Amazing results after installing Accerlo S1 on my 8800GT (yup another S1 thread :D)


Limp Gawd
Aug 19, 2004
Just installed the Accelero S1 on my 8800GT and the results are absolutely amazing. I spent $35~ total Canadian

Install Pictures


All clean

Enzotech Low-profile coppers on the ram and Accelero Aluminum sinks on the VRMs

Arctic Cooling 20dba FDB 120MM Fan




TF2 = Team Fortress 2

Before and after means stock cooling installed and S1 installed respectively. The fan was at 40% 24/7 with stock cooling. Temp readings are from Everest. They were taken immediately after exiting the respective applications. I am getting literally 20c avg drop. Simply amazing.
not very accurate temperatures - you should enable temp-logging instead. Temperature drops very fast when the load is off.
How does this affect your ambient temps?

The last Accelero I used was on a x1800xt. After installing I had to drop my CPU OC considerably. Will I have this problem again?
How hard was it to clean the chip off? I have an Accelero right next to me to put on but it looks so easy to do I am suspicous since hard things go well for me and the easy stuff ensnares - with computers anyway.
not very accurate temperatures - you should enable temp-logging instead. Temperature drops very fast when the load is off.

QFT. My GTX before with stock cooler would instantly drop to 70C after exiting a program but with temp logging it was hitting 85C max
I'll use Rivatuner instead to get more accurate temps.

How does this affect your ambient temps?

The last Accelero I used was on a x1800xt. After installing I had to drop my CPU OC considerably. Will I have this problem again?

What do you mean you had to drop the CPU OC? Your case got hotter with the S1 installed? I don't have an option to see ambient temps for my comp, but my CPU temp has not changed. It's still the same.

How hard was it to clean the chip off? I have an Accelero right next to me to put on but it looks so easy to do I am suspicous since hard things go well for me and the easy stuff ensnares - with computers anyway.

It was actually very easy to clean off, but it took a lot of time. The core was obviously the easiest. The edges around the core were a bit harder due to the small chips or whatever you call them. Q tips dipped in some isopropyl alcohol does a really good job.
Did you use isopropyl alcohol that's diluted with some water (the common types sold in stores that are like ~80% isopropyl alcohol) or 100% isopropyl alcohol?
I used 91% and I also used nail polish remover lol. It actually did a good job on cleaning the stuff off the ram.

Here are some results with Rivatuner.

3DMark06 went up to 42c the highest. TF2 went up to 39c the highest. I don't think the temps will fluctuate a lot considering the cooler is much much more efficient than the stock. I'd say +2-5c of my Everest temps.

Unfortunately, these are the two things (programs) I had installed before the S1 and after S1. I need to get some new games. Been spending it all on hardware, but I'm pretty much got what I need to complete my setup. :D

