Advice for You AMD'ers

Chris Lakies

Limp Gawd
Feb 17, 2005
To those that don't know to do this. In your bios make sure you disable CPU thermal throttling.

I could only run FEAR at 1152x864 with 4xTRAA and 16xAF with good frames with 50% Thermal Throttle enabled (which is default for my MOBO)

After I disabled thermal throttling I could run it at 1600x1200 with 4xTRAA and 16xAF!
Actually, I think the most interesting part of this post is that DFI labeled Cool'N'Quiet as "Thermal Throttle". LOL
GilmourD said:
Actually, I think the most interesting part of this post is that DFI labeled Cool'N'Quiet as "Thermal Throttle". LOL

Actually I think they list them differently. I've always had Cool n quite turned off. And I found Thermal Throttling the other day.
Chris Lakies said:
Actually I think they list them differently. I've always had Cool n quite turned off. And I found Thermal Throttling the other day.
Is Cool'N'Quiet an on/off setting? If so, the Thermal Throttling may just be the adjustment for C'n'Q... But I would've imagined that it would be greyed out if it was... Interesting... Unless DFI has redundant thermal throttling built into the board?
thermal throttling is a safety setting - different than CnQ.

If your cpu is running extrememly hot (dead cpu fan), it will force itself to slow down to lessen heat, no matter what application you are running. CnQ is for when you are just browsing teh intarweb or typing your thesis, your proc goes down to 4x multi to lower heat and power requirements (i love CnQ, personally)

Leave thermal throttling on! You can turn CnQ off if you want to be running full speed.
fuelvolts said:
thermal throttling is a safety setting - different than CnQ.

If your cpu is running extrememly hot (dead cpu fan), it will force itself to slow down to lessen heat, no matter what application you are running. CnQ is for when you are just browsing teh intarweb or typing your thesis, your proc goes down to 4x multi to lower heat and power requirements (i love CnQ, personally)

Leave thermal throttling on! You can turn CnQ off if you want to be running full speed.
On my KT7-RAID and 8RDA+, thermal throttling screwed with my OCs, so I'm not too sure about that...
GilmourD said:
On my KT7-RAID and 8RDA+, thermal throttling screwed with my OCs, so I'm not too sure about that...

I had TT on and CnQ enabled and was able to get 2.434 with 1.45v with my Venice on stock HSF. The only reason I run 2.2 now is my memory would crap out above 206 mhz, so i had to lower my fsb and raise memory divider. Now I have TT and CnQ enabled again with my 2.2 overclock with stock voltage (1.4v) and stock hsf

Guess it depends on mobo