AM2 vs. Conroe - Am I the only one?

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1c3d0g said:
It still wouldn't change the trolling behaviour of a select few members... ;)

Good posts are out there though.

That looks like a good topic for another thread, i.e. Conore vs. Yonah differences. I mean damnnnnnn! 5.4GB of processor bandwidth compared to 8.4GB and 10.7GB? Legit/Real chipset support and not bolted-on?
Again I repost what I have written in another post.

LGA 775 Conroe will engage Socket AM2 Windsor in Q3 2006 of this year, while Socket AM2 Brisbane will engage LGA775 Conroe in H1 2007.
Donnie27 said:
I know you're right but the K8 Core that ships on Socket AM2 is not the same. It uses an improved version of SSOI, AMD's version of VT called Pacifica, and has Layout enhancements. It's what I was bitching about on another thread. Piece-by-piece launches of their Architecture Improvements until they moved to K-10. IMHO, the whole thing about calling or not calling it AM2 is kind of nit-picking since there's only one processor on that Socket.

That was sort of my point when I started this thread. I guess it could of said F Core or Revision F, but AM2 seemed to be descriptive enough. The fact is, it is a revision, nothing majorly new, still hoping they throw in some unannounced improvements.

Hopefully Conroe will bring us back to the time where Intel & AMD were steadily releasing products to out-do each other. I remember the race to 1 GHZ, it seemed like both companies were releasing faster processors and reducing prices every few weeks.

Whether Conroe is that much better than what AMD has to offer, we'll have to see, but Intel just smacked AMD around with a little Marketing 101.... Look at all the buzz Intel has created for a processor that will not be released for another 6 months. IMO, AMD should be taking notes.
Let's have a REAL vs IMAGINARY thread.

The only ones who'll be imagining things are the AMD f a n b o y s like you who still think X2 is still the performance champion.
1. If one can not purchase the product, then its vaporware. Simple as that. (i.e. PS3 > Xbox 360 argument)

2. AMD has never let me down in the past 7-8 years I have used them, Intel has.. so it will take more than one kick ass proc (which the Conroe should be) to convince me to switch.

3. I am glad that Intel will have a better, faster proc for now.. just means that AMD will work harder to be better = Great for the consumer.

4. All the Intel !!!!!'s claiming that the AMD !!!!'s cant accept defeat and are in 'denial' is assinine.. cause wasnt it just not to long ago all the Intel !!!!'s who were in 'denial' ;)
empoy said:
The only ones who'll be imagining things are the AMD f a n b o y s like you who still think X2 is still the performance champion.

As of today March 27th, 2006 they are.. show me otherwise. NO future products. I have to be able to buy it today.
There is no such thing as an AMD f a n b o y. There are enthusiasts and there is everyone else. The enthusiasts will buy the best, with price as a relative factor, be it AMD now, Conroe later; and everyone else will continue to buy Pentium for whatever reasons (They don’t play games? They still think MHZ are everything? Who f’n cares really)

As for me, I will buy the Extreme Edition Conroe if it turns out to be everything it was cracked up to be, and I guess everyone else [amateurs?] will poke fun of me because I was smart enough to use AMD for some years.

So... Yea; like everyone else with half a mind: lol @ this thread and I am gone!!! Wake me when Conroe is here…
dr_dirtnap said:
That was sort of my point when I started this thread. I guess it could of said F Core or Revision F, but AM2 seemed to be descriptive enough. The fact is, it is a revision, nothing majorly new, still hoping they throw in some unannounced improvements.

Hopefully Conroe will bring us back to the time where Intel & AMD were steadily releasing products to out-do each other. I remember the race to 1 GHZ, it seemed like both companies were releasing faster processors and reducing prices every few weeks.

Whether Conroe is that much better than what AMD has to offer, we'll have to see, but Intel just smacked AMD around with a little Marketing 101.... Look at all the buzz Intel has created for a processor that will not be released for another 6 months. IMO, AMD should be taking notes.

Last one first.

