Amazon Payments: How long to wait?

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Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 23, 2008
Is there say, a settling time or something like that for credit card payments or any form of payment for that matter? How long should I wait before receiving a payment and sending out the goods?
What about chargebacks or "something". I recall that people didn't take too well to CC for Paypal because of fraud or "something"?
A typical time window for CC chargebacks is about 60 days ... so if you are too concerned about chargeback you probably are better off not entering the transaction.
Guess my concern is not too much for the chargeback, but of that "something" of an issue people seemed to have with Paypal (and people not accepting them). A lot of ads will state "Non-CC Paypal only", why is that (fraud?, fees?) and does that apply to Amazon Payments as well?

Disclaimer, I received a CC payment through Amazon Payments for a couple of my items and am NOT at all trying to insinuate that there is any problem going on with that transaction.
A lot of people either don't understand that Paypal now charges for ALL normal transactions regardless of funding source (I might be wrong here if you use a paypal balance but you'd need to be a real idiot to leave money in a paypal account) or are trying to wiggle around the "you can't ask for gift payments" rule of the forum. It used to be that for personal paypal accounts if you used your bank account to fund it and only charged for CC transactions. This is no longer the case.
Yes, sometimes "non-cc" is a code word ;) I don't know though if a "gift" payment can be funded with a credit card (without a fee of any kind that is).
Thanks for the explanations you two!

As for fraud, what would Amazon do to you if the buyer used a stolen or otherwise fraudulent credit card? Would they nail you and make you cough up the money you received (I guess the scenario would be... received payment, sent out item, amzn finds out CC was stolen, now what?)
Thanks for the explanations you two!

As for fraud, what would Amazon do to you if the buyer used a stolen or otherwise fraudulent credit card? Would they nail you and make you cough up the money you received (I guess the scenario would be... received payment, sent out item, amzn finds out CC was stolen, now what?)

With paypal, you are covered up to 250 automatically. For amounts higher you have to have signature confirmation. I would call Amazon and ask them. Their average hold times for me are a few mins.
I don't know what they'd do ... they're probably the best party to answer this question (also they may quite predictably and rather truthfully say something like "we've taken steps to minimize the chance of this kind of scenario) .. but even if they claw the money back from you, you have a pretty good lead for the police and FBI in the form of the ship-to address, so you'll be in position to help yourself (recover the funds) and the society (put the crook behind bars).
I think the bigger concern is that people can simply report their card as stolen and get a refund + keep the item.
I think the bigger concern is that people can simply report their card as stolen and get a refund + keep the item.

Not if you apply signature confirmation and ship it to the address listed on the account.
If they take delivery, they can't say it was stolen.

You have to be careful of the people that request no signature confirmation and/or asks the item to be shipped to a different location.
Specifying that you do not take cc paypal is specifically to protect against having someone issue a chargeback via the credit card, which provides you no recourse to fight back through paypal. It's to protect against fraud.
Specifying that you do not take cc paypal is specifically to protect against having someone issue a chargeback via the credit card, which provides you no recourse to fight back through paypal. It's to protect against fraud.

Excatly, people with CC don't have PP accounts and can cancel without cause and say it was fraud. This has nothing to do with gift payments, which is the choice of the buyer.
If a person wants to pay with a CC and they have an account, PP will only let them pay with their account if they sign in.
The buyer can ask for an invoice, but make sure the email they're giving you is registered and verified with their name and correct address. PP will mark the payment as Instant.

I wouldn't accept a payment from someone that doesn't have a PP/Amazon account and want to pay with a CC.
I'll take a USPS money order instead.
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Specifying that you do not take cc paypal is specifically to protect against having someone issue a chargeback via the credit card, which provides you no recourse to fight back through paypal. It's to protect against fraud.

.. but how do you (as a seller) know if the payment was funded by a credit card or not? Isn't that information hidden from the seller?
.. but how do you (as a seller) know if the payment was funded by a credit card or not? Isn't that information hidden from the seller?

The payment method is listed in the details of the transaction.

Instant is from their account. Credit etc. is from a CC.
If someone doesn't have a registered email with PP, refund their money if they pay with the CC.
Really wish people would start accepting Amazon payments instead of just listing paypal / money order as the only method. Amazon payments as far as I know doesn't have fees (at least the last few times I used it).

Figured I wouldn't start up another thread and was trying to find a thread about Amazon payments vs. Paypal... (sorry for the slight thread hijack).

I'm actually fed up with paypal and wanted to know if anyone could explain why Amazon payments is I guess "less secure" than paypal?

Thanks in advance all.
Really wish people would start accepting Amazon payments instead of just listing paypal / money order as the only method. Amazon payments as far as I know doesn't have fees (at least the last few times I used it).

Figured I wouldn't start up another thread and was trying to find a thread about Amazon payments vs. Paypal... (sorry for the slight thread hijack).

I'm actually fed up with paypal and wanted to know if anyone could explain why Amazon payments is I guess "less secure" than paypal?

Thanks in advance all.

I for one have no problem sending paypal when buying. When selling tho, I only take Amazon Payments within the US. I take Paypal only from Internationals, since they can't use Amazon Payments, otherwise I wouldn't take Paypal at all :D
Doesn't amazon payments cap you at $1000/month?

Was not aware of that... don't think I spend that much in a month actually... anyone else able to confirm?

(No idea how to quote two different posts)**

I think that's the best way to do it anyway, paypal for international and amazon payments for US, hopefully people come around..
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