affordable and overclockable?


Mar 15, 2001
I am planning on getting a Q6600 when the prices drop next week.
I plan to do some moderate overclocking for now (3.0ghz-ish) and then bump it up with a watercooling system in the fall.
I dont want to get a new mobo when i overclock more, but i also dont want to spend $300+ on a new mobo.
Everything i've read suggests that getting a p5k deluxe is the best bet, but those are out of my budget (i can stretch if i need too),
I'm looking for a good mobo in the $150 range that will support my needs. I dont need 2 PCI-E slots, but having the extra one for a physics card down the road would be a nice touch.

Anyone have any suggestions? how do the p5k (vanilla) overclock? should i just get the better board anyway?
Abit P35 (non "e" and non "pro") should do just fine. It runs $149.
Both are good. I'm glad Abit is making boards worth buying again to be honest.
which board has the best OC ability? I want a new mobo myself because im giving mine away to my bro.

I dont want to spend a whole lot either...
which board has the best OC ability? I want a new mobo myself because im giving mine away to my bro.

Well if you are getting the Quad heat will limit your overclock far more than these boards.