Alienware m9750 super low fps


Jan 31, 2006
So heres the specs

M9750 laptop
2x 8700gt's in sli
4 gigs of ram
ssd c drive
vista 64bit
Core 2 duo T7200 2ghz

Now I play WoW mostly and normally my fps is fine but when I'm doing big raids like last night on heroic 25man anub when stuff gets going my fps drops really low like below 10fps not really even playable at times. Anyone got any ideas about this? I'm wondering if the settings in the Nvidia control panel are right so I'm gonna post a screen shot of it


force off the v-sync in the nvidia panel and see if it makes a difference.
Turn off vsync.

Update drivers.

See if GPUs aren't downclocking due to heat.

Core 2 duo T7200 2ghz holding SLI back.
How old is the laptop?

Check to see if there's a significant amount of dust buildup. If it's not too difficult, try to physically take apart as much as you need to in order to get a good look at the fan(s) and clean out any dust.

A lot of laptops build up dust over time. The laptop will then heat up and in response downclock itself to compensate for the heat.
Unfortunately not many. Merom (socket M) I believe only goes to 2.33 via the T7600 processor.
T7600G is the best he can get, those were at overclockable to 3.06 (I had one in my Dell 1710) but it was insanely hot.