All the 360 Hatin' . . .


Limp Gawd
Feb 23, 2006
Every forum I go to whether its pc forums or 360 forums, there is always hatin' going back and forth. As gamers we should all coexist and support all aspects of gaming. I'm a proud 360 owner and there are reasons that the 360 is my gaming platform of choice right now. My resons are a little different than most:

1. I only have an 9700pro agp card and no PCI-E slots on my motherboard. Man, upgrades would cost a lot more than $400 to get a decent upgraded rig.

2. My wife is pregnant and my computer room is about to become my 2 year old's room as his room will now be the nursery. So . . . that means the pc is going into the bedroom . . . No gaming for the Logga when that happens. I can hear my wife now "why do you always have to be clickety clacking on that keyboard and talking to those nerds (though she knows Im one to the max). Go to bed!"

3. I have a 34" widescreen CRT HDTV and a 6.1 Sony surround with a 150w powered sub.

Looking at my options, I am being forced to bring my gaming addiction into the living room and rightly so seeing that Im already set up with the tv and sound, the $400 360 was an easy choice.

Point of this? Everyone has there reasons for going with their respective platform. PC will never be matched graphics wise, we all know this, but plenty of people enjoy having the comfort of their couch and the low cost of entry by going console. I still play GW and WoW on my PC and I wish I could have both, but alas, not in this season of my life . . .

Lets start spreadin some lovin' around here. We're all gamers and we can't get the needles out of our veins!!!!

thats the reason subforums were put in..

ppl will always prefer different things... and will always have ideas about them that clash.
Yeah, I don't see what the big deal with all the fighting is either, just play which you prefer.

I stick with consoles (PS2, 360, and Gamecube) for a lot of the reasons you do - for one, my computer is so woefully out of date that I couldn't play anything new anyway, for another, I'd rather game from my couch using a wireless controller on the 57" HDTV than do it hunched over my desk on a monitor, and finally, the games I generally like tend to be console games.

Then again, there have been some PC games that have hooked me, and that I pull out from time to time. Leisure Suit Larry Magna Cum Laude, Superpower and Superpower 2, Age of Might and Magic, all of them kept me hooked for a long time, and other than Larry, I couldn't really see them translating to consoles well.
ppl just cant stand when somebody else likes something and they think something else is better.. hehe.
I'm with you guys here. I'm always going to have a moderately powered PC for when a PC game that I want to play comes around, but I also have 4 consoles crammed into my one bedroom apartment, and I wouldn't give any of them up.

Let's keep this thread positive and not another "pc vs console" whinefest. I'm all for spreadin' the lovin', so long as you mop up when you're done :D
I think the "hate" stems from games being developed for consoles now over the PC. I prefer PC gaming and hate "consolized" games. Look at Oblivion for a good example. I'm glad it's a multi-platform game and thus has a broader appeal, but the interface on the PC is seriously screwed because of this. Installing mods that partially fix this are pretty much a necessity for PC users.

Personally, I could care less who plays on what platform, to each their own. However, when preference for one platform or another causes me problems on my chosen platform, that's when I have an issue.
wtburnette said:
I think the "hate" stems from games being developed for consoles now over the PC. I prefer PC gaming and hate "consolized" games. Look at Oblivion for a good example. I'm glad it's a multi-platform game and thus has a broader appeal, but the interface on the PC is seriously screwed because of this. Installing mods that partially fix this are pretty much a necessity for PC users.

Personally, I could care less who plays on what platform, to each their own. However, when preference for one platform or another causes me problems on my chosen platform, that's when I have an issue.

I can feel you on that. I saw my buddy playing OB on his pc and he let me give it a spin. I agree that the interface felt much more natural on the 360.

Im interested to see how Gears of War turns out where they are going to bring pc and 360 online together. Wow, I will probably get owned. All though you don't have near the accuracy with a controller vs mouse, I just love pulling a trigger to fire a gun and using a stick to control movement. It will be interesting to see how they implement it to keep pc gamers interested in it.
I love both PC and console.:) I have the GC, Xbox, PS2 and of course my almighty Dreamcast which still gets much loving from me.:D
Oh yeah, I love my DC also! I am an old schooler for consoles. I actually even got into repairing old 2600's (my originial love). Yep, broke out my old soldering iron and was in business. I have all of my old consoles from my childhood.
<--- Avid PC gamer of 15 years, recently turned mainline 360 gamer.

