AMD 64 90nm + Aftermarket Cooling = HIGH Temps!!


Sep 25, 2004
Hey guys.

I have a AMD 64 3500+ Winchester 90nm with a Zalman 700B-AlCu sitting ontop of AS5 . .

With Cool 'n' Quiet off, on idel, I'm at 40°C and load is at 55°C (load meaning playing an online game . . .)

Isn't this, err, High? I mean, I KNOW the Zalman is touching the chip. I can feel it . . . I didn't apply a lot of AS5, and follwed the instructions at their site on how to spread it (using the pressure of the coller, while turning it clockwise, and CCW).

What could be wrong?

I have 2 computers, same EXACT setup, reading the SAME exact temps. Both using the zalman, both with AS5 . .

The only thing I didn't do, is hook up the zalmans fan controller, but wouldn't this mean it is running fullspeed?

Any help is GREATLY appreciated.

make sure your vCore is set properly. i believe they run at 1.45v or 1.5v.
Is the cpu overclocked? Stock volts is 1.4 btw. My stock cooling keeps mine at 31 idle, 38 load, so there is something wrong there.
marshmallow said:
Is the cpu overclocked? Stock volts is 1.4 btw. My stock cooling keeps mine at 31 idle, 38 load, so there is something wrong there.

Do you also have a Neo2 platinum?
How can I check my vCore? CPU-Z? Or the BIOS?

No overclocks . . . everything is STOCK.

Thanks for the suggestions so far.

Update your bios, and watch ur temps go down (more than likely). If you have the new bios already, then you need to re-seat your heatsink.
Excess AS5 can really jack your temps up.. if it's not false readings then I'd make sure you have a PAPER thin application of AS5 on the cpu.. less is more. When I apply AS5 I use a piece of plastic to smooth out a perfect flat almost transparent layer of the stuff. When I was a newbie I put a bunch of hs compound on my cpu and almost fried the thing.. was running like 65c cause I smeared the compound all over the heatsink instead of cleaning it off... smere != clean. I was creating a virtual heatbed over the entire surface of the heatsink :p In any case... I'm running 3500+ winnie @ 2.4ghz and run 44c load on stock cooler.. so yea somethin is up.
The Zalman 7000 SUCKS for Athlon 64's, it's simple as that.
Feel the heatsink? Is it quite warm?
It's not supposed to be that warm, considering it is an open-air attached-fan heatsink.
Go for an XP-90, I went for the XP-120 and it has been a MUCH better choice.
I have the same problem with an xp-120 on an fx chip. Idle tems are 40-42 and load 50-52. Using a thermalright thunderblade fan. Spins @ 2000rpm with a rated 78.3 airflow. I reseated the thing two times now using AS5 as the instructions say on the site with a small bb. Mobo temps and ambient room temps are 23-24
Thanks for the reply so far guys. Here is a snapshot of speed fan. Let me know if you see anything :-/. BIOS 1.4 -- Do you think I need the Hacked/modded 1.41?

Computer 1

1.) Idle - Cool 'n' Quiet is ENABLED

2.) Idle - Cool 'n' Quiet is DISABLED

2.) Load (PLaying 1 game of CS:S wih only 3 people Cool 'n' Quiet is DISABLED

Thanks a bunch.

More load images to come tonight while gaming.
Ok I cleaned off my HS/F and CPU, then reapplied a dot (.) of AS5 . . . At first, with cool n quiet, my temps were 32°C . . then 10min with comp on, they went back to 37°C idle, 44°C load (with CnQ).

Is this correct?

Thank you.
Been messing with it all night, still the same results. Are these just the "normal" temps? Could the mobo readings be off (I have the 1.4 bios though)

I could understand if it was ~36/~44/ normally, but those are the temps with cool n quiet. Without it, they increase a bunch, as the pics show.

I'm willing to try anything at this point :(.
Did you check the cold and warm start temp diffeneces with the Neo2. The Neo2 cold start temp could be 10C higher. It's mobo bug.
Before I reinstalled water cooling I had the same issue - and virtually the same setup (e.g. NeoPlat2 939; 3200+; AlCu7000). My temps were peaking at 52-55 deg. C under load (folding@home). Stability did not appear to be affected, however. To boot, the HSF did not seem warm to the touch.

The NeoPlat2 seems to be measuring the temperatures a bit too high. A BIOS upgrade would seem to be the answer.

Think of it this way - you could have an Abit board, and have NO IDEA what your temperatures are.
Thanks guys,

Does anyone know where I can get a modded BIOS from? I'm guessing 1.41?


jnick, I'm nt sure you understand what cool n quiet is meant to do.

When idle, it reduces your processor speed and voltage and also your fan speed. Hence the name cool n quiet.
It does not do anything when your processor is at load. Temperatures at load should be the exact same with CnQ on or off. If they were lower at load with CnQ on I'd be worried.
36-44 doesnt sound great, but also doesnt sound *too* bad. Try using some rubbing alcohol to wipe your XP-90 and chip off completely and then reapplying your AS5 with the least possible amount. Other than that it might be down to poor airflow?
Demon_of_The_Fall said:
Other than that it might be down to poor airflow?
Sounds very possible to me too. Also, what is the usual ambient temp (in the room)?

To see if its airflow related I would try opening up the sides of the case, route your IDE cables, etc out of the way and run your temp tests again. If there is no difference in temps then I would think airflow inside the case is not the culprit.

