After attaching 2nd monitor, system won't post


Aug 28, 2000
After attaching 2nd monitor, computer won't post
I hooked up a second monitor via dvi (with an adapter) and installed ultramon, I figured I had to restart for the 2nd monitor to get detected and everything, so I do so. But now it won't post (or at least I think it won't) because my monitors act as if nothing is attached. Fans and drives spin up, no beeps from my motherboard. I disconnected everything except for the main monitor and the power cable, nothing. I've tried 3 monitors and 2 video cards, nothing. Any idea what could be the cause?

Mainboard is an Abit KX7-333r
I am pretty shure that adding a second monitor won't make your system post. Did anything come loose?

Try it with one monitor and check.