air cooling.. tsunami or.. super lanboy


Limp Gawd
Jun 29, 2004
im debating between these two cases.. i just want something that is gona keep my system cool.. which of the 2 systems do u think has the best air cooling setup? stock fans aside.. say if u put your preffered brand of fans in the case.. which would u use, and why?
From experience i can tell you the tsunami is a neat case. I had a black one with a window and it was extremely light and cooled pretty well. Its not the quietest case but that can be up to you on the fan choices. Also it is not the biggest case, it gets cramped to work in and some power supplies do not fit well in it. But other than that it was a great case when i had it. I later updated to my case that i have now which is a stacker made by coolermaster. Its like a tank compared to the tsunami but its also a beast to move around. I hope that is somewhat useful to you.
they both have a very similiar chassis but the tsunami has more room in it and altho the front panel might be a bit restrictive, the tsunami's harddrive cage is not as restrictive as the super lanboy's......if it was my decision, id go with the super lanboy ;)
The tsunami and super lanboy are a tossup for overall airflow through the front. The lanboy has a more restricted airflow through the hdd cage and the tsunami could use a couple more front vent holes. The windowed tsunami does have a side-panel fan blowing on the cpu area which could be a win for it on airflow.

The tsunami is definitely the better looking case of the two and does provide more bays.

The only big issue i've run into with the tsunami is if you are going to be using a longer video card like the 7800GTX it will prevent you from using one hdd bay (two with sli) as the drives stick out further , this will only be a problem if you want to use more than 4 hard drives.
Im loving my Lanboy, its small, light and handy to carry around to lans ect. The front fan cools the the hardrives like nothing iv seen, mine dont go above 30C but then my house is cold :). I am watercooling the cpu so no really an issue there.
The tsunami is BIG, to big for me and my few components. I dont see the point in buying a huge case if you have 2 hdd's and a Dvd rom, wats the point?
I have had the tsunami, and to put it blunt it was the worst case i have ever used, so IMO do go with the SLanBoy
Endurance Man said:
Im loving my Lanboy, its small, light and handy to carry around to lans ect. The front fan cools the the hardrives like nothing iv seen, mine dont go above 30C but then my house is cold :). I am watercooling the cpu so no really an issue there.
The tsunami is BIG, to big for me and my few components. I dont see the point in buying a huge case if you have 2 hdd's and a Dvd rom, wats the point?

It isn't that big...I actually think of it as on the smaller side when compared to the mid to high end Lian-Li cases.

It is, however, rather wide. This is what makes it seen so large. It really isn't that long, and the placement of the harddrive cage makes it a bit cramped inside.

But hey, if you only have a few components, then it isn't a big deal :).