AGP X1600Pro by Sapphire
Putting the PCIe version up against the 6600GT, the GT seems to come out a bit ahead overall- they trade the top spot back and forth, except the few cases where the nVidia just blows past the X1600. And that's at 575/1300, as opposed to 500/800. Stick with a 6600GT.
X1600 Pro: Better shader performance
6600GT: Better texture perfomance and far better memory bandwidth.

This is exactly what I needed for my HTPC system with an old AGP mobo. Wow. H.264 acceleration and everything. And only $130! You made my day. ;)
1600pro only supports the 720p HD video acclerate

the 6600GT supports 1080p

as you see

the 7800/6600 series are strong in the 3dmark03

the 1900/1600 series are strong in the 3dmark05




so a 6600GT would be better if i play CS:S and FEAR cause i play those games a lot
The H.264 acceloration on the X1600Pro is a definate feature, and that AVIVO stuff could be useful one of these days. Going with the newer card might not be a bad idea.
Glad somebody posted this was looking thru i haven't owned a ati card in a long time

going to sell my 6800 GT OC just for something different I think i'll move to this card the price you can't beat it
Are those benchies from mydriver on an AGP or PCIe card?

PCIe cards are clocked WAY higher I believe (memory wise)

edit: nvm me, i was thinking of 6600gt clocks vs x1600 clocks
I need a new AGP card for BF2 and WoW (every other game I play on my comp runs fine, haha), and I was considering this. But, after seeing those benchies, I'm kinda disappointed. Guess I'll go with the 6600GT.
SLiGuy said:
I need a new AGP card for BF2 and WoW (every other game I play on my comp runs fine, haha), and I was considering this. But, after seeing those benchies, I'm kinda disappointed. Guess I'll go with the 6600GT.
x1600 was made for low end systems, thats is why it is priced like that. 6600gt was a midrange card when it was released. X1600pro will get you better shader performance, plus better IQ, but do not expect it to run like 7800 or x1800...
currently have a 9800Pro

How would this compare to a 6600GT? I only play enemy territory and BF2. My monitor has a native res of 1280x768
It probably wouldn't perform as well as a 6600GT but would smoke a 9800PRO.
Currently I have a 9500pro AGP and will be upgrading to a PCI-E based board soon. I am at a toss up between the 1600xt and the 6800gs. I only play World of Warcrack. Which will better suit me for this particular game. I am assuming that it is much more shader dependent game but I dont know for sure. Suggestions please. Also, the x1600xt and the 6800gs are about the same price (167 for ati vs. 197 for nvidia) The price difference is not that much a problem for me but I do want the best for my situation, I have always been an ATI guy but always willing to see what the best can get me.
X1600 is overall about even with a 6600GT, where the 6800GS is more like a 6800GT. For the same price, get the 6800GS. The X1600 has more efficient shaders, but the 6800 will win in raw performance.
gregnash said:
Currently I have a 9500pro AGP and will be upgrading to a PCI-E based board soon. I am at a toss up between the 1600xt and the 6800gs. I only play World of Warcrack. Which will better suit me for this particular game. I am assuming that it is much more shader dependent game but I dont know for sure. Suggestions please. Also, the x1600xt and the 6800gs are about the same price (167 for ati vs. 197 for nvidia) The price difference is not that much a problem for me but I do want the best for my situation, I have always been an ATI guy but always willing to see what the best can get me.

In shader dependent games (like fear) the x1600 breaks about even with the 6800gs. However for the $, I would go with the 6800gs
You do have the option of grabbing a x-fire mobo and adding another 1600 later on...2 1600's in x-fire seem to perform about on par with a 7800gt, and the overall cost is about the same, you just don't have to shell out all at once.
bobzdar said:
You do have the option of grabbing a x-fire mobo and adding another 1600 later on...2 1600's in x-fire seem to perform about on par with a 7800gt, and the overall cost is about the same, you just don't have to shell out all at once.

Yeah but I am kinda in love with the Biostar Tforce 4U motherboard. I really dont plan on going to dual card just because money is tight and probably will be for another year or so. I know that I could upgrade at that time if i had a compatable mobo but it is just not in the cards right now. Thanks for the options/opinions though guys. I will definitely slate which is better at the actual time of purchase, which is looking to be about 3 months or so from now.
bobzdar said:
You do have the option of grabbing a x-fire mobo and adding another 1600 later on...2 1600's in x-fire seem to perform about on par with a 7800gt, and the overall cost is about the same, you just don't have to shell out all at once.

That would be kind of hard with AGP X1600s. :)
Uh, re-read my post...I advocated getting a motherboard and card together and there'd be no reason to go agp if getting a new board.
But not since this thread is discussing the AGP X1600. And you put in there --> "another X1600."
So how does the 512MB at 128bits on the 1600Pro compare to 256/256 on the 6800GS? Does it help with any games that anyone's noticed? Or is the bandwidth restriction too harsh?

Currently I have an FX5900 and need to upgrade, but don't have the money to go to PCIe or an AGP X850, and I heard the 7800GS isn't worth the extra money.
The "isn't worth the extra money" feedback is coming from 6600/6800 owners. But you should be thrilled with an upgrade to the 7800GS from any of the 5x00 cards, according to benchmarks.

And 512MB on a video card is overkill, at least for currently released games.
I meant 7800 vs 6800, but I know what you mean.

PS - 512 may be overkill, but I'm looking for card that will endure until the Dx 10 cards come out and I upgrade to PCIe.