Alan Wake poor sales hahaha

suckage allround. I'm angry because I dont get to play the product (read: give the producer my money), the producer isn't happy because (even if MS's cheque was big) he didnt get the market penetration he wanted for his brand-new (expensive) IP. and Microsofts not happy because their exclusive isn't a hit.

This is what exclusive titles do: they break the market and hurt the industry. Even if microsofts check was worth more than the money the producer would've made off PC sales, it still hurts the developer not to have that added fan base.

Infact going exclusive with an original IP is amazingly retarded. Microsoft doesn't get any switchers because, to be frank, nobody cares about Alan Wake (yet). This seems to me to just be bad business; if the games a hit there's going to be a sequal. Microsoft and Sony need to farm developers like Manchester farms football players, If you see a developer whos a winner, sign them to an exclusive that states that Alan Wake 2 is 360 (or PS3) only, and prop them up in their development of the current game.

But as Jeff Gurstmann said, in the games industry the only thing anybody seems to do is think quarter to quarter. Its a real shame.

As I said, I'd happily buy that product, if I could.
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Maybe it'll pick up in sales if we go into summer doldrums and gamers start looking at the backlog.

Yeah, this should probably have been on PS3 and PC too. PC because it ought to be "an easy port" (hey, that's what microsoft says) and PS3 because that's the other half of the market right there. Could this have done well in japan? Too much like a shooter?

Wonder if there's a "Exclusivity void if sales < N" term in these kinds of contracts...

I'd get it for the PS3 or PC (depending on port quality)
This game just didn't look interesting to me. I buy games from time to time at the spur of the moment. Alan Wake looks like a non sput of the moment game. I am sure others who feel the same way as I do are in big numbers.

Just picked up Red Dead Redemption today for the Xbox after seeing a lot of reviews and videos, I haven't even had a chance to play it yet!
Maybe it'll pick up in sales if we go into summer doldrums and gamers start looking at the backlog.

Yeah, this should probably have been on PS3 and PC too. PC because it ought to be "an easy port" (hey, that's what microsoft says) and PS3 because that's the other half of the market right there. Could this have done well in japan? Too much like a shooter?

Wonder if there's a "Exclusivity void if sales < N" term in these kinds of contracts...

I'd get it for the PS3 or PC (depending on port quality)

Microsoft published and funded the game, there was never any chance of it going to the PS3. And I really don't think it would help that much anyway. People stopped caring about the game years ago. Neither Remedy or MS did a good job keeping it in gamers minds or drumming up a lot of interest in it close to release.
I'll be interested when it goes on sale. Spending full retail price on single player game, where most have the tendancy to drop to <39.99 within 4 weeks, gets pretty costly over time.
Economy sucks and everyone is budgetting. The only release day purchase for me in the last 4 months was RDR. This was due to the 25GC at Toy's R Us, I already had to buy something else there, and it had multiplayer.

Edit: Also note the numbers they had were only a few days after the European Release (which was before US). Not to say it shouldn't have done better, but this is far from the monthly combined total.
"However, the game has only been released for a few days in Europe at the time the figures have been calculated, so hopefully once the the game has been available in all territories the picture will improve"
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Read the story online. Seemed like the game. No p.c. version =/= buy.
I don't have a problem with this game being 360 only. I'm surprised as hell it's not a hit seller though. It would explain why it's only $50 less than a week after shipping!

I hope it comes to PC now.
They picked a bad week to release the game IMO. Trying to go head to head with a game like RDR was not a good plan by the marketing people.
They picked a bad week to release the game IMO. Trying to go head to head with a game like RDR was not a good plan by the marketing people.
I don't think anybody see's RDR as a 'huge' game to go up against. Sure, you can say that now, after it's shipped, but before it shipped it wasn't going to be 'huge'. It's not like Halo 3 or GoW or something. Anyways, an exclusive game that everyone though was going to be a huge success you would think wouldn't have problems, regardless of when it hits.
Yeah, Is Allan Awake just lost appeal to me over time, didn't really get it but may check it out the PC. Really, there's so much shit to play no one game is that make a break for me.
After seeing the screenshots they released before, playing on the 360 is a disappointment to me.
Hmm, I was going to add this to the list of games to give me a reason to buy a 360 finally. I have not been able to play a single exclusive for 360 yet or any console only game.
I don't think anybody see's RDR as a 'huge' game to go up against. Sure, you can say that now, after it's shipped, but before it shipped it wasn't going to be 'huge'. It's not like Halo 3 or GoW or something. Anyways, an exclusive game that everyone though was going to be a huge success you would think wouldn't have problems, regardless of when it hits.

pretty positive RDR was expected to be THE heavy hitter of early summer.
I picked up Alan Wake and RDR and so far, RDR has been on constant play. I probably won't even boot up Wake again for a few weeks. That pretty much says it for me. I am amazed that in the long development cycle they didn't bother to update the FMVs considering they look like they were created at the start of the cycle. What else could justify the lock lipped facial animations?

