Advice for adding 2nd drive to home ubuntu samba server


Feb 20, 2003
I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 with a 1TB drive in it in an Atom based barebones system. Most of the work it's doing is just doing some file server. I set it up really as a desktop system just because it was the first time I played with Ubuntu and I just wanted to play around with it.

So anyway, deciding to beef up the storage capacity in the box for sharing files, so I'm going to add a 2TB drive to it. What's the least amount of work thing I can do with this? I'm not going to RAID it, so it seems my options are either messing with LVM or just hook up the drive and just drop links into my shared folders on the main drive. Any best suggestions?
here, this will walk you through both the gui or cli.

i will advocate that you deviate from the instructions a bit when it comes to automatically mounting the drive. rather than set fstab to mount using a logical name, use a unique user id (uuid). it's simple and is done the exact same way as the tutorial shows, just replace /dev/sdXXX with the uuid. you can obtain a disk's uuid by typing "sudo blkid" in the terminal.
Thanks, that got me pointed in the right direction. Hadn't gotten around to googling the actual issue since the drive hadn't come in yet, was able to find a few tutorials.