Battlefield 3 - $30

I used one of those $5 off promo coupons I got from Amazon over their winter sales to bring it down to $25. :D
I used one of those $5 off promo coupons I got from Amazon over their winter sales to bring it down to $25. :D

And of course I deleted the two emails that I had been sent, and can't find any way to see what my coupon codes are :mad:
Im pretty sure those amazon codes are tied to your account and cant be traded
Does anyone have a $5 coupon I can have? Please PM me. Thanks.
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So are all of the amazon reviewers over reacting to origin or is it actually worse than an anal probe?
So are all of the amazon reviewers over reacting to origin or is it actually worse than an anal probe?

Some people have problems with the game. I didnt have any problem installing or patching the game and it runs pretty smoothly. Very few crashes or disconnects. I love playing this game.
So are all of the amazon reviewers over reacting to origin or is it actually worse than an anal probe?

You have to either open Origin to open your web browser which uses a plugin to open the game, or open your web browser to BATTLELOG which uses the plugin to open Origin to launch the game, and you have to have your friends on Origin and also within Battlelog because unified friends lists are wholly insensible relics of a bygone era. Other such silliness ensues.
So are all of the amazon reviewers over reacting to origin or is it actually worse than an anal probe?
It's a lot less polished and not as user-friendly as Steam, but its not too bad. Some people have problems with it regarding disconnects, crashes, etc. On the other hand, the game has been running flawlessly for me and I have not had a single error since the day that B2K came out. It's hit or miss, YMMV.

For $30 I would jump on it if you don't have it already. I doubt it'll get much lower than that anytime soon. B2K is another $15, but is well worth it, IMO.
lol went to buy it and its at $50 now.........................
I had very serious misgiving about Origin, the BF3 browser / crapware load, and the crap they were spewing about Steam. I wanted to vote with my dollars by not buying this game at launch, and with the bug reports, thought I had made a wise decision. Does not hurt that I had (have) a huge backlog of games to play right now anyways. Finally decided to use my amazon store credit and buy this, since EA has probably already tallied their sales numbers for the BF3 launch by now.

But nope, one more hurdle, they will not accept any gift cards and will not allow you to gift this game. Why? They want your credit card info. FU EA. Nope.
Why not just give the key to someone if you want to gift it/sell it?
Has there been a sale on back to Karkand yet? I really don't want to pay for the DLC close to what I did for the actual game.
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You have to either open Origin to open your web browser which uses a plugin to open the game, or open your web browser to BATTLELOG which uses the plugin to open Origin to launch the game, and you have to have your friends on Origin and also within Battlelog because unified friends lists are wholly insensible relics of a bygone era. Other such silliness ensues.

i had a huge issue with ea when i was trying to activate my key. they had to manually add the game to my origin account to dl/install the game, then again to the battlelog so it could connect to the live servers.

live chat was really helpful and they responded fairly quickly but honest, this shouldnt be happening at all. that aside, the game is pretty crazyy. slight studder with my 5970 but its probably a driver issue.

oh yea, last thing. if you have an issue of the game unable to go into full screen, its pretty because you have teamviewer installed.
Even if you have to buy the Back to Karkand DLC separately for $15, when you consider that you may well spend dozens or hundreds of hours on the DLC maps (and that's all I play now since they came out, the original maps are meh by comparison), its $15 well spent. Rare to be able to stretch fifteen bucks into that many hours of entertainment.
Even if you have to buy the Back to Karkand DLC separately for $15, when you consider that you may well spend dozens or hundreds of hours on the DLC maps (and that's all I play now since they came out, the original maps are meh by comparison), its $15 well spent. Rare to be able to stretch fifteen bucks into that many hours of entertainment.
Really? I've played BF3 a total of 8 hours in the time I've owned it since Black Friday.
GODDAMN IT I just bought this 8 hrs ago.................. :mad::mad::mad:
Not everyone is going to get 140 of gameplay out of the game. I know that I won't.

I won't's looking closer to 300-400 for me, and maybe by the time I'm bored with it the next dlc will be out. I will get at minimum 500 hours out of this game, just like I did the previous installment.
I won't's looking closer to 300-400 for me, and maybe by the time I'm bored with it the next dlc will be out. I will get at minimum 500 hours out of this game, just like I did the previous installment.

I don't understand how you could play the same maps over and over with the same style gameplay without getting bored. Not everyone goes crazy for these multi-player fps titles like some of you guys. There are other games.
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I don't understand how you could play the same maps over and over with the same style gameplay without getting bored. Not everyone goes crazy for these multi-player fps titles like some of you guys. There are other games.
You can make a similar argument against pretty much any type of game. If you don't feel that the game is worth $30 or $60 or whatever then that's fine, I respect that, but don't go and call someone else out for playing a game that they enjoy. There are obviously a lot of people who do enjoy BF3, otherwise there wouldn't be a 500+ page long thread on it. You've made your point that you personally do not find the game enjoyable to the point where you would get hundreds of hours of enjoyment out of it, we get it.

Regardless of whether or not you enjoy it, $30 for a game that released for $60 a few months ago is a great deal for a title as big as BF3, and it probably won't get much cheaper anytime soon. If you haven't picked it up and think that you would like it, get it. If it doesn't seem like your thing then don't buy it. Simple.
I played Return to Castle Wolfenstein for 7 years. The first two years I played easily an average of 3.5+ hours per day, some days going for 10-12 hours at a time. The next three years I played at least 2.5 hours per day with the occasional 6 or 7 hour tournament thrown in. The next two years I played about 1.5 hours per day.

That's a total of approximately 6,387 hours for one game played mostly on a dozen maps. I paid around $30 for it in 2002 (GOTY). That's like 0.005 cents per hour. It's still my favorite game of all time. The mods, the custom maps, and the game-play were incredible.

If BF3 gives me more entertainment than a movie's comparable price/hour value, then I consider it a good game.

Some of us really enjoy FPS's. If it's a well-made game, the dynamic between two teams will shift round-to-round. No two matches will ever be exactly the same, so it takes a LONG time for it to get old. The more mods there are, the more maps, the more "community" support, the longer the game will be alive.

There are still around 15 active (daily players) servers for RTCW, which came out around 10 years ago.
I won't's looking closer to 300-400 for me, and maybe by the time I'm bored with it the next dlc will be out. I will get at minimum 500 hours out of this game, just like I did the previous installment.

They should just hire you as a beta tester. You sure are dedicated to BF games
They should just hire you as a beta tester. You sure are dedicated to BF games

Yup...owned pretty much all of them since 1942, and spent $2500 on a machine just for BC2 and BF3. Oh and I was a beta tester.
and still required to use Origin :(

Hell, I'd pay $60.00 for it today if I could use it with Steam (or as a standalone game)