advice on BF2 and a funny story


Limp Gawd
Jan 11, 2003
ok so im new to BF2. i thought it would kill my system but it didnt and i can play with medium settings. now that im not afraid to play, i need some advice to get my global score up so i can unlock some new stuff. i would say im a quasi noob only for the fact that i havent played an online game sine leaving for college a in 02, but before that i owned at UT 99.

now for a funny story. i was playing on a ranked server last night and a guy from the other team was bitching about how noobs suck. well i happened to find him on the mapped and i stabbed him. and then i said "all noobs must suck, cuz im one and i owned you with a knife". after that he started talking shit and i kept killing him.

made my night
If you want to rack up some points play on a 32 or 64 player Striker at Karkand. Specops, assault, and medic seem to be the best class for getting points. Also learn how to use the armor and transport vehicles to rack up kills.
Sounds like you're already good at hiding as a grunt, which is a useful skill. Essential.

Yeah, a medic seems to be able to get the most teamplay points by dropping health packs and reviving. Also, an engineer or support guy in a transport chopper can rack up some points.

Other than that, just cap flags, defend flags, and kill kill kill. Vehicles own for killing purposes once your good at being able to watch what's around you while you're in a vehicle. The aircraft can be supreme, but require more time invested to master.
learn to become a VERY good blackhawk pilot. get 2 door gunners and an engineer to stay with you the whole time. this trick works best in gulf of oman but also the mastuer city map. essentially, fly over where the action is. if you see like 5 guys running on the ground to your left, tilt the heli slightly to the left and dont press the gas button, just coast over them. YOU WILL RACK UP A HELL OF A LOT OF DRIVER ASSIST POINTS! when i did this, our black hawk owned. was the us in gulf of oman, they had one base left, i saw at least 10 people running to attack the next base, boom boom boom! my door gunner killed them all. it is truely a fun experience that everyone should enjoy. also, when ever your hit, you enginerr would repair you. i also had a sniper in the heli and would think it be like black hawk down with those snipers in the heli and shit, but he got out. fun fun times...
Which is exactly why Dice is nurfing the Blackhawk. With the right players and kit setup, that chopper literally turns into a flying fortress :eek:

When it comes to flying vehicles I stick with the attack helicopters as i've become fairly good with them, got almost 500 kills total. Only bad thing is i've never had a good gunner fly with me. One time I was hovering over a flag trying to cap it and 3 enemy soldiers were on the ground in front of us just shooting away while my gunner is looking to the left shooting at some trees...
/off topic

Anyone remeber the command to remove the cockpit and all that stuff from the gunner view in the helicopter? Or to get 3rd person view as the pilot ?
bonkrowave said:
/off topic

Anyone remeber the command to remove the cockpit and all that stuff from the gunner view in the helicopter? Or to get 3rd person view as the pilot ?

defualt "c"
Genocidal[v2] said:
Which is exactly why Dice is nurfing the Blackhawk. With the right players and kit setup, that chopper literally turns into a flying fortress :eek:

When it comes to flying vehicles I stick with the attack helicopters as i've become fairly good with them, got almost 500 kills total. Only bad thing is i've never had a good gunner fly with me. One time I was hovering over a flag trying to cap it and 3 enemy soldiers were on the ground in front of us just shooting away while my gunner is looking to the left shooting at some trees...

I disagree on the Blackhawk thing now. They easily get blown out of the sky when even a half decent pilot has the attack chopper or a jet.

I agree though. If you just learn how to slowly fly letting the mini gunners rip it up...good times. If the enemy is crap a BH can still wreck havoc, but with good opponents, it's days in the air are limited.
well its kinda hard to shoot down the MULTIPLE blackhawks in songua stalemate since theres not moble AA or attack choppers or jets

so yeah....heres hoping for a nice patch to stop that

and why do the mec and china transport choppers gun do no damage to apc while the blackhawk rips through them?
i mean i only played a couple of hours and granted when it came to anyone good i got schooled, but i found taking out BH and attack copters was pretty easy. load up anti tank and fire away, even with some distance it was still pretty easy to lead the guy. i mean i was only getting 9 or 10 kills a game while dying a whole lot more, but thats cuz i was never in a tank or a copter, always on my feet
I most enjoy the maps where everyone seems to be learning how to fly at the same time. :D You can actually win a tank vs. attack chopper battle in those cases. I love noob pilots!!
I don't know why the blackhawk would do damage to APCs but not the other helicopters. The blackhawk minigun shoots 7.62MM ammunition and i'm pretty sure the machine guns in the MEC and Chinese transport chopper are.50 caliber machine guns.
the MEC and Chinese guns gotta be smaller than .50 and the minigun is spitting out 7.62 (AP even?) at 4,000rpm, probably 5x those slow MEC/Chin guns