Aliens: Colonal Marines is dead.

looked pretty damn generic to me. We haven't exactly lacked in space marines fighting aliens lo these many years.
Hopefully EA will offer up some money and save another game and game house from extinction. I was so looking forward to this game.
Hell, I'd take the old graphics with modern netcode.

AvP and AvP 2 (PC games) were rather awesome. Playing as the Aliens and Predator was...interesting. Refreshingly different - it honestly felt like completely different games.

But playing as the MARINES....well....HOLY FUCK. That was intense!
Update: Gearbox president Randy Pitchford has responded to the rumors in a comment post, saying that Aliens: Colonial Marines has not been cancelled.

"Aliens isn't canned," said Pitchford. "We've made some transformative changes and yes, that's meant some talent changes, but that's not the real story. The true relevance of the story will actually be irrelevant until we release our next game, at which time I hope there will be a lot of interest in what we've done that can produce such results."

Shacknews is following up with Mr. Pitchford to further clarify the status of the Aliens project.

Internet rumours FTW! :rolleyes:
Internet rumours FTW! :rolleyes:

AKA - Trying to C.Y.A. :rolleyes:

"Update 2: Pitchford has reiterated to Shacknews that production on Aliens is still ongoing, though he did not go into further detail on the status of the project, only stating that to say it has "halted" is an "inaccurate characterization."
Noooooooooooooooooo, this is what I was looking forward to the most. WHY???

I was hoping the co-op would have been Left 4 Dead in space, recreating the atmosphere of Aliens and also allowing more players than 4.
Man I was looking forward to this game more than any other in the coming year I really hope they dont totally axe it. I was hoping for some sort of coop experience. Love the art direction they were going with especially, sure looks like the artists were doing their jobs at least.
Hell, I'd take the old graphics with modern netcode.

works great over a LAN. You just have to set it to "T1" or something fast in the options. If you leave it at the default setting of 56K, it will stutter. I haven't ever played it online, but I bet it would fix some of the problems.
The game isn't dead people read defiant's quote, "the game has not been cancelled" :)
works great over a LAN. You just have to set it to "T1" or something fast in the options. If you leave it at the default setting of 56K, it will stutter. I haven't ever played it online, but I bet it would fix some of the problems.

If you've never played it online, then you have no idea what you (or I) am talking about. It's not "stutter" and no ingame setting will help.
AVP2's multiplayer wrapped in modern graphics would have been HAWT.


I loved AVP

Minigun Marine was my favorite... there was one awesome level I think it was called core or hive or something like that. Really tiny, most of it was real bright with a real dark alien section in the center. Could run from one side of the map to the other in like 15-20 seconds. It was awesome.
It would suck if they cancelled this game. I am/was really looking forward to this one.
Cancelling this game would be the biggest injustice, it would also be equally upsetting.
Hopefully EA will offer up some money and save another game and game house from extinction. I was so looking forward to this game.

Yeah, right.....EA....offer up a game.......are you FREAKIN kidding me...
Yeah, right.....EA....offer up a game.......are you FREAKIN kidding me...

Oh, so EA hasn't bought out a game house recently? Do you think that any of those game houses would have sold if they didn't have to?