Amazon's been holding my HD7950 order hostage for two weeks now

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Apr 25, 2007
This HIS HD7950 card went on sale for $239.99 on August 12th for about 24-48 hours. It sold out but they allowed you to back order it at that price as well.

I'd been watching that card for weeks, it finally went on sale, and I ordered one.

But it's been two weeks now and my order status STILL says "Delivery estimate: We need a little more time to provide you with a good estimate. We'll notify you by email as soon as we have an estimated delivery date. You can cancel at any time."

Meanwhile, multiple other Amazon vendors have stocked and sold the card (I check on the order every couple days and also check the product page.) but Amazon hasn't bothered to restock it.

Odd that they can't even give me an estimate on when it'll be back in stock.

Also, my Prime has run out since I placed the order so if I cancel the order, I'll also lose the two-day free shipping I have on the pending order.
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Good idea. They do have great CS. So I called. Nothing they can do. Not really any help. No idea when it might be back in stock to ship.

I explained my concern that if I cancel the order, I lose the price and the Prime shipping. I expressed gentle disappointment with the situation I'm placed in, but they didn't offer to do anything about it other than saying sorry and they don't have any more info for me, so that was that, have a nice day.

I'm not the type to pressure or complain to the phone rep. In my view, the call itself is their opportunity to resolve this, and they didn't seem able to do anything about it of their own initiative, so that was that. Doesn't seem very "kick ass".
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I placed an order on Amazon for a Visiontek card some years ago. They would steadily get them in and fill the backorders in the order received. After a couple weeks I ordered from elsewhere, but Amazon did eventually fill everyone's order that stuck it out.
I mean, if they dont have the card in stock....they dont have it in stock? It doesnt matter if other vendors are getting them in stock, they are not. The card probably went on sale at a very good price and they sold out ridiculously fast.

I dont see how you ordering a card that you knew was out of stock is Amazon's bad customer service?

Fact of the matter is, Amazon's CS is extremely bad ass and if it's within their power to do it for you, they will. Ive had them do some pretty extreme shit before that I didnt even ask for, all to make things right.
I dont see how you ordering a card that you knew was out of stock is Amazon's bad customer service?

I never said it was bad customer service, but if you're looking objectively, it is a bit silly that after two weeks they can't give even an ETA as to when it will be back in stock.

Fact of the matter is, Amazon's CS is extremely bad ass and if it's within their power to do it for you, they will. Ive had them do some pretty extreme shit before that I didnt even ask for, all to make things right.

That's nice that you had a more satisfactory experience with their CS, but you offer that as if it's a counter-argument to something I never said (I never said anything about "bad CS"). It also doesn't negate the fact that it has been two weeks without any sort of status update on a product's availability by what is essentially the world's largest and most capable e-tailer. By any reasonable measure, that is rather unsatisfactory.
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Well if they don't have an ETA, they don't have it. After two weeks and they don't have it is not their fault. If you need that card in that of a hurry, you could've paid more and gotten it from many of the other merchants that do have that card in stock.
Well if they don't have an ETA, they don't have it. [...] If you need that card in that of a hurry, you could've paid more and gotten it from many of the other merchants that do have that card in stock.

Thank you, Captain Obvious. o7
Thank you, Captain Obvious. o7

But its the truth? How are they supposed to provide you a date if they dont know either? They dont manufacture the cards? Odds are it went on sale because its an older model and they were trying to make room. As all companies do they sold a few more than they had just in case people cancelled them.

It's not like they are out to get you and are ONLY not updating your purchase..If they could help you any other way they would. Im quite sure if you contact them and explain what happened theyd be more than happy to extend 2 day shipping to whatever you wanted as well.

Im sorry, you are just complaining about something that makes no sense.
Pro Tip:

Don't order cards that are OOS and on backorder

(goes back to enjoying his 7950 ordered from amazon 2 weeks ago)
I love how you guy are putting words in the OP's mouth... Let it go already.
I love how you guy are putting words in the OP's mouth... Let it go already.

We are?

OP is complaining that he hasnt received a card that he ordered as OOS. He is complaining that the card he ordered as OOS which NEVER said anything about having a specified date of delivery other than "we'll let you know soon" has not been delivered yet.

