Advice on buying 4870x2 now or wait or 4890


Mar 23, 2009

I am just about to upgrade to i7 920 and was planning on getting a 4870x2
Read today we are only a couple of weeks away from 4890 being released. So looking for advice/opinion on whether to wait to see what happens with 4890's in terms of speed against the 4870x2 and how it will affect the price of 4870x2's if any or just stick with 4870x2 and buy that

but are they not doing an x2 version as well how close to release of the normal will that be
If they release a 4890X2 then you're going to feel really stupid for buying the 4870X2 this late in the game.
I'd wait for two reasons:

We have yet to see performance, but a single 4890 (which should only retail for $220-50 or less) may be in the same league with a GTX 285. In this case, it would be better either just going for a single 4890 to save money or getting two for Crossfire.

The release of 4890 may push down the price of 4870 X2 a bit (and all other enthusiast cards).

So, basically you want to wait since in 2 weeks you should be able to get more for your money. That said, I love my 4870 X2's -- they are overkill in most situations.

EDIT: The 4890 X2 will likely not be released until late June/early July (samples haven't even gon, so I wouldn't count on that one.
Yes, same league as a GTX 285. 4890 is said to be 6% clock for clock faster than 4870. Core and mem clocks on 4890 will be 13% faster than 4870. Doing the math that's an expected 19% gain in overall performance (or right about where the original rumors had it at +20%) -- putting it right next to GTX 285.
Yes, same league as a GTX 285. 4890 is said to be 6% clock for clock faster than 4870. Core and mem clocks on 4890 will be 13% faster than 4870. Doing the math that's an expected 19% gain in overall performance (or right about where the original rumors had it at +20%) -- putting it right next to GTX 285.
it will certainly be as fast or fast or faster than the gtx285 in those games that the 4870 already does well in. other than that the gtx285 will still be the faster card. looking at the early benchmarks(grain of salt) the 4890 is still no better than even the gtx260 in games like Crysis though.
people still play crysis? it takes only 5 hours to beat and has like no replay value. imo people need to let the crysis comparisons die and talk about games that people actually play all the time.
people still play crysis? it takes only 5 hours to beat and has like no replay value. imo people need to let the crysis comparisons die and talk about games that people actually play all the time.

That's right, like Counter-Strike! :D
The 4870x2 should still be faster than the 4890, but I'd wait anyway to see what happens on price after the 4890 comes out.
it will certainly be as fast or fast or faster than the gtx285 in those games that the 4870 already does well in. other than that the gtx285 will still be the faster card. looking at the early benchmarks(grain of salt) the 4890 is still no better than even the gtx260 in games like Crysis though.

uh.. no..

from Crysis Warhead result is perform way better than GTX 280 on extreme setting....
uh.. no..

from Crysis Warhead result is perform way better than GTX 280 on extreme setting....
you are saying that the 4890 is beating the gtx280 in Warhead? please show me that link because the current 4870 doesnt even beat the gtx260 let alone get close to the gtx280 in Warhead. I get about the same results in Warhead with my 192sp gtx260 than the 4890 is getting here.
at 19x12 a 4870 512 can muster at best high shaders with everything else at medium and 16x aniso. these setting provided the very edge of playability for me. my superclocked 192 sp 260 definitely provided higher settings at the same res. i guess its possible that the 4870 could generate higher frame rates with everything at very high/enthusiast, but i'm willing to bet its anywhere near playable.
the current 4870 doesnt even beat the gtx260 let alone get close to the gtx280 in Warhead
I guess it depends where you look.

[H] has them tied.

Going from 750 (4870) to 850 (4890) and to 1 GHz (4890 OC):

I think the 4890 could easily pass the 280 in Crysis.
wait for the price drop on 4870x2 and get it or buy used one for more saving with warranty working card.
people still play crysis? it takes only 5 hours to beat and has like no replay value. imo people need to let the crysis comparisons die and talk about games that people actually play all the time.
Well Crysis does have a multiplayer mode and the game is a great benchmark whether or not people still play it.
or Starcraft! :D

I wouldn't play such a crappy game like that, but yeah you get the idea.

I think you all have to much free time on your hands. Unless your current card cannot run a game or application on a certain setting, what you got works.

Anything past a certain percentage on the performance scale is going to do exactly what for you?

Stop bickering over what brand or card is better, eh?

The clear winner is 3Dfx, duh! :p
Nope not faster then gtx280




actually, i don't trust that review.

same here.....

Chinese review always got something weird with it...

just by looking at their STALKER fps and GRID fps..

there is no way 4870 perform almost the same as GTX 260 ...

I done the test before I know how the score look like, its no where near that ...
My advice? Wait the one week for the 4890 to be released. The launch apparently got pushed forward to April 2nd.

If this clock does overclock like a beast, like the rumors say, then get two of these in CF and smoke all the other cards out there.

For one, the card supposedly overclocks to 1000MHz pretty easily (in which case, its pretty close to or beats the GTX285) so two of these suckers OC'd in CF and you've got some incredible performance
Agree, the GTX260 should be far far faster than the 4870 :rolleyes:
either Im confused or you are. he is talking about those benchmarks showing the gtx260 keeping up with the 4870 in games we already know the 4870 dominates. in other words he is saying that the 4870 is better in those games which it is according to all other reviews. you took his comments out of context.
Rumor has it that the 4890 is going to be an overclocking monster. If the pricing is what they're suggesting it's going to be a bargain for a high-end single GPU part.