Alienware's new case design!

yea i agree with above poster only thing changed is the front it looks like but i still wouldnt buy one.
Atilac said:
It's like the same thing, but on steroids.

Or not...

Eye of the beholder thing, I guess. It's still just a plastic shell that provides no additional functionality to the system. If a chassis shell is what floats your boat, then be my guest.
It still looks wayyy to similar to be called "new" to me. Maybe more of an upgrade per say... They need to redo the whole thing, and make it not so bling. But hey, i guess half the people that buy Alienware computers are in it for the "cool factor". To each his own I guess
DNA Doc said:
Or not...

Eye of the beholder thing, I guess. It's still just a plastic shell that provides no additional functionality to the system. If a chassis shell is what floats your boat, then be my guest.
lian-li floats my boat. not rejected plastic from happy meal toys
lian-li floats my boat. not rejected plastic from happy meal toys

hahahaha...werd. I'll take nice clean lines over bloated ABS plastic anyday. It does look better than it used to tho. In the end, it's still an alienware. :eek:
WOW I love big fat sweet plastic cases. Oh boy :rolleyes:

I would guess they are difficult to pick up/carry too? I've never been a fan of their desktop cases, dating back to the first time I saw them in person at BB.

Their new laptops.... those they got right. A guy at work a few cubes from me got one it's freaking huge, but pretty slick.

I always thought Alienwares look stupid. The shroud is just plastic over a case. And the case isn't even that great! It also makes the thing freaking heavy. I remember I read somewhere that it weighs 30lbs empty!

Also, Alienware doesn't make their own laptops. They just put them together and apply their paint job and charge you $$$$$ more for it. Go look at Sager laptops. Way cheaper and the parts are made by the same people: Clevo.
look at that 1799.99 model. It's overpriced.

and I don't see any differences with the case. 'cept it's overweight.
maverick777 said:
Also, Alienware doesn't make their own laptops. They just put them together and apply their paint job and charge you $$$$$ more for it. Go look at Sager laptops. Way cheaper and the parts are made by the same people: Clevo.

I doubt they'd get away from that theme/style of the case, I mean think about it that design has got them this far so why change what works? It fits in with their "image" i prolly wouldn't buy one if I had the money since I could build my own. BUT for those people who do have the money and don't wanna build their own they make good if not great computers (albeit with a high price tag)
they make those PCs to attract people that don't know nothing about PC hardware they see the sign GAMING PC and they go OMG its a super computer.
I agree with the poster above, the alienware look probably appeals to those consumers who aren't truly "in the know". Guys like us generally have a certain set of values when it comes to PCs and we rarely tend to deviate in tastes, thus the majority of us scoff at the Alienware case designs. I miss the good ol antec sx1030 days lol.
So they exagerrated the curves in the design and its a "new" case? :rolleyes:

I suppose their case style does make their systems look a little different but not in a good way seeing as its basicaly a ton of plastic slapped over a cheiftech case.
laptops look ok. the desktops look like something from 1955 (actually I'm thinking about the new XPS desktops). the alien eyes on the alienware laptops is cool.
You'd think with their attention to detail they'd do a better job of covering the bolt/retainers on the laptop bezel in that photo of the laptop above. I mean, geez, that's pretty distracting to me seeing so many little attachment/retainer spots.

I'm going to throw up again, when are they going to freakin change the case to all aluminum.
They look so cheap also, when they compare the cases with thier competitors they only look at height not the lenght (WHICH IS A FEAKIN 25 INCHES LONG ) Lets just say they could of managed to to shorten the case 5 inches, since the average case is about 17-20 inches in depth
The blue one looks amazingly sleek and sexy. I wish I could buy the case minus the Alienware badges all over it.
Not really my style, but the base model doesn't seem to be as overpriced as they have been in the past.

E6400, 1 gig of RAM, 7900gt, 2 x 250 gig drives, minus the included monitor is only $1760. You could probably do it yourself for cheaper, but at least that isn't so much more than other OEMs would charge for a similar system.

It seems the upgrades are where they really kill you. 1 gig of ram to 2 gigs is $250, they charge more for a Dell 3007fpw than Dell does themselves, $500 to upgrade from a 250 gig hard drive to a $500, $75 to upgrade it a lightscribe DVD burner from a regular DVD burner (desbite you can get a lightscribe drive on it's own for only $50), and etc.
One word for it, BOLLOCKS, I prefer the old predator case to that fat stumpy cousin of a thing.
I like the looks of it. To each his own, but if people hate this case, simply because it has a science fiction look, is that logical. I mean how many of us are role playing as an orc, or undead player, or shooting aliens in some fictional universe?
Dell has a real new case for the XPS (more new than this). Why would they let Alienware do something so stupid? Makign room for the XPS?