The only problem is, Dothan and Yonah have already proven to be just as fast if not faster than AMD at anywhere the same clockspeed. Concidering the core improvements plus more L2, bandwidth, better motherboard support and etc.. Conroe will be faster=P Until now, AMD has had to out-MHz Dothan and Yonah. Now AMD will have shoot for High MHz just to keep up, LOL! SO where's all of the Dothan/Yonah Marketing?
I am not making assumptions of saying Conroe is X percent faster than a core F processor that will be released 6 months from now, and I am not comparing Yonah/Dothan to the X2/FX. When I said that much better, I meant what the current conroe benchmarks claim compared to probable AMD performance.

Where is all the Dothan/Yonah marketing? I think you must be numb to all the Intel Centrino marketing that Intel has done. I agree the average consumer don't recognize the name Dothan or Yonah, but Intel has done a remarkable job marketing their Centrino platform.
dr_dirtnap said:
I am not making assumptions of saying Conroe is X percent faster than a core F processor that will be released 6 months from now, and I am not comparing Yonah/Dothan to the X2/FX. When I said that much better, I meant what the current conroe benchmarks claim compared to probable AMD performance.

Actually not 6 months at all. There's NO claim, no imaginary or etc... That was Hardware tested and played with buy Webmasters from about 5 sites, then retested by Anand. Claimed?

dr_dirtnap said:
Where is all the Dothan/Yonah marketing? I think you must be numb to all the Intel Centrino marketing that Intel has done. I agree the average consumer don't recognize the name Dothan or Yonah, but Intel has done a remarkable job marketing their Centrino platform.

I'm not numb at all, Centrino kicked ass from day one. Intel didn't have to market it but does so for whatever reason. These are also the Backbone of VIIV computers as well. Analogy;
AMD, like a 14 year old bully, threw out the challenge to Intel, small for his age 12 yea oldr. But, instead of getting that 12 year old, the seventeen year old linebacker brother came out to fight the 14 year old bully. Now AMD is saying wait until I go home and get my big brother or still send the 12 year old out LOL!
Donnie27 said:
AMD, like a 14 year old bully, threw out the challenge to Intel, small for his age 12 yea oldr. But, instead of getting that 12 year old, the seventeen year old linebacker brother came out to fight the 14 year old bully. Now AMD is saying wait until I go home and get my big brother or still send the 12 year old out LOL!


Aren't you forgetting that the seventeen year old linebacker hasn't really come out of his bedroom yet! The undersized 12 year old has mentioned that he HAS a seventeen year old linebacker brother, and we haven't yet heard anything about the rest of the 14 year old bully's family!

Tetrahedron said:
that doesnt show me anything.. seriously. Core Duo 2600 is rated at 2.16 so OCing to 3.0 is not spec. I want you to show me retail, Non-OCed Intel platform that can beat the best X2 (which is FX-60 in reality)

Couldn't help but notice your O/C amd in your sig. Your a hypocrite. Why don't you have the $1000 FX60. Oh its better to buy cheaper and O/C to same speed as Fx60.

Same can be said about yonah . O/C it to slaughter the overpriced AMD FX 64.

you sig says you say one thing but mean another.
Catweazle said:

Aren't you forgetting that the seventeen year old linebacker hasn't really come out of his bedroom yet! The undersized 12 year old has mentioned that he HAS a seventeen year old linebacker brother, and we haven't yet heard anything about the rest of the 14 year old bully's family!


Ya the 17 year old line backer stayed in his room so the 15 year old cheerleader came out named Yonah and pulled her skirt up and all said well thats not right you can't lift your skirt like that in public. The cheerleader doesn't have the Balls of big brother linebacker and niether does anything in the AMD family that isn't pure vapor ware. Hell the cheerleader has proven to be more ballzie than AMD'S top of the line. LOL.
Donnie27 said:
Actually not 6 months at all. There's NO claim, no imaginary or etc... That was Hardware tested and played with buy Webmasters from about 5 sites, then retested by Anand. Claimed?

I am not disputing the benchmarks. You are way too defensive.

Donnie27 said:
SO where's all of the Dothan/Yonah Marketing?

Donnie27 said:
I'm not numb at all, Centrino kicked ass from day one. Intel didn't have to market it but does so for whatever reason.

