Amazon: Web Problem Due to Hardware, Not Hackers

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Amazon released a statement today claiming that the outages the company experienced over the weekend were hardware related, not a hacker attack.

Internet retailer Amazon is denying that pro-WikiLeaks hackers were responsible for the failure of its websites in several European countries. Amazon sites were offline for about half an hour in Britain, France, Germany and other countries late Sunday, leading to speculation they could have been targeted by online "hacktivists."
If they can take down Amazon with DDoS attacks I would be highly surprised. The amount of traffic they are used to is staggering.
I find it hard to believe that someone could take down Amazon. Not only do they get a staggering amount of traffic on a normal day, they have that whole EC2 thing. If it were just a DDoS attack as it's been with Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, etc., there's really nothing stopping them from just provisioning a few of their own clusters and moving on with business.

Besides, they had trouble just keeping PayPal shut down (and I believe only the blog was brought offline). Amazon receives an order of magnitude more traffic than PayPal ever will - I think they're better prepared to handle a sudden spike in traffic.
All these fools are going to accomplish is the government stepping in with some form of big-brother policies regarding censorship/monitoring. Gotta love it.
Seeing as they offer ECS hosting, it's pretty much like trying to DDoS Google. Good luck on that.
I thought anonymous said they were not going to target amazon?
The hackers did not take down Amazon. If you knew how much traffic Amazon succombs to over the holiday period; it's lke a 24-hour DDoS. The level of hardware and infrastructure behind the worlds largest online retailer is so vast, it's an almost impossible target.
I'm going to put this one in the "Ya... right" section.


could be a co-location went down, generator blew, could of been any number of things, could of been some idiot construction company cut a main backbone cable, the list goes on of what it could of been. Some stupid system admin did something wrong.

could be a co-location went down, generator blew, could of been any number of things, could of been some idiot construction company cut a main backbone cable, the list goes on of what it could of been. Some stupid system admin did something wrong.

I think it was Softlayer where a drunk hit a pole and knocked the datacenter's power out for a few hours as the backup generators didn't kick on. All types of silly things can knock a DC offline.
Amazon does not even go down on blackfriday.
They failed at Amazon's MAIN SITE, they got a few, lesser protected (less popular) france and german amazon sites but failed at the huge American setup amazon has ready for waves of online Christmas shoppers. has a shitton of screenshots and such following everything they do..... check it out.

PS: Assange has just been released on BAIL in London... he's out of jail now. They finally took bail money from his asshat rich supports
Start selling TV's and more electronics in Canada Amazon and I'll start to care about you.