Alternate words for Landscape & Background


Mar 5, 2004
Please put on your thinking caps - I cannot for the life of me think of two good alternate words for the following two words:

"Landscape": Horizontal orientation. I need a simple word to describe a photograph that is landscape style (length ways, vice versa of a Portrait orientated photograph) as most consumers aren't aware of the meaning of "Landscape."

"Background": A background layer in an image, behind the rest of the layers. For an example, a picture of a sky. I've been thinking about calling it Backdrop, which would be very suiting. Any other ideas?

Thank you all in advance for any ideas and/or help,
RandysWay said:
Please put on your thinking caps - I cannot for the life of me think of two good alternate words for the following two words:

"Landscape": Horizontal orientation. I need a simple word to describe a photograph that is landscape style (length ways, vice versa of a Portrait orientated photograph) as most consumers aren't aware of the meaning of "Landscape."

"Background": A background layer in an image, behind the rest of the layers. For an example, a picture of a sky. I've been thinking about calling it Backdrop, which would be very suiting. Any other ideas?

Thank you all in advance for any ideas and/or help,

Wide Angle


maybe this will help
landscape = "widesceen" ?! While I hate the horribly over-hyped word widescreen you can be sure that EVERYONE is going to "oooh aaaah" over that. 'cause Widescreen is the bestest thing ever (sorry for the micro rant).

background = underlying or base?