Am I just lucky?


Limp Gawd
Jun 17, 2003
My current water setup doesnt use any extra additives or anything, just straight distilled water. It's been up for about 8 months now and I have no stuff growing in the water. It all looks super clean like it did on day one.

So I guess using just distilled water all by itself is fine or I am just lucky?

Or is stuff going to start growing in there after a year goes by?
To have stuff growing in your system you have to have what any living organism needs. Heat, a culture medium (water), and light. Also if your system was very clean it shouldn't grow anything. This stuff by Aqua Computer called AC Fluid is supposed to be the cat's meow in anti-corrosion inhibitors and as an anti-algacide. I just bought a bottle when I picked up my A-C order a few days ago. There are other people on this forum that swear by this stuff and I think it is less than $10. Ask around :shrug:
well, if nothing got into your water when you built it, then nothing should be growing in it. I would say the major reason for not running straight distilled water is the potential corrosion factor...
boil like a liter of water, pour it into a non melting container. I stress that fact, because I learned the hard way, pouring boiled water into a poland spring bottle, and it melted in my hands.

Then cool it in the freezer for like 15-20 minutes, and enjoy.get like 2 water bottles of this stuff. or use that AC liquid, its cheap and works great.
im apirate said:
boil like a liter of water, pour it into a non melting container. I stress that fact, because I learned the hard way, pouring boiled water into a poland spring bottle, and it melted in my hands.

Then cool it in the freezer for like 15-20 minutes, and enjoy.get like 2 water bottles of this stuff. or use that AC liquid, its cheap and works great.
you sir, are a genius.

without your mighty intelect, i would have never known that boiling water eliminates the ions in tap water that can promote galvanic corrosion in a watercooling system that may or may not contain metals with different reduction potentials.

you have save me DOLLARS in precious distilled water with this wonderfull insight.
DFI Daishi said:
you sir, are a genius.

without your mighty intelect, i would have never known that boiling water eliminates the ions in tap water that can promote galvanic corrosion in a watercooling system that may or may not contain metals with different reduction potentials.

you have save me DOLLARS in precious distilled water with this wonderfull insight.
Surely you are joking
DFI Daishi said:
you sir, are a genius.

without your mighty intelect, i would have never known that boiling water eliminates the ions in tap water that can promote galvanic corrosion in a watercooling system that may or may not contain metals with different reduction potentials.

you have save me DOLLARS in precious distilled water with this wonderfull insight.

mmmm, I sense a bit of sarcasim in that. :rolleyes:
im apirate said:
mmmm, I sense a bit of sarcasim in that. :rolleyes:
you noticed that, did you?

cutting down on algea and other aquatic life in your loop is not the only reason to use distilled water.
galvanic corrosion still happens to some extent when using distilled water, but the presence of ions in the solution speeds up the process.

in my previous post, i used some key terms. you might try googling them and seeing what you learn from what you get back.

in some systems, it's not as big a problem as in others, but as a general rule using distilled water to start with is just good practice.
I googled even before you posted that, and yes it said. Distilled water is great if it is not recontaminated again. so If you use a lab, and use only serile objects, it should work great.

But. we dont have that. so yea liek you said its a good beginer.
There is NO reason not to use distilled water with an additive like HydrX or Zerex...
Unless you're running low on gil, zeny, or gp

But yea, distilled it is.
File said:
Unless you're running low on gil, zeny, or gp

But yea, distilled it is.

If you're running that low on funds, you most likely wont be watercooling your computer..
One would have to seriously question using distilled water without an additive...
plywood99 said:
One would have to seriously question using distilled water without an additive...

So I am lucky then? Well thanks for the posts guys. I just never got around to putting any additives in my loop and my water is fine so it was just something I was wondering. I am going to drop some UV dye in my next loop and I have a quick Q involving that. Is there some type of clear additive for fighting algae that wont discolor the UV dye?
eh don't some people just use a small amount of antifreeze or somethin?