I don't plan on going back anytime soon. :cool:
My golden age of PC was well . . . I have to say . . . back in the late 80's / early 90's. I was soooooo into my 8088 CGA machine. Here were my hooks back then:

1. Wasteland
2. Pools of Radiance
3. Hillsfar
4. Kings Quest and Space Quest series
5. All Apogee games (Duke Nukem, Commander Keen)
6. Ultima series
7. Phantasie III Wrath of Nicademus

Man, those were the good ole' days. I was such an rpg junkie back then . . . I just couldn't get enough. I slacked off and then got hard back into pc with the likes of: Quake2, Q3, Halflife, Thief series (my all time favorite FPStealth games).

hmmmmmmmm, all this talk is getting me excited. hehe.
Jason711 said:
this will not end well... ;)

If it goes OT or gets out of hand, it'll get swatted down as it should. Until then, why not let people discuss the topic?

Back on topic, it's not that I hate console games, it's just that I prefer PC games. We have an Xbox and a GameCube for my son (10) and I play the occasional game with him, I just like gaming on a PC better. I just hope that cross platform games are programmed with each platform in mind, instead of a generic cross like Oblivion turned out to be. Don't get me wrong, I love Oblivion and I'm on like 110 hours in the game, but I would have enjoyed it a lot better with an interface more like Morrowind's instead of the garbage it ended up with... ;)
Never had a problem with any console (own ps2 and gamecube)

But I love 360 lately even though I don't have them because it just seems so many more games are moving over from it and vice versa. It's like a happy medium for enthusiasts (big bucks big machines) and "casual" gamers (Don't want to upgrade)
I don't think "hate" is the correct word, "disappointment" seems more accurate. People were expecting the Xbox360 to be comparable to a PC, in terms of graphics, sound, online etc, but with all the benefits of a console (more games, 'plug and play', reliability etc) --to be an ideal gaming system.

It does this to some extent, but it's still a compromise solution. The graphics aren't up to what most PC gamers expect (mainly due to the lack of AA/AF on Xbox360 games), while the console side of things aren't running smoothly yet (it takes a good year before the games library starts to get up to speed, and for hardware issues to be fixed).

If my view is correct, expect E3 to diffuse alot of the negative emotion.
Off-topic question:

Why does your wife say "go to bed" rather than, "come to bed". Someone been sleeping on the couch? ;o
Ya know, let's see how expensive a PC would even need to be to do everything the X360 does. Even a comparable graphics card to compare with the graphics of the X360 would cost about $500. If the X360 was a disappointment, they wouldn't be flying off the shelves like they still are.

PikachuMan said:
I don't think "hate" is the correct word, "disappointment" seems more accurate. People were expecting the Xbox360 to be comparable to a PC, in terms of graphics, sound, online etc, but with all the benefits of a console (more games, 'plug and play', reliability etc) --to be an ideal gaming system.

It does this to some extent, but it's still a compromise solution. The graphics aren't up to what most PC gamers expect (mainly due to the lack of AA/AF on Xbox360 games), while the console side of things aren't running smoothly yet (it takes a good year before the games library starts to get up to speed, and for hardware issues to be fixed).

If my view is correct, expect E3 to diffuse alot of the negative emotion.
NulloModo said:
Then again, there have been some PC games that have hooked me, and that I pull out from time to time. Leisure Suit Larry Magna Cum Laude, Superpower and Superpower 2, Age of Might and Magic, all of them kept me hooked for a long time, and other than Larry, I couldn't really see them translating to consoles well.

A side note LSL: Magma Cum Laude totally destroyed the LSL series try some of the old classics they are awesome and as opposed to MCL has tons of humour :)

now it´s Larrys uncle or something in MCL but still it was a very said day when I saw what they done to him and the series :(

As for the Xbox 360 I got a bit disappointed because there is nothing different for it from Xbox except for the graphics... That CPU is not very impressive it´s overhyped like just about everything on that console. It don´t sell at all in Japan so where the Sony PR machines are stronger then MS PR Machines...

When the consoles offer the same control options. Because that is the primarily advantage PC has it´s not about visuals bot how you control the game I may get one. Thus I am kind of intrigued by the Revolution...

