Am I safe?


Mar 14, 2005
to get it Im preordering my PSP from EB tommorow. The guy says i will get it thursday. am i safe to get it on thrursday?
What do you mean by 'safe'? The worst thing that can happen is you wait an extra day or two.
Nvidia91 said:
will I be able to get it by the sunday after it comes out thats what im asking?

There is no way to be sure. Patience is a virtue though. Keep your fingers crossed, but I'm pretty sure you'll survive if you don't get it right away ;)
get there early enough and they will probably give it to you, show up latier and they might already have all of them gone.
ill try that.

Reason is im going on vacation the sunday after it comes out for 3 weeks.

I really want it for the vacation with twisted metal... i hope i get it. if i show up at EB at 10:00 AM will i get 1?
for all i know u could show up before they close and get one or the next day. But I am sure it increases your chances if you go as soon at the have them out for sale.
Nvidia91 said:
ill try that.

Reason is im going on vacation the sunday after it comes out for 3 weeks.

I really want it for the vacation with twisted metal... i hope i get it. if i show up at EB at 10:00 AM will i get 1?

Ahhh, now that I can see as a good reason to be anxious to get it before you go. Good luck, and have a great vacation!

(and yes your best hope is to show up before the store even opens)
Nvidia91 said:
IF I show up while it opens or shortly after it opens im safe right?

Nobody here can guarantee that. You're asking the wrong people. You need to be talking to the store manager :)
srry i sound like a pain in the ass. I just really want 1 so bad.

BTW im allowed to say ass right? since its not like the F word?
Nvidia91 said:
srry i sound like a pain in the ass. I just really want 1 so bad.

BTW im allowed to say ass right? since its not like the F word?

fuckin'-ay you can say ass. Ass! Ass!

Again, good luck. Let us know how you like it.
yeah motherfucker we can cuss the shit out on hardforum :D, and it depends where the majority are buying them, like on tv i saw on some places for halo2 had lines wrapped around buldings, i walk into a gamestop theres like 50 pre order limited editions left and 50 reg. 5 people in the store 3 reserved the game and 2 bought san andreas
Ballz2TheWallz said:
yeah motherfucker we can cuss the shit out on hardforum :D

Hey, watch your fucking language. There are kids reading this shit! :D OT.

I don't know what the OP's chances are, it really depends on the store.
Know that there will be people camping it. Usually, on a reserve, they'll have a list and if you're on the list, you're golden. They may have a few for non-resale depending on the # they get. Let's say its a low traffic store, and you are # 8 on the reserve list. If they get 7 PSPs on ship day, they will notify the first 7 people. They can hold an item for 24 hours, so if 2 people don't pick it up, then they will probably move onto the next... If there are 10 PSPs with 8 pre-orders, then they will sell 2 to walk-ins.

I was in the middle of the PS2 list but managed to get one on the first day. I was #120 or so, but since I ended up becoming friends with the people that worked at the EB, a half hour from close, they called me up, told me that one person didn't pick theirs up, and that I could have it if I wanted it.

If worse comes to worse, if they're sold out, go to Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, etc. They aren't taking pre-sales.
WAlmart or toys r us will have it? Ya but isnt this like not gonna be sold as much as PS2?
Nvidia91 said:
WAlmart or toys r us will have it? Ya but isnt this like not gonna be sold as much as PS2?

Call or go to your local Wallmart and ask if they are getting any (they probably are). Then ask when. Then go and grab one when it gets off the truck :)

I just called Gamestop and they said, " First who come are first who get served."

SO they said if i showed up when they opened i would get a PSP. :D