Alan Wake demo at the IDF

this is probably a system with quad core CPU and quad core GPU... although possible right now, and affordable to boot, it would not let the gaming industry milk us of our money for a decade before this was available like they want to... oh, the woes of capitalism...
holy shit

I'm about to spend $450 on a video card and I know it won't even be able to play this game.

Could this demo be in DX9 or is it all DX10. I know no one knows for sure but an educated guess would be nice.

According to anandtech, the game was running on a quad core duo2 clocked at 3.73GHz and a SINGLE 7900GTX.
The Red said:
this is probably a system with quad core CPU and quad core GPU... although possible right now, and affordable to boot, it would not let the gaming industry milk us of our money for a decade before this was available like they want to... oh, the woes of capitalism...

1 7900 GTX, Quad Core CPU overclocked at 3.73 GHz

We've had a discussion going on over here -

Anandtech also has good info on the game -

Surprisingly enough, Markus indicated that Alan Wake would pretty much not run on any single core processors, although it may be possible to run on single-core Pentium 4 processors with Hyper Threading enabled, with noticably reduced image quality/experience.

The game will actually spawn five independent threads: one for rendering, audio, streaming, physics and terrain tessellation.

No In-Game load screens, yay!
deanx0r said:
According to anandtech, the game was running on a quad core duo2 clocked at 3.73GHz and a SINGLE 7900GTX.
Yeah but Intel indicated it would run just as well on a 2.66ghz quad core cpu. I wonder what the performance difference will be on a highly clocked (>3.0) dual core cpu.

Pretty impressive that was on a single video card, I bet the res was moderately low, with little/no aa and etc.
I would rather sacrifice AA/AF over smooth gameplay like shown in the video.
WHY does it have to be third person, I HATE third person. Just Cause is an awesome game but I can't stand playing it because its in third person...

Anyways, the graphics speak for themselves, I don't need to be the hundredth person to say its amazing lol.
Newsboys2004 said:
Will this look anywhere as good on a overclocked core 2 duo with a directx 10 card?
Yes it will look good with a dx10 card, but how is anybody supposed to know how it will perform on a dual core cpu at this point?

Weren't you banned?
Who needs Ageia's PhysX add-on crap????
All future games will most likely be multithreaded anyway, so spare yourself $300 on add-on card and just save the $$$ for a Quad Core CPU in 2007. The only add-on card that was widely supported and accepted to date was made by 3dfx and the support was matter of games supporting OpenGL, an industry standard, not some small-time specialty code (Ageia in this case).
My $0.02

The only thing in that video that was really impressive was the fully dynamic shadows, FOR ONCE WE HAVE AWSOME SHADOWS YAY
If that game is any good this might be the reason to grab a multi core cpu...

Screw dual core, im jumping right to quad core. :cool:'s nice and all...don't get me wrong. But the problem with a lot of games lately isn't the's the GAMEPLAY. I'm all for the eye candy as long is it's not the only thing in the game, otherwise you end up with a beautiful Deer Hunter game. :eek:

holy shit.. that looks amazing... I mean, I am impressed.. that environment looks just kick ass! I could have hours of fun just flying around like that and checking it all out. heh!

cool to see they're coding it to take advantage of quad core tech... finally.. no need to have a barn burning video sub-system (SLI or CF) to play a game with all the eye candy on.. very smart to have each core work on a seperate task (audio, physics, terrain, etc..).. very cool indeed.
this reminds me of that fire/explosion demo. (of a small gas station) i dont even remember what it was for...
Indeed, but the nice part about technological power is that it frees up different kinds of gameplay. Things like physics and locational damage doesn't work well on sprites.

Something I'd like to play is a Hulk-sim. Have a variety of smooth attacks, as well as a couple of grab interactions. Then throw in a thoroughly breakable environment. Then allow for jumping over several city blocks at a time without lagging. Smack around tanks and infantry with ragdoll (and FRICTION please, no more sliding over gravel like it's smooth marble). Crash through armies, scattering dozens and dozens of enemies simultaneously, rather than a slow trickle of twos and threes.

These all have significant technological limitations that are getting closer to becoming possible, making this kind of gameplay possible.

This trailer is getting me more excited about the future improvements to games rather than Alan Wake itself. The trailer didn't say much at all about the actual game:( Those huge beautiful vistas are kinda wasted when plodding around on foot hanging over the character's shoulder.
They mentioned that the game run under Vista.

I'll be curious how much DX10 contribute to those graphics alone. In term of visual effects and performance.
Wow, I really hope stuff like that can run on a regular Core2Duo (with maybe a cheap physics card added to act as a third core).

One quad core + GPU... maybe you'll get the same performance with one dual core + GPU + PPU + Sound card... *hopes so*