Alienware case

I hate to rain on your parade but I agree with Omerta, that styling will get old quick. Just looking at it I would guess it's just a thin steel case inside with not much merit. There's much, much better to be had for that kind of money.
Aliencrap makes Thermaltrash look like quality maker.
Wouldn't touch with barge-pole except to hit it farther away.
I was at MC last week. Most of that case is plastic. I am sorry but I would not use that thing if I got it for free.

Listen to Omerta.
if you put an Alienware case in a pc store along with other Lian Li , Silverstone, Antec, Coolermaster case's. i'm sure everyone would be touching the Alienware case with a wow look on thier face. it's not wrong if you felt the same, I still do :)

but at any tech enthusiasts forum you'll notice it doesn't have a good reputation, they tend to like quality case's with good materials and clean look. crap = adding steel, plastic, lights and an alien look to the case.
That's not always true.. some mods and cases that get the most revelry are actually all plastic bling bling type of cases.. Case in point: DarthBeavis . Most everyone respects Beavis' work even if it's not their taste and they wouldn't piss and moan about how "crappy" it is because it's pretty much all LEDs and plastic.

Besides.. I feel a lot of people on here act like a group of elitist. I personally would rather go caseless than have a damned Lian-Li. They are not "sleek" or "clean".. they are slabs of painted aluminum cut into case sized dimensions. They are beyond boring and are actually annoying to look at. Not to mention the premium that comes with them.
I think people like lian li because it is high quality, not because they are elitist. It is just your OPINION that you think it is not sleek or clean and are "beyond boring and are actually annoying to look at". Well thats fantastic bro, really, but no one here is forcing you to buy it.

@OP, I agree with the rest, ugly case, ugly price, buy something nicer with your money.
It looks like a frakkin ceylon.

That said, I think what looks good is up to the individual. It does seem overpriced for a mostly plastic case, but I can't find any stats or pictures of inside the case, so maybe there's something I am missing. Get what makes you happy.
I used on of those cases back in the day a few years ago. Not worth the money. It would be worth maybe 40-50 bucks but not 150+. Omerta is right!

Alienware and their cases have an appeal to a certain market just like Lian Li appeals to another group. If you like it, go for it.

People need not hate on it just because they don't agree with their business model or with their designs.
Besides.. I feel a lot of people on here act like a group of elitist. I personally would rather go caseless than have a damned Lian-Li. They are not "sleek" or "clean".. they are slabs of painted aluminum cut into case sized dimensions. They are beyond boring and are actually annoying to look at. Not to mention the premium that comes with them.

yes these are very boring


That's not always true.. some mods and cases that get the most revelry are actually all plastic bling bling type of cases.. Case in point: DarthBeavis . Most everyone respects Beavis' work even if it's not their taste and they wouldn't piss and moan about how "crappy" it is because it's pretty much all LEDs and plastic.

Besides.. I feel a lot of people on here act like a group of elitist. I personally would rather go caseless than have a damned Lian-Li. They are not "sleek" or "clean".. they are slabs of painted aluminum cut into case sized dimensions. They are beyond boring and are actually annoying to look at. Not to mention the premium that comes with them.

yes it's not always true, it's never true IMHO. when I said "crap= ...etc" i was explaining for the OP the responses he might get when asking about an Alienware case. eventually it's just a case, if it matches you'r taste, budget, room color and can hold your pc parts get it.

but to be honest I was just telling a friend on steam that LianLi PC-A05B is the ultimate case evaaarr :D unfortunately not so torrent friendly (don't take a lot of HDD's :D)

@Omerta: and this
yes these are very boring



Actually I gave a yawn for the first one.. but I'll admit the second isn't all too boring. However you're more or less pointing out the exception and not the rule.. in general Li-Li's are just slabs of aluminum with nothing that stands out about them.
Actually I gave a yawn for the first one.. but I'll admit the second isn't all too boring. However you're more or less pointing out the exception and not the rule.. in general Li-Li's are just slabs of aluminum with nothing that stands out about them.

OK, big guy - we're all entitled to our opinions. Why don't you point out a couple of cases that you think are totally HAWT and we'll crap on them for you???
Actually I gave a yawn for the first one.. but I'll admit the second isn't all too boring. However you're more or less pointing out the exception and not the rule.. in general Li-Li's are just slabs of aluminum with nothing that stands out about them.

first one is anything but boring. I guess boring is pretty subjective. And what do you mean exceptions and not the rule? Lian Li has plenty of ricer cases now mixed in with their more elegant solutions...check out their site...but whatever
Lol pretty subjective discussion. OP go to a MC and check out the case for yourself. Its your cash. From the standpoint of features it seems that the alienware falls behind at that pricepoint. But we all define cool in our own way. To me that case is not cool.