RDR despite being an update the GTA 4 game play feels fresh and new despite the similarity of the game mechanics.:D
I heard it was a great game... but it was released the same day as red dead, and it's 360 exclusive.
Sounds like that's the formula for fail.
I think it's a bit early to count it out. If it's good, and people say it is,it'll sell. Of course, it's a matter of expectations, but no one expected it to sell xboxes, right?
I don't think anybody see's RDR as a 'huge' game to go up against. Sure, you can say that now, after it's shipped, but before it shipped it wasn't going to be 'huge'. It's not like Halo 3 or GoW or something. Anyways, an exclusive game that everyone though was going to be a huge success you would think wouldn't have problems, regardless of when it hits.

I disagree. Pretty much everyone was looking forward to RDR. The previous Red Dead game was quite fun, and CoJ really piqued alot of interest in a great wild west game. Rockstar makes some excellent games so the community, reviewers, and press was all over how it was going to do and was considered to be the game to beat this summer by pretty much everyone.
I heard it was a great game... but it was released the same day as red dead, and it's 360 exclusive.
Sounds like that's the formula for fail.

It went from a PC sandbox game to a linear console game. I hear it's fairly short, with no multiplayer, and not particularly challenging. I'd still like to play it on a new PC but if it's a year late, it should be half price, $30.
It's because it was released right next to Red Dead Redemption. Microsoft is just pissed the PlayStation 3 is kicking out a shit ton of AAA games.
MS can suck a big fat DIACK.
Tried to pull another Halo, taking the game away from PC gamers.
Suck it hard. Justice served.
Its just being over shadowed by RDR atm. Once that games hype dies down people will get back to AW. And lawl at all the people bashing AW. I bet 90% of you haven't even played it.
MS can suck a big fat DIACK.
Tried to pull another Halo, taking the game away from PC gamers.
Suck it hard. Justice served.

So you'd rather have the game take longer and possibly end up in bad shape due to a very small studio like Remedy having to focus on two platforms at once?
So you'd rather have the game take longer and possibly end up in bad shape due to a very small studio like Remedy having to focus on two platforms at once?

Thats actually what did happen to AW.

Originally a PC only game
M$ gets publishing rights
Development begins/moves to 360 copy.
Features are removed that were planed.
5 years later we get this.

Think that's why he compared it to Halo.
That's because everyone is buying Red Dead Redemption and today everyone picked up Super Mario Galaxy 2.

Microsoft picked a hell of a time to sell Alan Wake. Shame because the two hours I played were pretty cool, but not as cool as RDR or SMG2. :)
I don't think anybody see's RDR as a 'huge' game to go up against. Sure, you can say that now, after it's shipped, but before it shipped it wasn't going to be 'huge'. It's not like Halo 3 or GoW or something. Anyways, an exclusive game that everyone though was going to be a huge success you would think wouldn't have problems, regardless of when it hits.

I dunno dude, the hype over the last few months was gigantic, and the multiplayer video they released a few weeks ago put it over the top. Its all my friends and people on the Shack forums would talk about.
For all the hype they have given Alan wake over the years they did a pretty shitty job advertising its release.

I will admit i caved and bought it for 360 and am liking it so far.
on thinking about it I realized one of the issues may have to do with the global xbox bans. What was it, 50k or 500k systems? I'd imagine that those people no longer have any incentive to purchase what will be crippled games. so instead they probably become pirate boxes. I wonder how the bans affect xbox sales.
And now people was laughing at me about how legit eurogamer's review was .. You do know that 9/10 eurogamer gets its review scores spot on.

Why are you lot surprised it diddnt do well? it offered nothing new or refreshing. Very linear and graphics dumbed down from the tech demo's we saw running on a core 2 quad.

Quick question to those who played it, does it have that dynamic tornado scene that blew away a building?
And now people was laughing at me about how legit eurogamer's review was .. You do know that 9/10 eurogamer gets its review scores spot on.

Why are you lot surprised it diddnt do well? it offered nothing new or refreshing. Very linear and graphics dumbed down from the tech demo's we saw running on a core 2 quad.

Quick question to those who played it, does it have that dynamic tornado scene that blew away a building?

You cant have a psychological horror/thriller that is not linear. If you dont have that feeling of being pushed in a direction with no choice it loses that aspect almost entirely.

Cant say about the tornado or whether this game will be any good as im not that far in it yet but knocking this game because its linear dont make much sense.
Thats actually what did happen to AW.

Originally a PC only game
M$ gets publishing rights
Development begins/moves to 360 copy.
Features are removed that were planed.
5 years later we get this.

Think that's why he compared it to Halo.

We have a winner!
You cant have a psychological horror/thriller that is not linear. If you dont have that feeling of being pushed in a direction with no choice it loses that aspect almost entirely.

Cant say about the tornado or whether this game will be any good as im not that far in it yet but knocking this game because its linear dont make much sense.

You can if done right. Are people soo stupid that they need the game to push them into a certain direction in order to complete/progress in the game?