

Oct 25, 2003
One thing that I occasionally wonder about but have never really taken the time to ask/figure out, until now, concerns network data usage. Say you were using Netflix on an iPhone and you airplay that to an AppleTV connected display. Does the network then have double the traffic because it is transmitting the packets to your phone and then sending it from your phone to the tv? Or is there some kind of way that it reroutes it straight to the tv so that the network takes less of a hit?
I believe it interprets where that data is originally coming from and goes to that source. So if you are air playing a video recorded on phones camera, yes that will come from the phone and it takes a while to buffer that. But if its out on the web somewhere or on local network and the Apple TV can interpret it, it will grab it itself.

There were some shows I used to watch on Amazon Prime by using Airplay and I could turn off my phone (well screen off) and the battery would not get sucked down despite watching an hour long show.

Similarly you can browse your iTunes server on your phone through the Remote App and the Apple TV will play it directly from the iTunes server.