My point was that Intel has ton a hell of a job creating (a worthy) buzz around Conroe, and that AMD should be taking notes. Wasn't that the point in showcasing Conroe 6 months before you can buy it? I have always thought AMD did a poor job marketing their products. I don't see why you are trying to dispute everything I say.
Tetrahedron said:
that doesnt show me anything.. seriously. Core Duo 2600 is rated at 2.16 so OCing to 3.0 is not spec. I want you to show me retail, Non-OCed Intel platform that can beat the best X2 (which is FX-60 in reality)

I keep forgetting we're posting on [H] know, Hard Overclockers Comparison Page. My fault.
$BangforThe$ said:
Ya the 17 year old line backer stayed in his room so the 15 year old cheerleader came out named Yonah and pulled her skirt up and all said well thats not right you can't lift your skirt like that in public. The cheerleader doesn't have the Balls of big brother linebacker and niether does anything in the AMD family that isn't pure vapor ware. Hell the cheerleader has proven to be more ballzie than AMD'S top of the line. LOL.
WTF?! close this thread!!!!!
empoy said:
The only ones who'll be imagining things are the AMD f a n b o y s like you who still think X2 is still the performance champion.

good random flame. Nowhever have I even said anything about the amd x2 processor... Nor do I have one, or ever have had one. If conroe's better, that's great.. I hope it's cheap too. i'm not like most of you guys who sit on one side waving a red flag and proclaiming blue is all that is evil. I realize the best point of price/performance, the better value, and could really care less who makes it. I laugh at die hard fans.. I thought it was mainly a video card thing, in ati vs nvidia. People obsessed with ati had nothing to cheer about during nvidia's gf2-gf4 reign, but then when the 9800p debuted, it was the same for nvidia fans. and then vice versa with the 6600gt, and then the x800gto. The people who are losing out are the ones who will only follow one brand, for no apparent reason.

But you making claims that intel's going to dominate amd (because, well let's be honest, intel die-hards really haven't had a shitbrick to cheer about in quite a while), is just garbage. You don't know if amd's going to pull something out of their sleeve, or if there may be serious delays with conroe. Maybe conroe will be pushed back to mid-07.. unlikely? maybe, but it's not like that kind of stuff has never happened before. Until it's out on the market, with proof of what exactly it can do.. there's no reason to speculate a bunch of balogni nobody's sure about.

I haven't owned an intel chip/mobo since the p3 days.. and do I hold some kind of grudge against owning one again? nope. If the performance and value's there, I'll be happy to scoop something up.
ok ok no one here in the [Hard|forum is a f a n b o y of AMD.

Of course, this came from my imagination ;)
empoy said:
ok ok no one here in the [Hard|forum is a f a n b o y of AMD.

Of course, this came from my imagination ;)

ok, ok, ok noone here in the hardforum is a f a n b o y of Intel

Of course, this came from my imagination :rolleyes:

damn Intel for still not releasing eng'g samples of Conroe. but the marketing stunt last IDF seemed to work. desktop sales have slowed down.
$BangforThe$ said:
Couldn't help but notice your O/C amd in your sig. Your a hypocrite. Why don't you have the $1000 FX60. Oh its better to buy cheaper and O/C to same speed as Fx60.

Same can be said about yonah . O/C it to slaughter the overpriced AMD FX 64.

you sig says you say one thing but mean another.

You are correct I do overclock, but OCing is not a fair comparrison when you talk about which company (AMD or Intel) builds the fastest processors available. Seriously with enough money and resources I could make either or more powerful.. just takes money. That is why when you compare the two companies you have to use the best available STOCK product offerings. I could go buy a Honda Civic and 'make' it faster than the fastest Ferrari, Ferrari has to offer. Does that mean Honda Civic's are faster than Ferrari's now? NO! it does not.
JetUsafMech said:
I keep forgetting we're posting on [H] know, Hard Overclockers Comparison Page. My fault.

Then it doesnt matter who is faster, Intel or AMD, cause like I responded, with enough money and resources one could make either or faster than the other. So then why even argue about the upcoming processors by both companies in the first place eh? Cause I guarantee if I had, lets say 5 million dollars of free money to blow.. I could build an AMD rig that would blow away the Conroe.. Is that feasible? No!... would that be [H]ard enough for you then?
Tetrahedron said:
You are correct I do overclock, but OCing is not a fair comparrison when you talk about which company (AMD or Intel) builds the fastest processors available. Seriously with enough money and resources I could make either or more powerful.. just takes money. That is why when you compare the two companies you have to use the best available STOCK product offerings. I could go buy a Honda Civic and 'make' it faster than the fastest Ferrari, Ferrari has to offer. Does that mean Honda Civic's are faster than Ferrari's now? NO! it does not.

