AIW 9700 component video dongle


Nov 5, 2002
Anyone have any experience with it? I bought a barebones AIW 9700 without it and I have the dongle on its way from ATI right now. I am going to be plugging it into a regular TV w/ component video. How well has it worked for you, HDTV or regular analog?

Also, has anyone used the VGA to HDTV adapter with this card? How did that work out?

Since the dongle that comes with the AIW 9700 is an odd part that only came with it and the AIW 9800 (non-pro versions) I am trying to find specific mention of it. It is a cable dongle, not the VGA or DVI to HDTV adapters that dont come with any card but have to be bought seperately.

I've looked through many of the HTPCnews guides but havent seen mention of it. Maybe I have overlooked one but I figured I would put the question out there to see if anyone here has used or knows a review of that specific part. I am curious to know if it performs better/worse or the same as the adapter.
It's this cable right? The X800 VIVO uses a similar cable but I haven't heard may comments on it, give it a try when you get it but you'll still probably have to go the same route for it as the ATi adapter (eg: using Powerstrip and all).
Yep, thats the one.

I will definitely be buying Powerstrip when I get the dongle in. It seems to be THE all around tool for messing with resolutions.
Powerstrip has a rather steep learning curve, many get very frustrated with it so be prepared. Read as many guides as possible and check out threads over at AVSForum too.