Advice, Dell deals, and discounts


Limp Gawd
Jun 16, 2005
So, I just got off the phone with "Julia", (I never have any luck getting a good American rep)

Funny how she seems to think that she can't apply my 50$ AMEX discount to the total price (took her 30 minutes to explain it wasn't a 10% discount) because "I forgot to tell her about it". After speaking to two reps today, it seems as though dell is getting really hard nosed on this crap. Business or home, both sides are being real bitches about it. Also, it seems EPP 5% did not work either. He said thats only for system purchases :rolleyes: Am I the only one feeling as though I suck at negotiating or are just unlucky?

So, anyway, I'm not going to pay 960 (+ tax) for the 2405, thats too much! And I have an empty computer here just waiting to be setup, need a nice monitor fast..

So I was thinking abourt the other 20" option, the 2005FPW? Should I jump on this monitor for the price? I know its no 2405, but should I get it anyway, considering the price? How does it compare, specifically for gaming.

Thanks alot, and I hope Dell reports a huge loss in sales (lol even though I'm still looking at one of their monitors, crazy)

And to all you who got the less then 900, I still can't figure out how thats even possible anymore.
I just ordered my 2005FPW for $485 shipped. They quoted me the 2405 for $899 if I really wanted it but I just can't afford that right now. Call back and keep haggeling dude; get the price you want lol. Tell them you have a budget of $xxx and that you would be willing to purchase something that very moment if they can "work with you".
Maybe you were just a bit unlucky yesterday :cool: I was able to use that 5% EPP code on a monitor over the weekend. Still didn't buy it because I'm not paying current prices even with 5% off, but it did take the coupon code and reflect it in the total. Good luck with your quest. Stick with it and be persistent. Like 6storm said. tell them you have a budget and need to make a decision by Friday. Call them back every day, but remeber to be polite even if they seem inflexible.
I think I may have upsetted her when I accidently said (seriously :( I was doing history homework), Q for Quran when explaining the coupon code. I was on the phone for 3 hours!!...........Oops, anyway

Anyway, I think I might go for the 2005, the only possible thing to worry about is the resolution. Hell, wallpaper coversion in PS shouldn't take long. And game res support shouldn't be that bad.

What do you guys think about getting that instead? I'll have to wait for another damn coupon though, God, it expires tonight and phone lines are probably closed, the only way to apply the AMEX discount is on the phone.

I think I'm in six_storm's posistion right now 485 shipped sounds nice, once another coupon comes out.
Here's the thing. The only coupon that was out yesterday was the 22% off coupon but they give you an extra chunk off if you know how to ask for it. They have ways off taking a little bit more off the price but all you gotta do is call them up.