Now it very much depends on what types of games you want to play for what platform you play it on if I was into only soccer games, fighting and platform I would rather play those on a Xbox 360 and HDTV for sure... Because gamepad is preferrable for that...

So I don´t think peoples hating it is because there is people using them rather they hate it because it offers nothing that makes them want to get back to console gaming and the fact that consoles limited control abilities mostly have a tendency to stupify games to the PC on multiformat titles.

Since apart from where I live where PC Games sells most it seem to be the other way around in other parts of the world especially with piracy and that console games are more expensive to buy guess it´s easier to make money on them.
junehhan said:
Ya know, let's see how expensive a PC would even need to be to do everything the X360 does. Even a comparable graphics card to compare with the graphics of the X360 would cost about $500. If the X360 was a disappointment, they wouldn't be flying off the shelves like they still are.

Um, not quite. I'm not sure how high of a level of graphics the Xbox 360 sports, but if a 6600GT is comparable, they're like ~$100. Even if you have to go up to a 7800GT or so (which I doubt), you're still looking at under $300.

Yes, no matter how you look at it though, PC's are more expensive. Part of the appeal to me is being able to swap out any/all parts whenever needed though, despite the cost... ;)
I'd like to point something out. For the most part, there is a huge advantage of a PC that (to me) negates some of the pain over the price: I can still play games I bought in 1992 if I want, and I will continue to be able to for the forseeable future. Granted it may be a pain in the ass, and need tweaking/extra programs etc, but it's possible.

I've always wished there would be a standard 'system' for console games like this, where each (Sony/MIcro/Ninten) could make their own hardware to their own specifications, but all would play the same games, and future hardware would always be able to play all older games etc. That right there (while i know it is probably never going to happen) would even the playing field considerably, and end any preferance i have towards the PC as a gaming system. Wasn't that "Phantom" syystem or whatever going to do this type of thing.. at least play PC games I think.

Or maybe I'm just crazy. I love all my consoles from SNES -- > Xbox (no 360 yet) especially the dreamcast, and I love my PC.

One more thing for my wishlist: friggin usb + ps2 keyboard/mouse support as standard on all consoles!! And: built in port for connecting to a PC moniter!! FFS in this day and age...
*grumble *grumble* , That would turn consoles into the ultimate LAN machine! Like imagine just grabbing your Gamecube and a nice lightweight LCD moniter, bam easy to carry over to a party / friends.
roz1281 said:
I'd like to point something out. For the most part, there is a huge advantage of a PC that (to me) negates some of the pain over the price: I can still play games I bought in 1992 if I want, and I will continue to be able to for the forseeable future. Granted it may be a pain in the ass, and need tweaking/extra programs etc, but it's possible.

I've always wished there would be a standard 'system' for console games like this, where each (Sony/MIcro/Ninten) could make their own hardware to their own specifications, but all would play the same games, and future hardware would always be able to play all older games etc. That right there (while i know it is probably never going to happen) would even the playing field considerably, and end any preferance i have towards the PC as a gaming system. Wasn't that "Phantom" syystem or whatever going to do this type of thing.. at least play PC games I think.

Or maybe I'm just crazy. I love all my consoles from SNES -- > Xbox (no 360 yet) especially the dreamcast, and I love my PC.

One more thing for my wishlist: friggin usb + ps2 keyboard/mouse support as standard on all consoles!! And: built in port for connecting to a PC moniter!! FFS in this day and age...
*grumble *grumble* , That would turn consoles into the ultimate LAN machine! Like imagine just grabbing your Gamecube and a nice lightweight LCD moniter, bam easy to carry over to a party / friends.

Well, the PS2 was fully backwards compatible with the PS1, and Sony is saying the PS3 will be full backwards compatible with both (at least the PS1 should be a cinch since they are doing that via hardware, have to see how good their emulation code is for the PS2 games, but I have no doubt they will make it work).

The Nintendo Revolution is going to allow you to play any Nintendo and a bunch of Sega games, all the way from NES to N64 via download (albeit you have to pay for them again), and will play GC discs natively.