Tetrahedron is right. If you're comparing, you had better compare two non-overclocked systems. Just because Tetrahedron overclocked his own system doesn't mean that a formal review should compare two overclocked systems.

A formal review should compare top of the line (in a specific lineup) vs. top of the line for another company (in a specific lineup), no OC. $BangforThe$, I officially declare your logic to be faulty. :)
dr_dirtnap said:
I am not disputing the benchmarks. You are way too defensive.
My point was that Intel has ton a hell of a job creating (a worthy) buzz around Conroe, and that AMD should be taking notes. Wasn't that the point in showcasing Conroe 6 months before you can buy it? I have always thought AMD did a poor job marketing their products. I don't see why you are trying to dispute everything I say.

No I didn't mean some Imaginary brother, this Processor is real and was tested. Now folks can believe the results or not believe them then say Intel cheated. Trying to say this is not real Hardware is a bunch BS! Just because you can't buy it yet, doesn't mean it ain't real. I'm not talking about what *could happen, hell, I'm talking about what did happen.

Dewd, that's the part you don't get! Dothan and Yonah created the BUZZ! Folks (NOT AMD ZEALOTS who'd not touch anything with the Intel Logo on it) have been waiting for a real Desktop version of this line of Processors since the First Banias showed up. True Hardware Geeks want to see it and can't wait. Folks who love AMD don't. That's dumb since that means they'd be able to feed their habit for Green Arrow stuff for less money thanks to the Blue guys, hehehe!
Tetrahedron said:
You are correct I do overclock, but OCing is not a fair comparrison when you talk about which company (AMD or Intel) builds the fastest processors available. Seriously with enough money and resources I could make either or more powerful.. just takes money. That is why when you compare the two companies you have to use the best available STOCK product offerings. I could go buy a Honda Civic and 'make' it faster than the fastest Ferrari, Ferrari has to offer. Does that mean Honda Civic's are faster than Ferrari's now? NO! it does not.

You could That would be interesting to see How much would it cost to make that Civic a ferrie killer. How would it handle on a skid pad. I think your dancing. The cheaper yonah kicks X2 FX60's ass and it don't cost anthing extra infact its cheaper.

Isn't it true that AMDers always say bang for the bucks . Yonah delivers FX60 does not.

Paint it any color you want. Yonah stumps on FX60 at a better price and thats it.
$BangforThe$ said:
You could That would be interesting to see How much would it cost to make that Civic a ferrie killer. How would it handle on a skid pad. I think your dancing. The cheaper yonah kicks X2 FX60's ass and it don't cost anthing extra infact its cheaper.

Isn't it true that AMDers always say bang for the bucks . Yonah delivers FX60 does not.

Paint it any color you want. Yonah stumps on FX60 at a better price and thats it.

Believe what you want. Maybe most AMDers have that saying, I dont know, I dont care. That is irrelevant. As it stands March 28th, 2006 AMD is ahead of Intel.. for straight out of the box, NON-OCed, cost not being a factor.

But when the Conroe drops and I can or you can purchase one, then Intel will be ahead. Just realize that on this date, today, AMD is leading over Intel.

Here ya go

A civic that is faster than a stock ferrari, by your logic civics are faster. And a its girl driver too ;)
Tetrahedron said:
Believe what you want. Maybe most AMDers have that saying, I dont know, I dont care. That is irrelevant. As it stands March 28th, 2006 AMD is ahead of Intel.. for straight out of the box, NON-OCed, cost not being a factor.

But when the Conroe drops and I can or you can purchase one, then Intel will be ahead. Just realize that on this date, today, AMD is leading over Intel.

Here ya go

A civic that is faster than a stock ferrari, by your logic civics are faster. And a its girl driver too ;)

Yonah is here now . $500

FX60 $1000

Yonah as far as the enthuist community goes will destroy FX60 . At a better price.

