Alternative cooling for 1900's.

Nice things about the stock sink is it pushes the hot air out of your case... and these suckers run pretty hot.. mine felt like a hair drier on medium after 2 hours of FEAR.. lol
I got to agree that although the stock cooling is not that great at least all that hot air is not hanging out inside my case. My X1800XT 512meg feels like a hair dryer also. I lapped the HS and used AS5 to reinstall it and it is a little better, But I sure as hell don't want the hot air that is blowing out the back to be going inside the case.
funny this thread should get bumped today.. I just slapped down some cash on card cooling.. whew. a lot!

two of those with the vreg sinks and a new case side for my v1000 with a mesh area over the cards and a 120mm fan bracket.. which I might not need now.. but I think water is the way to go for serious cooling in crossfire mode.. my top card hits over 90c and I get random lockups in BF2 when I OC the pair to 675 on the cores... a very conservative number.. but it's too much... at 625 they seem to behave well. Anyways... these blocks look slick.. going to have to re-do my whole loop and add a 2nd radiator, but what the hell.. I like projects! :D