Am i the only 1 still using a old CRT?

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We wedged my HP version FW900 in a car and drove it 2 hours north. For $200 for 22.5"-23" widescreen it was a fantastic deal at the time. Had it for about 2 years now. Run 1920x1200. Great monitor.

Before that I had a cheapie 17" CRT @ 1280x960 @ 75hz (I can't stand squishy-vision 1280x1024). And a couple of old 386 and Pentium-1 era 15 inchers. Gave away the 15 inchers and the 17". Wife had a 19" curved-screen Dell we gave away too (she moved to a Hanns-G 19" LCD...these days her 17" laptop screen suffices and I have the 19" LCD hooked up to my HTPC/media server/MAME box that is a WIP).

I won't budge off a CRT until OLED or SED show up at non-sky-high prices, or I have the extra room to set up a 37" plasma.

I'd be willing to budge from CRT for the black/contrast performance of my DLP projector as a bare minimum and realistically I'd prefer plasma-level. I personally can't stand LCDs as a home theater device or as a gaming device. Only good IMO for using at work in an office environment. They perform quite well enough for Microsoft Word and the like ;)
An aside, I suppose, GDM-FW900s were made through at least April 2004. (This was the build date someone told me, who might have been one of the last people to get one through regular retail.)
It's too bad Cannon is the only company developing SED at this moment or year.
Toshiba was on board but they dropped out about a year ago. Not certin if monitors are in development just TVs. I wish the whole LCD thing would just drop but I guess people like their washed out Sanyo TV :)
I’ve just got into a discussion with someone over at –

who is trying to tell me that his 19” Samsung 940BX gives him better image quality/performance than his 19” CRT Sony Trinitron monitor? If you read through the tread he also mentions that “he never ran any of his monitors over 60Hz”???? I’m still trying to figure out why you would want to subject yourself to headaches with a CRT only running at 60Hz.
Sorry if this is a bit off topic but I just want to know is there any display technology coming out in the future that has the ability to vary and scale resolutions (with it still looking good like on CRT's) without it looking like crap when you do that on LCD's? Or is that due to the analogue nature of CRT's?
Sorry if the wording of the question isn't very good.
Because you're shooting an electron at a phosphor screen, CRT's can scale their resolution. LCD's however have a fixed number of pixels running one color on one pixel is its native resolution, most LCDs can scale resolutions that are factors of their native resolution fairly well.

Although i prefer LCDs, I've been taking apart CRT monitors and they are beauties of analogue technology. The circuitry is just beautiful. LCD's are just the actual display matrix and a driver circuit :p
I'm a demanding bastard, I want the color fidelity, high refresh rates, non existent input lag, variable resolutions without looking like ass, excellent viewing angles, and perfect blacks of high end CRT's with the crisper text, perfect geometry, slim sexy aesthetics, larger screen sizes, no flicker regardless of refresh, and lower power consumption/weight of LCD's, all at reasonable price.

I think I am gonna be waiting a long time for that. ;)
I'm a demanding bastard, I want the color fidelity, high refresh rates, non existent input lag, variable resolutions without looking like ass, and perfect blacks of high end CRT's with the crisper text, perfect geometry, slim sexy aesthetics, larger screen sizes, no flicker regardless of refresh, and lower power consumption/weight of LCD's, all at reasonable price.

I think I am gonna be waiting a long time for that. ;)

Indeed. :)
So do guys agree that a Samsung 940BX / TN panel LCD is capable of better image quality/performance than a Sony CPD-G400 19" CRT monitor?

Those of you who still use CRT’s, do you keep it at a 60Hz refresh rate?

Those of you who have 21” or 22” CRT’s do you have problems seeing objects displayed on the screen when gaming in full screen at resolutions of 1600x1200 and higher?
So do guys agree that a Samsung 940BX / TN panel LCD is capable of better image quality/performance than a Sony CPD-G400 19" CRT monitor?

No. No. No. Just no.

Those of you who still use CRT’s, do you keep it at a 60Hz refresh rate?

No. The higher, the better.

Those of you who have 21” or 22” CRT’s do you have problems seeing objects displayed on the screen when gaming in full screen at resolutions of 1600x1200 and higher?

It's no different than if anyone else had a 21" LCD and was trying to see objects in game at that resolution, rather than a CRT at that res. It would be equally hard to see. And most times, that all depends on the game that's being played. Some games scale objects to resolution, but in more detail.
So do guys agree that a Samsung 940BX / TN panel LCD is capable of better image quality/performance than a Sony CPD-G400 19" CRT monitor?

Those of you who still use CRT’s, do you keep it at a 60Hz refresh rate?

Those of you who have 21” or 22” CRT’s do you have problems seeing objects displayed on the screen when gaming in full screen at resolutions of 1600x1200 and higher?

What ajm786 said.

