Am I the only one whose not all the impressed with Aero??


Limp Gawd
Jan 27, 2005
I've been playing around with the Vista beta for about 3 hours now and all I can say about Areo is.. "Thats it?" I'm not trying to jump on the bashing bandwagon either, I was just expecting more.

I mean i've been running XGL on linux for sometime now and I feel like Areo is dated compared to that. Its basically nothing more than fancy animation and blurred, translucent windows. It doesn't even feel that smooth to me. Menus and the such seem to pop out in the same manner as they do in XP. The windows + Tab thing isnt overly exciting either. Alt+Tab is still much more functional...

Am I missing something?
no , ure not missing anything ,

it pretty much sucks,

try xgl/compiz on ubuntu or any linux distribution , now thats a cool 3d desktop
TheDude05 said:
I've been playing around with the Vista beta for about 3 hours now and all I can say about Areo is.. "Thats it?" I'm not trying to jump on the bashing bandwagon either, I was just expecting more.
xgl is a cool USEFUL implementation of eye candy.

Aero is plain ugly. When I'm forced to switch from XP to Vista because of game support, I'll probably run the UI in classic mode like I do with XP.
Not only is it not useful, after several days glass just gets annoying...annoying enough to uninstall
I usually disable such things because they use up resources and I don't mind having the basic "classic" interface. It is easy on the eyes, too.
Yeah, I've been using XGL too, and it makes Aero look very dated. I tried out vista, and immediately i said "And why am i supposed to switch again?" Just seems like they are trying too hard to impress, and it just aint working

I guess to make MS richer. Here's hoping they release it before I graduate so I get it for $8 :D (student/employee at university rocks)
Johnboy12358 said:
Yeah, I've been using XGL too, and it makes Aero look very dated. I tried out vista, and immediately i said "And why am i supposed to switch again?" Just seems like they are trying too hard to impress, and it just aint working

I guess to make MS richer. Here's hoping they release it before I graduate so I get it for $8 :D (student/employee at university rocks)

hehe... I remember volume discount prices. ;)

$50 for XP Pro Corp.
$50 for Office 2003 Pro VLK
Apparently Apple tried out glass effects long ago and decided they were worthless. Enter MS, who heads into it full steam.
I just installed SuSe 10.1 and then set up Xgl. At first I was thinking that it was like Aero/Glass, just going to bog down my system and not really do anything for me. Well I was dead wrong. I never use to use the multiple desktops but now it is so easy I don't have an excuse not to.

Now if I can only get Photoshop to install I can say good bye to Windows forever.

Lastly I can say that this runs 100x better that Vista Beta 2 did on this machine. I think it took less time to install SuSe, configure Xgl and then get apps installed, than it did to even get Vista to install.
i quite like the whole aero glass thing...dun think it hogs up my system too much...but hey i mite just be a victim of microsoft marketing or i'm just a sucker for see-through things and eye-candy :D
I think it looks fine but I've still turned it off in every release thus far. But remember, just because you don't like it, doesn't mean people aren't going to upgrade because of it. They'll walk into BestBuy or some other place and the salesmen will give them some lame speech about how it's a million times better (which, I do love the new security, IE7+, new network stack, and new video driver model being a user process) and then they'll say "See". And all they'll see is some glossy looking GUI and think it's better just because it looks better.
yeh...but i mean most people like to 'see' something new with new programs. i mean u look at windows 95 to 98 to ME, they all generally looked the same, and even though they had quite significant upgrades in usage etc, people don't generally get as hyped up about it because they can't see anything physically different.

you look at when xp came out with that blue (which is now horrible to look at), and everyone flocked to get their old windows to look like that with wateva program they can find. i admit, i was one of them :p
I like it. Sure, it's all visual. It doesn't claim to be anything else. It's a visual effect.

Vista is so much more than that, though. DX10, extra security (which is a huge thing for Vista), easier to navigate drives and directories. All in all, I really like it. I'm not saying it doesn't have it's bad points, but what doesn't.

Vista is a good improvement over XP. And Aero is just a visual component of that. XP had visual updates to 2000, and they were just as critisized. :)
yeh i agree. most users will only be attracted by the visual aspects of it, since that is the image they get "its newer, better looking, so its gotta be better".

i mean think about how apple's hardware can get so many buyers.
Josh_B said:
hehe... I remember volume discount prices. ;)

$50 for XP Pro Corp.
$50 for Office 2003 Pro VLK
I get them both for free :D

AND the university put copies of onenote 2k3 in everyone's mailbox. I ended up nabbing 4 copies. I'm hoping they put Vista Ultimate VLK on their servers when it comes out, Office 2k7 not too excited about, its just a GUI update, even MS said that... but onenote 2k7 does have some usage enhancements.
It's a necessary evil for MS. If they didn't put soemthing like Aero in, people would realize that there isn't a world of difference between the new OS and XP and they'd see less reason to upgrade. It's a marketing feature really.
Ur_Mom said:
I like it. Sure, it's all visual. It doesn't claim to be anything else. It's a visual effect.
nope, there is an insane amount more to it than just how it looks, start with my 2 links below. :)

Ur_Mom said:
Vista is so much more than that, though. DX10, extra security (which is a huge thing for Vista), easier to navigate drives and directories. All in all, I really like it. I'm not saying it doesn't have it's bad points, but what doesn't.

Vista is a good improvement over XP. And Aero is just a visual component of that. XP had visual updates to 2000, and they were just as critisized. :)
bingo. ^______________^

general said:
It's a necessary evil for MS. If they didn't put soemthing like Aero in, people would realize that there isn't a world of difference between the new OS and XP and they'd see less reason to upgrade. It's a marketing feature really.
um, be more ignorant ? :p

aero [avalon] alone is alot more than some marketing gimmick (unlss xlg/compiz where in alot of instances simply is eye candy, where as aero is more functional - oh yes, they are also functional, but wobbly windows, come on -rolleyes- ).

for those of you who think aero is only skin deep, do some research, you'll find there's alot to it.. here's 2 starting points. :),1697,1791681,00.asp

neither are very indepth, but give some useful info.

i could make a long list on the very large amount of things changed or new in vista, but since this thread is about aero [glass], i won't unless many of you continue saying how aero is just a marketing ploy to get vista sold, which it clearly isn't. :rolleyes: