Alienware Case Clone

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Spare-Flair said:
Gross! That, the Alienware cases, and the X-Spider are all crap. Why do designers churcn out garbage like this? I could do a better job.

Even the Hotwheels case is better than these.

They churn out crap like that cause that's what they think we like. Unfortunately a lot of people do like it outside this community. Ever notice how 5 years ago, cases coming with windows and lights was unheard of? and if you had some blowholes, a window and some lights, your case was pretty sweet. Now, if you walk through Frys, you see 1 maybe 2 cases without windows and to have a sweet mod, you need a bit more than that. I'm sure in another few years we'll be seeing the type of stuff we're doing right now....just my $0.02
I also hate all those "tribal" patterns they put on ugly cars, clothes, tatoos, and Voodoo Computers.
Spare-Flair said:
I also hate all those "tribal" patterns they put on ugly cars, clothes, tatoos, and Voodoo Computers.
Hey, those voodoo cases with the designs are kinda cool. I really like the new fanless one built on the Zalman TNN500A.
saturnine2 said:
Hey, those voodoo cases with the designs are kinda cool. I really like the new fanless one built on the Zalman TNN500A.
Atleast they look better then Alienware, I don't really like the look or the build quality of the TNN cases.
lets keep this thread on topic... make fun of the fugly case...

is it just me or does the thing on the front door look liek some sort of strange goth dildo? :eek:
FLECOM said:
is it just me or does the thing on the front door look liek some sort of strange goth dildo? :eek:

I think its a gothic "gamming" dildo. But wait, there's more: The LED fan in the front will "Light up the Samurai's Eyes!!!!" I think that may actually be better than headlights on a case. This case has invaded my dreams. Last night I woke up in a cold sweat, visions of a drunken plastic samurai case with arms and glowing eyes chasing me with a bloody hatchet while screaming "BEST FOR GAMMING!!!" at me.

Seriously, though, I love how they have taken one of their $35 cases, fastened some cheap plastic molding to it and then sell it for $149. I am in the wrong business.
frontierpc is now selling this bastard Alieware offspring for $195!!! That's right folks, you too can own an ugly, steel and plastic case for the low, low price of only $195!!!
OMG hi2u! that case makes that diabolic POS actually look good.


that is hands down the UGLIEST case my eyes have ever seen

lets put it this way, my first mod looked 10 times better than that, and it was covered in flaxing spray paint, felt and caution tape....
Wihln said:
Lets organize some kind of group.

We'll name it "A.G.H.E.D.A.C" - All Geeks Hate Every Damn Alienware Case. Lets run up to the eviL Alienware HQ and throw stones at it. After that we raid their hq, capture their evil leader and we all scream "THY SOUL SHALL BURN IN THE ETERNAL FLAMES OF HELL!"... then we leave and start discussing the future of StarWars.

Working at a library is so boring...

 ..................assholes.............................COPIED.................. MY ................................IDEA!!! :mad: :mad:

[/hulk ] ME SMASH ALIENWARE[/hulk]
twyztyr said:
And to go with that piece of shit, these
Seriously, what the hell are they thinking?

That's fucl<ing hilarious. I forgot about those craptacular speaker nuggets. Can you imagine, there's some hopeless retard out there thinking, "Thank God, now I can buy a case to match these AWESOME speakers I have. Sometimes I make in my pants, YAY!!!"
hey, you could save money, and just buy the speaker set and build an MATX system into the subwoofer! and then you also get two puny underpowered satalite speakers to use on your new computer!

i may have to do that now... but not really. i'd get a good looking sub box to put it in.
DRJ1014 said:

LOL it looks like the front of a car has head lights and everything... i know its not the same case but o well its still funny. it looks better than that peice of junk.

u know i actually thought of buying that case, in black taking out the LED's in front, getting rid of that x-infinity and bondo/paint over the 'headlights". to make the case look liek a volcano would hav been cool but instead i decided to go for the 64 bit shit.
The RaidMax Samurai 908 is a horrible horrible knock off of alienware it is ugly and i wouldnt take one if you paid me to (acutally i would take the money and throw the case out)
allrightie boys, you had your fun :)
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