Comparing a TN to a high end trinitron in IQ or color fidelity is like comparing a brown Yugo to a red Corvette. Well maybe not quite that bad.
Just a few years ago a 19" TN I bought looked so bad sitting next to a 21" trinitron that I thought it was broken. The new TN panels have come a looong way since then. The newer ones from some vendors can look pretty damn good these days. But they still do not compare well to properly working, flat ag, crt monitors, or S-IPS panel lcd monitors when it comes to IQ and color fidelity.

I normally run at 85 or 100hz. I can sometimes still detect flicker at 75. But higher than 100 can lead to fuzziness at 1600x1200 or above on the crt's I have.

No problems seeing anything on screen at 1600x1200 or above, but I keep it usually below 2048x1536. If your crt has a low dot pitch, detail is not usually lost up to the highest supported res of a crt. But some of the .26-.27 dot pitch monitors can show diminishing IQ returns above 1600x1200. IMHO the .25 and .24 and lower are good up to 2048x1536 or higher. Few of my 21" or 22" crt monitors support much if any higher than that res any way.
I'm still running a 19" viewsonic a95f perfectflat crt, never had any issues with it but I am stuck at 1280x1024, if I go any higher then I can't it at 85hz and really anything below that just kills me. I don't know how anyone looks at 60hz, I can watch the lines roll down the screen!
Though I am looking to upgrade to a 24" LCD, possibly the BenQ G2400WD. :D
I'm still running a 19" viewsonic a95f perfectflat crt, never had any issues with it but I am stuck at 1280x1024, if I go any higher then I can't it at 85hz and really anything below that just kills me. I don't know how anyone looks at 60hz, I can watch the lines roll down the screen!
Though I am looking to upgrade to a 24" LCD, possibly the BenQ G2400WD. :D

I used to have one of those, I ran it at 1600x1200 at 75hz. Is 75hz really too low for you? If not you could use reforce or the vid drivers to force 75hz on that monitor.
ajm786, GORANKAR,

Did you guys read through this thread and see the responses?

I've had far more colored arguments in respect to LCD vs. CRT on these forums than I have on any other. The LCD fanboys, in general, can't seem to or refuse to grasp that their brand new expensive LCDs still can't outdo a 10 year old CRT. I'd rather not turn this thread into one of those.:p
I used to have one of those, I ran it at 1600x1200 at 75hz. Is 75hz really too low for you? If not you could use reforce or the vid drivers to force 75hz on that monitor.

Sadly anything below 85hz drives me nuts, I can see the flickering under 85hz without really trying to notice it.

The LCD fanboys, in general, can't seem to or refuse to grasp that their brand new expensive LCDs still can't outdo a 10 year old CRT. I'd rather not turn this thread into one of those.:p

While I agree that LCDs still are far from being able to go from gaming, to photo reproduction to video editing. LCDs still are nice in the fact that they are smaller, lighter and improving all the time. This 19" crt I have weighs in at 50lbs, its a beast when you are walking up two flights of stairs, or down for that matter!
While I agree that LCDs still are far from being able to go from gaming, to photo reproduction to video editing. LCDs still are nice in the fact that they are smaller, lighter and improving all the time. This 19" crt I have weighs in at 50lbs, its a beast when you are walking up two flights of stairs, or down for that matter!

I can agree with this statement. They are definitely welcome in terms of space saved, weight, and the fact that they take much less power to run than a CRT.
The LCD fanboys, in general, can't seem to or refuse to grasp that their brand new expensive LCDs still can't outdo a 10 year old CRT. I'd rather not turn this thread into one of those.

If you read through the thread you’ll see we’re not even talking expensive high end LCD’s. A couple of the responses came from someone that’s buying monitors at Wal-Mart for under $300 but yet will argue about image quality/performance. Do you get a free hat and bowl of soup with them too, what a bunch of B.S.
I've had my NEC FE2111SB for years now and still have absolutely no reservations. Love it to death. 21", 1600x1200@85hz. In high school and a little in college, I took the monitor to lan parties frequently. The weight argument is very valid indeed! Though consider the time you spend moving your monitor and looking at your monitor. Ends up being a fraction of a percentage! No contest for this great of a display.
The weight argument is very valid indeed! Though consider the time you spend moving your monitor and looking at your monitor. Ends up being a fraction of a percentage! No contest for this great of a display.

This is very true! Took me all of a couple minutes each time I have moved this things but more hours then I would probably ever want to admit staring at it. However we have Dell LCDs at work, I believe I have a 19", not quite sure lol, I am usually out on the road. But I notice I have less eye strain then the hours I spend staring at this CRT, maybe just me I really don't know but I know I will keep this CRT somewhere as a backup....or buy a cheap POS 15" LCD! lol :p:p
If you read through the thread you’ll see we’re not even talking expensive high end LCD’s. A couple of the responses came from someone that’s buying monitors at Wal-Mart for under $300 but yet will argue about image quality/performance. Do you get a free hat and bowl of soup with them too, what a bunch of B.S.