So, consoles do have some element of backwards compatibility.
Well, the PS2 was fully backwards compatible with the PS1, and Sony is saying the PS3 will be full backwards compatible with both (at least the PS1 should be a cinch since they are doing that via hardware, have to see how good their emulation code is for the PS2 games, but I have no doubt they will make it work).

The Nintendo Revolution is going to allow you to play any Nintendo and a bunch of Sega games, all the way from NES to N64 via download (albeit you have to pay for them again), and will play GC discs natively.

So, consoles do have some element of backwards compatibility.

Yea you're totally right I forgot about that :)

It is a good step in the right direction, and makes me happy. I actually was glad when I got my PS2, i was able to trade in the PSone for it and got a decent $60 towards the new hardware. And I do use it to play my psone games now and then :)

Unfortunately, eventually I think you won't be able to play say those PSone games on future Sony hardware (wheither it's because they can't emulate it, or switch to a new future format).

Nintendo is doing a good thing including gamecube controller and mem card ports, and their download service is cool. But to be honest it made me just wish they'd have included a real SNES cart port on it.. nothing like the juicy *click* of an old classic snapping into place.

We'll see what the future brings :p Guess If i can't play some oldschool games I can probably emulate them on the PC.
Nuzzles said:
Off-topic question:

Why does your wife say "go to bed" rather than, "come to bed". Someone been sleeping on the couch? ;o

haha! Yeah, I thought I was going to be sleeping on the couch last night when she saw my GW:Factions box . . . . . the logga did not have a good afternoon . . . .
roz1281 said:
I'd like to point something out. For the most part, there is a huge advantage of a PC that (to me) negates some of the pain over the price: I can still play games I bought in 1992 if I want, and I will continue to be able to for the forseeable future. Granted it may be a pain in the ass, and need tweaking/extra programs etc, but it's possible.

I've always wished there would be a standard 'system' for console games like this, where each (Sony/MIcro/Ninten) could make their own hardware to their own specifications, but all would play the same games, and future hardware would always be able to play all older games etc. That right there (while i know it is probably never going to happen) would even the playing field considerably, and end any preferance i have towards the PC as a gaming system. Wasn't that "Phantom" syystem or whatever going to do this type of thing.. at least play PC games I think.

Or maybe I'm just crazy. I love all my consoles from SNES -- > Xbox (no 360 yet) especially the dreamcast, and I love my PC.

One more thing for my wishlist: friggin usb + ps2 keyboard/mouse support as standard on all consoles!! And: built in port for connecting to a PC moniter!! FFS in this day and age...
*grumble *grumble* , That would turn consoles into the ultimate LAN machine! Like imagine just grabbing your Gamecube and a nice lightweight LCD moniter, bam easy to carry over to a party / friends.

Good points! Even though I primarily am a console gamer, I still break out classics like Daggerfall, Wasteland, and Q3 on my pc.

On USB support, the 360 has 2.0 support for mouse/keyboards. Though no games support it to my knowledge, I know you can plug a usb keyboard in to type chat messages as opposed to leaving voice messages on Live.
Loggahead said:
2. My wife is pregnant and my computer room is about to become my 2 year old's room as his room will now be the nursery. So . . . that means the pc is going into the bedroom . . .

omfg this is going to happen to me eventually, your supposed to be happy when you have a kid, but if it steals your gaming room away from you, damn that's going to hurt :( :p
But what is the point playing PC Games like that when there is consoles... For sofa and HDTV gaming there is no doubt consoles is cheaper. Unless you are a heavy consumer of games then it quickly gets more expensive :)
oqvist said:
But what is the point playing PC Games like that when there is consoles... For sofa and HDTV gaming there is no doubt consoles is cheaper. Unless you are a heavy consumer of games then it quickly gets more expensive :)

I don't think people realize that computers are being used a lot more for a total entertainment center. It's not always hooked up with a desk and a monitor. It's part of the tv stand with both the monitor and tv and acts as dvr, music, games, surf, whatever.
Let's not start that whole argument about "Oh I can play my 360 on a 51" screen". You can do just the same on a PC. If you are a PC gamer, then swell, if you are a console gamer, then swell. Let's just not start fighting over which of you is better.
it's not that people don't like consoles, it's that the immense popularity of consoles, and, more recently, the similarities between the Xbox and a regular PC, have diluted the pc gaming experience. PC gamers in general have come to expect a more in-depth and complicated (in a good way) experience.

