Ajit Pai of the FCC Responds to Mean Tweets


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
File this one under "How not to PR." I am not sure what this is supposed to accomplish, but I doubt this will do anything to pull folks over to Aji Pai's (of the Federal Communications Commission), way of thinking about Net Neutrality.

Check out the video.
Publicly appointed individuals should probably refrain from insulting the people they're supposed to represent.........

Sure, some of the shit that was tweeted at him was racist, but the guy's a dick and he is definitely going to make the internet worse.

Won't be long before we start seeing ISP funded streaming service that are excluded from your bandwidth cap, which will at best, put every single provider that isn't affiliated with an enormous disadvantage, and at worse fracture the market even worse than it already is...

The whole place is going to turn into a protection racket with ISPs playing the role of Don Corleone......
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LOL! Actually enjoyed that, I thought he was good. But this has nothing to do with net neutrality.
It's just a way to try and deflect the 99% of legitimate criticisms and questions people have about their stance on net neutrality. Instead of insulting the people you're representing, how about instead trying to rebut said criticisms?

I know, I know. We plebeians must bend the knee to authority. Or bend over and take it up the ass like good citizens.
I have to say I actually found the video funny even though net neutrality talk always makes me think of this distopian meme:

Wow, sad times, and since most people are so uneducated on the subject, they are going to respond well to this person.
have not watched it yet, but I would love it if he responded to the Tweets like Amy and Samy Bouzaglo responded Tweets against them
Still amazes me how this is still allowed to happen :banghead:

It use to be illegal, just as we made it illegal for news networks to purposely lie on air. Now they get to manipulate people to suit corporate/personal agendas such as lying to people on how great it's going to be by getting rid of net neutrality with "free market" mechanics involved... government deregulation under Regan made both legal and unchecked again and created today's America.
Where were some of you complaining when the media monopoly used to be ABC, CBS, and NBC and they were a trifecta of propaganda with no competition or opposition voices? Oh wait, some of you weren't even born yet. You may not like the landscape because it's all corporate and shit, but this is what happens when a very vocal minority seeks to inure their brand of co-opting the language into a sanitized, offense free linguistic shit-stew for the feelz and then asks the government to fix it. You made this shit-sandwich and you're just the meat in the middle.
Oh wait, some of you weren't even born yet.
You made this shit-sandwich and you're just the meat in the middle.

I don't understand how both of those things can apply to the same person and both be true.

Who is the 'You' In this sentence? The people not yet born?

but this is what happens when a very vocal minority seeks to inure their brand of co-opting the language into a sanitized, offense free linguistic shit-stew for the feelz and then asks the government to fix it. You made this shit-sandwich and you're just the meat in the middle.

I think you are confusing two topics.
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Good job Ajit on avoiding the real issues and concerns and making a wincingly awful video of you addressing (using the term loosely) idiot trolls. Ergo, everyone who is against your plan is on this plane.

I keep thinking of the quote from Aliens ... "Did IQs drop sharply while I was away?"
It's just a way to try and deflect the 99% of legitimate criticisms and questions people have about their stance on net neutrality. Instead of insulting the people you're representing, how about instead trying to rebut said criticisms?

I know, I know. We plebeians must bend the knee to authority. Or bend over and take it up the ass like good citizens.

Or the fact the FCC posting got over 1.6mil public responses. Oddly, the ones against net neutrality seem to be from a bot (They were like copy/pasta so Verge/Wired tracked down the names and they claimed they never posted it).
Well President Joffrey apopointed this disingenuous Big Telecom puppet; and as the former's days seem to be numbered after today's developments, hopefully so too will Mr. Pai's.
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Still amazes me how this is still allowed to happen :banghead:
Who else is better to head the organization that regulates an industry than someone with experience from said industry who has no bias or conflict of interest at all?
This is just a PR piece to try and convince the young crowd that this guy gets twitter and reads his comments, making him in touch with modern forms of communication. It however is really fluffy with no substance though, almost like a bad joke.
Otherwise i'm not really sure what net neutrality will give us that we don't currently have now.
Who else is better to head the organization that regulates an industry than someone with experience from said industry who has no bias or conflict of interest at all?
In all fairness, Tom Wheeler's appointment started with similar outcry. The difference is, Tom Wheeler is not a giant douche. For the most part, Wheeler did the right things. This douche bag however, I have zero hopes.
So he admits to be a liar in the video, also admits to hating America, and is for Net Neutrality? I stopped watching when he admitted to hating America. This guy is a douche bag and is not helping anything. Also not sure why people like his video or support him in any way.
So he admits to be a liar in the video, also admits to hating America, and is for Net Neutrality? I stopped watching when he admitted to hating America. This guy is a douche bag and is not helping anything. Also not sure why people like his video or support him in any way.

LOL. The guy doesn't hate America. He's just doing what he thinks is right by allowing ISP's to control what happens on their own lines. Property rights is also very American. I strongly disagree with the idea that an ISP should be allowed to pick favorites, throttle bandwidth, or charge/block entire domains. You can see the meme I posted above. That being said, I'm also able to see the other side.
I know we're all suppose to virtue signal our love for Net Neutrality, but the legislation that got passed, point to one actual thing that was different? For example, one city that could get Netflix after that couldn't get it before? I don't recall ever getting an answer to this question of hard results. If the NN legislation of 2 years ago was a bunch of rules that sounded good but did nothing, we're better off without them.
In all fairness, Tom Wheeler's appointment started with similar outcry. The difference is, Tom Wheeler is not a giant douche. For the most part, Wheeler did the right things. This douche bag however, I have zero hopes.

The outcry was because he previously worked for the telecoms, so everyone assumed he was going to be a corporate shill (myself included). But I don't recall him ever coming out against NN, before or after being appointed, and ended up being the exact opposite of what everyone feared.

The current twat is truly a corporate shill and has only pushed for killing NN and deregulating those poor ISPs that can't fuck us to make even more money....