If you want to go buy a Dell be my guest . If you want to build a kick ass gamer looks like Yonah can do the Job . Bottom line.
$BangforThe$ said:
Yonah is here now . $500

FX60 $1000

Yonah as far as the enthuist community goes will destroy FX60 . At a better price.

If you want to go buy a Dell be my guest . If you want to build a kick ass gamer looks like Yonah can do the Job . Bottom line.

Go buy a Dell? Where the hell did that come from? Where I have once promoted Dell? You are reaching now.. serious reaching. Oh well, be my guest keep reaching :). But like I said price does NOT dictate performance.. So if AMDs top of the line is 1000 and Intel is 500, then so be it. Speed and Performance dicate who wins, not price. While I agree I as many other would rather pay less.. and there is a catagory for testing called Price vs Peformance.. which Intel just might be winning. But in a complete 100% grudge match of Performance vs Performance.. AMD wins as of this date March 28th, 2006. Do you understand?
Stock Yonah, can barely keep up with a 3000+. And good luck finding a board for it. I think there are only two on newegg right now, and they tend to be out of stock.... Great value.... ;)
You guys are crazy. You can compare non-OCed to non-OCed or OCed to OCed. The FX60 dosen't OC well, so Yonah would win the second test and bang-for-the-buck in both(when we can get mobos.) My 3200+ is at 2.8ghz, but it's not a FX. Still it cost about 15% of FX57 at the time I bought it!

Stock Yonah~3800+ X2, but at max uses less power then the X2 at idle, and it OCs very well.
forget AMD and Intel...

Each 64-bit Cyclops64 chip (processor) will run at 500 megahertz and contain 80 processors. Each processor will have two thread units, two integer units, and a floating point unit.

The processors will be connected with a 96 port, 7 stage non-internally blocking crossbar switch. They will communicate with each other via global interleaved memory (memory that can be written to and read by all threads) in the SRAM.

The theoretical peak performance of a Cyclops64 processor is 80 gigaflops (this assumes a continuous stream of Multiply-accumulate instructions, each of which are counted as two floating point operations). A full system (consisting of 2 thread units per processor, 80 processors per chip, 4 chips per board, 48 boards per rack, and 72 racks per system) would contain 1,105,920 processors capable of running 2,211,840 concurrent threads.

^^ now I can get 15 more FPS even though the human eye can not detect anything over 60 and usually nothing over 30
Tetrahedron said:

^^ now I can get 15 more FPS even though the human eye can not detect anything over 60 and usually nothing over 30

If I see this idiotic myth again, then by God I will ban myself from ever surfing forums like this again.
empoy said:
ok ok no one here in the [Hard|forum is a f a n b o y of AMD.

Of course, this came from my imagination ;)

why does no one wanna say !!!!!!....
ahh i c... thats an odd feature.....

im a pretty big fan of amd, not willing to get into an arguement over whos better, and i may very well pick up a conroe. but i know a fair chunk more about amd design then i do about intels. and i just think amds platform is better... but you know... one persons opinion.

but yea if conroe really does perform as well as the tests predict i suspect i will end up putting one in my new system. and amds line of processers isnt due out unitl mid 2007 right? so that gives intel the performance crown for a few months, again im only speculating that conroe wont perform as well as the new FX 64 or w/e that comes out with amds new design.

and the only die hard intel fan i know tries to convince me that 64 bit technology is useless, so i spose that makes me bias...
..did I just see someone post something about not being able to tell over 60fps .. or was that just a pile of yello baby poo I smelt .. :rolleyes: ..hmm , hard to tell the difference ..


I have been running AMD for awhile now ..was riding the Intel "C" oc wagon before that (ah ..sniff ..I miss me dear old 2.4c chip that ran at 3.6ghz at stock voltage on my old vapo and abit IC-7 mobo ...sniff) ..and my stance is that I really hope Intel mops the floor with AMD in price and performance . Then AMD won't have a chance to get lethargic with their chips (as I think Intel did and slipped a ways down that slippery slope).

Competition is great for you and for me as consumers ..if your a mindles f a n b o y of either company , then your a *BLEEPITY BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP* ..and you can *BLEEPITY BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP* all the way to *BLEEP* ..and not to mention that f a n b o y'ism is just plain dumb.

Go Intel Go!

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