alternative liquid for wc?


Limp Gawd
Jul 17, 2005
what do you guys think about using this product for liquid cooling

i really dont have a clue on what this stuff is other than some sort of liquid used to cool down handgun and rifle suppressors i guess, but they say it cools better than water, doesnt dry up, isnt affected by heat+pressure, is non corrosive and im assuming, since they say it isnt a water based substance, algae would have a hard time developing, so i figured this would be a perfect substance for a w/c system or am i not getting something ?

thanks for any input
Well it very well could be better than water at high temps where water would merely boil off. Gun barrels and supressors can reach thousands of degrees, and eventualy melt if the action doesn't seize first. Water would probably start to boil off too quickly to be very usefull.

Id say its not going to cool as well at reletively these low temps we see in WC. Though Im not saying it wouldn't work. Id guess its suprisingly close to the "non conductive" coolants sold for WC.