He also goes on to say that Amazon Customer service was unsatisfactory to him because a company THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MANUFACTURING OF SAID CARD, doesnt know when the company WHO DOES will be sending out more cards.

Sounds pretty f'n ridonkulous to me...

Had he contacted customer service and said "hey, this card still isnt in stock but I ordered it with prime and now I dont have prime but would like to instead order this card with prime, could you still do 2 day shipping for new card?" I'd bet my entire paycheck they would do it.

Not to mention this isnt a hot deal...
Thanks, I was starting to wonder if I'd entered some sort of twilight zone here. Good grief.

No one has the right to tell you that you can't be dissappointed in your situation... I would say it sux also. I can't believe they can't provide some information on the order. If there is no plan to backfill then it should have been removed and never given the chance to be ordered.
No one has the right to tell you that you can't be dissappointed in your situation... I would say it sux also. I can't believe they can't provide some information on the order. If there is no plan to backfill then it should have been removed and never given the chance to be ordered.

We do have the right to give our opinion and its obvious the majority think it's just whining..

edit: w/e gl with your out of stock item.
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There was an MSI TF3 7950 on sale for $178 just a few days ago. Save yourself $60 and get that card instead. Put an accelero on it if you don't like the hsf.
What is the point of this thread? Multiple people have offered OP suggestions on alleviating the problem at hand, but all he ever says is some snark in response.

Amazon's not holding your video card hostage if they don't have any in the warehouse and they're not holding your order hostage if they're allowing you to freely cancel it at any time. They can't give you an estimate on when it will be in-stock because the CSRs know nothing about the product's supply chain. There's a bunch of things you can do here, but they've all been said multiple times by others.
You need to be patient if you want the card at that price. Amazon's order and delivery system algorithm/logistics is one of the best, if not the best out there. They are going to follow the order in which the order was received and fill it out as the items keep coming back in stock.

If you do not have the patience then obviously you are always welcome to cancel the order and go shop elsewhere. Remember, your credit card has not been charged. Amazon does not charge your CC until the item is ready to be shipped. So, they are not holding you or your order hostage.

Whats holding you hostage right now is your impatience.
You need to be patient if you want the card at that price. Amazon's order and delivery system algorithm/logistics is one of the best, if not the best out there. They are going to follow the order in which the order was received and fill it out as the items keep coming back in stock.

If you do not have the patience then obviously you are always welcome to cancel the order and go shop elsewhere. Remember, your credit card has not been charged. Amazon does not charge your CC until the item is ready to be shipped. So, they are not holding you or your order hostage.

Whats holding you hostage right now is your impatience.

I'd have never thought two weeks without an update would be considered impatient, but this is the first time I've experienced this, so fair enough. :)

What is the point of this thread? Multiple people have offered OP suggestions on alleviating the problem at hand, but all he ever says is some snark in response.

I'm sorry such a simple expression of disappointment is so challenging for some of you to handle logically. And yes, asinine responses do tend to get some snark in return. Please feel free to close the thread.

vvvvvvvvv Case in point vvvvvvvvv
What is the point of this thread? Multiple people have offered OP suggestions on alleviating the problem at hand, but all he ever says is some snark in response.

Amazon's not holding your video card hostage if they don't have any in the warehouse and they're not holding your order hostage if they're allowing you to freely cancel it at any time. They can't give you an estimate on when it will be in-stock because the CSRs know nothing about the product's supply chain. There's a bunch of things you can do here, but they've all been said multiple times by others.

You're making way too much sense for this thread. OP is going to need you to be a little more unreasonable..

Thanks. :rolleyes:

I'm sorry such a simple expression of disappointment is so challenging for some of you to handle logically. And yes, asinine responses do tend to get some snark in return. Please feel free to close the thread.

You have that power sir. Next time think twice before posting an asinine thread =/

Thread tools--->Close thread.
You have that power sir. Next time think twice before posting a reasonable thread =/

Thread tools--->Close thread.

Print, Email, Subscribe, Rate, and Search, are the only tools available when clicking that option. Perhaps you are thinking of the For Sale/Tradde section?
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