In the past, you never really saw many games go cross-platform between console and PC, but the xbox changed that. Now developers see the huge install-base of the xbox and say: sweet we can make mega $$$ if we put our game out on xbox! So they develop their games within the limitations of the console, and what was origionally a spectacular and robust game for pc gets 'streamlined' for the sake of the console :(

I'll use my super-favorite example: Deus Ex vs Deus Ex 2

Trust me, I'm not a console hater, I'm a lazy developer hater :p I started gaming on the Atari and loved it, as well as the NES, sega master system, snes, ps1, xbox (yes I own one! only 3 games though lol!), and gamecube.
I like 'em both equally. I'm of the belief that PC gaming's in a horrible hardware slump at the moment, so I'm playing my consoles more right this second. That doesn't mean I won't go right back to my PC in the winter and leave my consoles gathering dust.
There are some things that both do MUCH better than the other.
For instance, the PC has a huge back-library I can go to and play again...typically even better than before. Going back to games like Shogo is a hell of a treat with today's hardware. You can go online and play games like Quake 1 today, and still find players, too. There are the exclusive MMO's, Bioware RPG's, and old-school advanture games that I still enjoy. There's still no replacement for a mouse in an FPS game, too. I'm decent with a pad, but I'd still take a mouse over an analog stick for aiming EVERY time.
For the console, it's the ease of use. You plug it in, and it works. No drivers, no set-up, no patches, no pain in the butt converters, no finding a gamepad that actually works, etc.
If I want to play Mario Kart 64 - it's as simple as plugging it in. Other players can hop in as easy as plugging in another controller. Even though PC gamers seem to forget they exist, there are dozens of genres out there that are best played on a gamepad. The PC completely lacks a good gamepad, too. The best ones are sadly bootleg converters that let you use console pads & the 360's controller.
Both have their strengths and weaknesses and I'll always have both.
I've been playing PC games since '93 and consoles since the NES.
I've been a proud (and sometimes not-so-proud) owner of the NES, Genesis, SNES, Sega CD, 32X, Saturn, PS1, Lynx, Game Boy, Jaguar, PS2, N64, Gamecube, & 360.
For the PC I've owned a Matrox Millennium, Mystique, Voodoo 1, Voodoo 2, TNT, GeForce, GeForce 3, Radeon 9800 Pro, and now have a 6800GT.
I've just yet to be blown away that's all, usually when i play a 360 game i can't help but think "you know, this game is nice but it'd prolly be better on my pc" usually i'm totally different when i buy a new console.
Jason711 said:
ppl just cant stand when somebody else likes something and they think something else is better.. hehe.
Yep, totaly agree.

BTW congrats on the kid!
Everyone has an opinion. Personally, I like the PC better for better graphics, keyboard and trackball mouse, and the giddy little feeling I get when I get a game, load it, and then promptly max out the graphics. :D

Also, the PC has games like RTSes that either do not exist or would not work on consoles.

Howecer, consoles are more affordable (not including the HDTV to max out the graphics), more plug and play, and sometimes more fun, like pulling the trigger.
Just stop the bitching already. Why must anyone talk about any platform like that's all that matters. When 360 gets that killer game then it will do fine. For now there aren't any killer games on the 360. Just the same thing with better graphics.

For once I'd like to hear people say well the 360 has this or the PC has that. You talk as if the hardware matters that muich to you. You play games and it's the games that matter.

The quicker you realize this the less emphasis on graphics and more importance on gameplay will be done to games. God knows that for now the graphics aren't going to get that much better anyway.

Personally I own every console besides the 360 plus my PC. When the 360 gets a game that will make me shit my pants then I'll get one. Especially since the 360 games I like are on the PC anyway.
i too have a ageing computer (though my laptop can play new games) i will be geting a 360 next month. just waiting for uni to finaly finish
DukenukemX said:
Just stop the bitching already. Why must anyone talk about any platform like that's all that matters. When 360 gets that killer game then it will do fine. For now there aren't any killer games on the 360. Just the same thing with better graphics.

For once I'd like to hear people say well the 360 has this or the PC has that. You talk as if the hardware matters that muich to you. You play games and it's the games that matter.

Um, several people have already done that. Have you read the thread? :confused: