Am I wasting money?

Captain Rehab

Limp Gawd
Feb 29, 2004
Wondering what you would do. Should I buy a new 939 and N-force 3 250 to use dual channel? I play games and download pron. I've got a gig of corsair pc3200 so I don't need new ram, I don't think. The review of the FX-53 seemed like the oc potential is still pretty low, though I would be getting a 3700 or a 3400 or something and trying to get 200-300 mhz.

Is it worth it? I've got a nice videocard/psu, etc.... so I don't need anything else, but I don't want to see everybody else's pc take off and not have any headroom. Is dual channel going to make a significant difference?
OMG no. You are lucky if you get a 2% increase in fps by running dual channel. I would not buy 939/250 for dual channel, but rather for OC potential and PCI-E. Even then to upgrade from your current setup you would have to be insane (or rich).
Erm, with the pr0n I doubt you'll get better preformance with a new set up - after all, the same rule applies to web pr0n and sex, its the "size of the pipe" not the speed of the cpu that matters... So if you want faster pr0n downloads go with higher bandwidth to the internet...
Now, I would wait if I were you for the 939 socket to come out (announced but not available yet) and until after Doom]|[ and Half Life 2 arrive (so that you can read the reviews and know what cpu/vid card set up works best.) Especially since you seem to have a slamming set up right now...
Thanks, folks. I just needed a reality check. I will wait for a couple years before I make the switch to PCI-E and BTX and all that good stuff. If the price is right I may upgrade the proc to the last 754 to come out... I think that will be the 3700 or the 4000.

Anyway, I appreciate the feedback!!