Airport Extreme and 3rd party WDS issue


Apr 15, 2006
Back story:
I live in a largish old house made of stone/concrete, so a wireless signal from one end of the house (conveniently, where my cable comes in) has no chance of reaching the other end of the house reliably. For the past couple of years, I've been using Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 access points with pretty good results, 3 of them spread across my house in WDS mode (acting as a repeater and access point at the same time).

But of course, all good things come to an end and I recently picked up 2 Airport Extreme Base Stations for that draft-N goodness. My Buffalo setup is still going strong, but I wanted to be able to stream HD movies from my server (located in one part of my house) to my home theater room.

Now, before I get the fanboy hate or whatever, bear with me - I know the D-Links and Linksyses of the world are better, more robust, more flexible than the AEBS, but I went with the Apple products because they were the only models I could find that offered WDS in draft-n. Besides the Buffalo draft-n models of course, but I've read some bad things about those. So here I am.

Basic setup went swimmingly, connecting one AEBS to the next via WDS. Most of the computers and laptops in my house are back online, with the exception of some legacy equipment which for some reason or other needs to run either wired or wireless-b. From random googling it seemed that Buffalo and Apple products play nice with each other when WDS was concerned, and the guy at the Apple store I talked to seemed to confirm this. I am technically supposed to be able to connect my Buffalo AP to the AEBS via WDS.

Except, of course, I can't. I followed the steps Buffalo provides to configure the WHR-HP-G54, supplying the MAC address of the AEBS. Except that the two can't see each other. AirPort Utility is no help, because there is no option to add other WDS MAC addresses other than other AEBSes.

Which, finally, brings me to my problem. Anyone come across this issue (connecting AEBS to other APs via WDS) and know a workaround? If worst comes to worst I will just put one of my old APs connected via lan cable next to the main AEBS and have two separate networks in my house, but that just seems so.. unelegant.

(1) AEBS
(2) 3rd party WDS router (Buffalo WHR-HP-G54)
(3) Connect them together, but how?
(4) Profit.
To begin with, I'd put the Tomato firmware on your Buffalo router. I have the same one, and since putting Tomato on it, the router has never gone down in a year. Completely solid. I believe the Tomato firmware has easier options for setting up a WDS