I read through it, and yes, I did come to the conclusion that the thread was not as far encompassing as the many threads in this forum.

You are correct, some people buy crap (technology) from Walmart and pronounce it the greatest thing that ever walked the face of the earth :p I understand that they are just trying to justify their purchase; we're all guilty of that to an extent. But please don't make an ass out of yourself (not you, I'm talking about those such guys) in the process.
I am still using a Samsung 955DF 19" and 753DF 17" for my two main computers, and some older crts for my other computers.
I still use a 21'' Hitachi CM828 and don't have any intentions change it with an LCD anytime soon. I just love this monitor. If I see a 24'' LCD with 0 response time 1000000:1 contrast maybe, just maybe i buy :cool:
Just a few years ago a 19" TN I bought looked so bad sitting next to a 21" trinitron that I thought it was broken...

One way to cope is to not put a high end CRT next to an LCD, especially in a darkened room...(the disparity in favor of CRT is still a bit painful)...
I read through it, and yes, I did come to the conclusion that the thread was not as far encompassing as the many threads in this forum.

You are correct, some people buy crap (technology) from Walmart and pronounce it the greatest thing that ever walked the face of the earth :p I understand that they are just trying to justify their purchase; we're all guilty of that to an extent. But please don't make an ass out of yourself (not you, I'm talking about those such guys) in the process.

Yes, that pretty much sums things up.

But wait it gets better, apparently “the man” who owns and anyone who posts in here hasn’t got a clue about computer hardware. –
Although i prefer LCDs, I've been taking apart CRT monitors and they are beauties of analogue technology. The circuitry is just beautiful. LCD's are just the actual display matrix and a driver circuit :p

Lol, yeah I took apart an LCD once and I expected some really runny liquid. But I was so disappointed. All it is is some silver sludgy thing. I'll have to take apart a CRT one time.
So there isn't an upcoming technology that can scale resolutions well. Boo.
I guess ill just reply to the OP.
Not likely.

I am sure many people still use CRTs....I got rid of all of mine for the simple fact that they just take up too much room. I was running 2x21" CRTs and you can imagine how large a screen that is. The each weight almost as much as my 42" plasma.

Eeks! Now i run a 30" dell, and 2x24" :p
One way to cope is to not put a high end CRT next to an LCD, especially in a darkened room...(the disparity in favor of CRT is still a bit painful)...

Good advice. But, I have become accustom to dual monitors, and my desk refuses to accomodate a p220f, and a g520 at the same time.

I use a p220f and Dell 2405 now, the diparity, while obvious, is not quite as bad.
Lol, yeah I took apart an LCD once and I expected some really runny liquid. But I was so disappointed. All it is is some silver sludgy thing. I'll have to take apart a CRT one time.
So there isn't an upcoming technology that can scale resolutions well. Boo.

I imagine you already know that you should never take apart a CRT. Internal voltages, which can be retained in capacitance even with it unplugged, are so high they can be lethal.

But on a lighter note...[something lighter]....
dont worry man, i'm still using a crt! been going strong since it came out. i think i had this around 8-10 years now. colors are great and i love it. but.... the space and weight is getting outta control. i'm planning on getting hdtv soon. here's some pics of it.


Still using an old Viewsonic G810 21" I got from work when they upgraded to LCDs. My friend also gave me his old Viewsonic 21" which will be going on my desk with the other one once I get my new desk.

I keep debating on upgrading but everytime I try to research LCDs I get lost. I end up giving up and figure I will upgrade once these completely die.
Still using my 21" Hitachi 813. Till Oled, SeD, FeD comes out. I can wait the tech will come out eventually. I tried LCD just didn't like it.
i run a 21" crt as a secondary display on my main rig, and I still have a 17" that I use on an old athlon xp 2500 rig as well.
I still use a crt but am looking to get a 24" lcd. I just have a hard time justifying getting rid of my crt when there is nothing wrong with it.
I’m still trying to figure out why you would want to subject yourself to headaches with a CRT only running at 60Hz.

Sadly anything below 85hz drives me nuts, I can see the flickering under 85hz without really trying to notice it.

I have never changed my monitor from 60hz. I just did change it to 75hz after reading these posts and I can't tell any difference. Looks the same to me.

I am still using a Samsung 955DF 19" and 753DF 17" for my two main computers, and some older crts for my other computers.
Yep, the 955df is the same one I am still using too.

dont worry man, i'm still using a crt! been going strong since it came out. i think i had this around 8-10 years now. colors are great and i love it. but.... the space and weight is getting outta control. i'm planning on getting hdtv soon. here's some pics of it.


LOL, that is the exact same desk I am currently using.:D Yours looks a little nicer and I don't have the keyboard tray. I can't complain about free though.
My dad uses my old 19" KDS Xflat monitor, he thinks it's great and when I was using it I did too.

I'll always have a special place in my heart for CRT, but for myself, I ended up with a 42" LCD (Westinghouse).
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