p

I bitched about it being on the left; on the right i could ignore it :) Can we get a confirmation from Kyle that it will be coming back and why it was takin' out? I must have missed that thread.
Viper87227 said:
I still find it hilarious that everyone bitched when they showed up there... and then once they were gone, no one noticed :p

Well.... they are kind of annoying at first but..... you get used to it.

I ha-dent noticed they were gone either.

And i prefer them on the right :)