AHHHHHHHHHH this is pure BS


Jun 19, 2004
Last night I load up COD4.
I pick a server and it says key in use, try another.
try another server?

so I try another one. Key in use.

I am thinking that its my computer so I reboot.
try to go into a game and banned by server admin.
WTF I just played on this server last night.
So I click on another server. PERMANENT PB BAN

so I reboot and try again...cold boot

Again I try to join a game and PB BLA BLA BAL GUID BANNED and a number

WTF is going on
GD I HATE THIS Fing PB it can't ban an aimbot for shit but this...
Someone generated your key with some random keygen and you're hosed.....i don't think it has to do with PB at all.....good luck.
so am I pb banned...key banned or what?

A friend told me this morning that a guid ban means that I am banned on everything PB.


yea you can never run anything pb protected again. BUT I have 3 other games installed that are pb stuff and they weren't even running...

yep all banned.

and even if I buy another COD4 it won't run.

THIS CANT BE TRUE CAN IT ???????????????????????????
Contact tech support and tell them someone has used a key generator and stolen your key.
Contact tech support and tell them someone has used a key generator and stolen your key.

Dont tell them that or they may immediately think its suspicious that you would know such a thing.
Let them work out what went wrong and if they get stuck, make a suggestion.
GUID ban is based on the CD key i thought.

I had that issue last week, but because my internet dropped for a second while I was playing. When I tried to get back in, it told me my key was in use.

I waited 30 minutes, all good again.
thanks big time for the help and links.
It would happen on a Thursday night. Now I get to mess with this for 5 minutes on a friday afternoon.
And all weekend wondering what will happen.

I hope I can find a phone number to call them.

hell I got a 5 minute ban in BF2 because I was using spider calibration on my video card...THAT IS A VIDEO HACK????
took even balance 2 weeks to admit to it.

Email takes forever I want to talk to someone

If I were you, I would try to do both (call and email). If you submit a post on Activision's site, they will respond within 48 hours (they did for me). This being Friday, you might be SOL though...
Punk Buster sorely needs to be purged from PC Gaming.

Like the OP said, they don't do shit for people who do cheat, and it all it does is catch legit people constantly. I can't even remember how many threads there were on the Battlefield games about how PB was a piece of trash.

People complain about things like DRM in Bioshock, this is just as bad imo... look at the OP, he can't play ANY of his Punkbuster games for something he didn't even do! Yet you almost never hear anyone complain about Punkbuster, and intrusive service that just hurts the legit people while aimbot's still run rampant.
well I got home and booted my machine. I said ok here goes, and started cod4
it booted and I got an updated list...clicked a server and after about an hour (OK JOKING) i was in.
so I tried 5 more servers I did find one, a hardcore server that said I was banned.
I have no way of knowing how long or what. I assume forever.
it works...mostly

what do I do call and say someone stole my key and screwed me or just go on and play or what?

Biggest thing is if this happened last night by monday I will probably be banned everywhere
Email them and ask what happened.
Explain any left over side effects and things that you need fixing.
Might as well, nothing to lose.
At least ur not hardware banned by PB, or you'll never be able to play another PB game unless you buy a new computer ;D
so far I have only found 1 server I am banned on.
I hope it stays that way. Would Activision deactivate a key and give you a new one?

WhiteGuardian that is what my friend was talking about I guess. As soon as I said guid ban he told me that I could not play ANY of the pb games I have installed and that no future games would work either.

OF course that would be hardware and since its not on my system the other guy would cost me COD4 but not my other or future games....is this correct ?

WTF so IF I was cheating in cod4 it would ban me on bf2 and AA as well. I never knew that.
I was kinda pissed about this...now I have more stuff to worry about. of course I could picture someone who goes out and buys a game and installs and it says BAN. DAMN I want my money back...oh f u consumer.