If their is a significant change in temps then you may want to add one or two case fans and make sure they are pushing air in the right directions.
Did anyone notice in the Speedfan screens that Fan02 and Fan03 were at 0RPM? I know he might not have his fans plugged into the motherboard, and I didn't read that he had plugged them directly into the powersupply.
In your first post, your load temps were 55C, and now they're loading at 44C? I don't see the problem, looks like you fixed the issue to me?
OK let me address all of this, or at least try to.

When CnQ is ON my temps are always lower . . . both idle and load, always.
As far as airflow goes, I HIGHLY doubt that's a problem. All of my wires are hidden completely, with the exception of 3-4. I'll post up a picture in a minute or 2.

My CPU Fan is plugged into the Mobo, and you'll be able to see it once I get the picture up. Also my rear case fan is in the mobo. The rest of the fans 1 Exahust (Top), and 2 intake (front) are plugged into a PSU line shared by the eCD-ROMs and Floppy drive.

The Hard Drive is by itself (on PSU line) and so is the Video Card. Pics will be uploaded shortly.

According to The Nvidia Temperture readings, my Ambient temp is around 36°C.

tsuehpsyde - It's loading at 44°C when CnQ is on . . around 52°C-55°C when it's off.

Thank for all the help so far.

Here's the pic of the inside of my case. I took it yesterday right after remounting the HS/F with a new application of AS5. You can see the fans plugged into the motherboard, and you can see my wiring. Not perfect, but that's probably the best I'll get.

Do you think the fans in the motherboard need to be switched, even though CPU is in the CPU fan connector and the case fan is in the SFAN connector?? (CPU and Case Fan -- Switch were they're plugged in?)


Not quite sure why your temps aren't lower considering your cooling, but it's still well within spec for A64's. They are supposed to run reliably until about 80C, but anything below 60C should be perfectly fine.

That said, my machine (90nm 3000+ @ 2.3GHz) is running at 44C full load with my XP-90.
My winchester A64 3000+ has pretty high temps as well. I have it o/c 500mhz on air cooling, and it runs about 54-55c at idle, and ~60 with load ( at least I think it was 60 with load last I checked ). I havent had any stability probs at this speed/temp. I'm using a Thermaltake SilentTower hs/f to cool my CPU. Mobo is an Abit AV8.
Wallslide said:
My winchester A64 3000+ has pretty high temps as well. I have it o/c 500mhz on air cooling, and it runs about 54-55c at idle, and ~60 with load ( at least I think it was 60 with load last I checked ). I havent had any stability probs at this speed/temp. I'm using a Thermaltake SilentTower hs/f to cool my CPU. Mobo is an Abit AV8.

carefull there i think 60c is rather high
i see u hav patriot ram :p anyways hmmm thats winnie 3000+ is running at 2.6 on stock cooling and my idle temp is 29C and load: 41C and in my sonata i am gettin 28C with 2 120mm fans with everything in spiral wrap, sleeved, zip i dunno wats the problem
N H O said:
i see u hav patriot ram :p anyways hmmm thats winnie 3000+ is running at 2.6 on stock cooling and my idle temp is 29C and load: 41C and in my sonata i am gettin 28C with 2 120mm fans with everything in spiral wrap, sleeved, zip i dunno wats the problem

Yeah, my temps are very very similar to yours... May I ask what motherboard you are using?
ballistic said:
Yeah, my temps are very very similar to yours... May I ask what motherboard you are using?
yeea im using the epox 9nda3+ wat motherboard and case are u using?? :D
Still getting High Temps :(.

Could it be possible that there's not enough case fans keeping my computer cool?

I have 2 80mm in the front (intake), 1 80mm in the back (exahust), 1 80mm on top (exahust)

Is that enough?

from what i see from the screenshots of speedfan, your case fans are NOT spinning, this is the reason for the high temps.
That's what speed fan is saying, but they are spinning . . .

I only have 1 fan into the mobo, under SFAN2. All fans are spinning.

I got my ambient temp to abour 33-35°C, but my CPU is still at 37-38° Idle.

jnick said:
Still getting High Temps :(.

Could it be possible that there's not enough case fans keeping my computer cool?

I have 2 80mm in the front (intake), 1 80mm in the back (exahust), 1 80mm on top (exahust)

Is that enough?


I already told you, the zalman 7000 SUCKS for athlon 64s.... why go further than that?
ScHpAnKy said:
I already told you, the zalman 7000 SUCKS for athlon 64s.... why go further than that?
I just installed my 7000B on a 3200+ 90nm and with the speed control thing at about half way my CPU temp = my Case temp = 34 degrees C. That's at stock, seems to work fine for me. I'm pretty sure I used way too much AS too...
i must agree that the zalman is a pretty sick cooler, esp for how quiet it is.
do you have proof that it's not all that great?
ScHpAnKy said:
I already told you, the zalman 7000 SUCKS for athlon 64s.... why go further than that?

Why> Because that's total garbage . . excuse my french . . .

Unless you can show me SOLID proof to where the Zalman "SUCKS", it's not right to say that. I mean even rated it a Kick Ass product, as well as other places.

Now, what sucks is the Motherboard Temp sensors. I did a test yesterday using a thermometer normally meant for cooking (not to apporpriate, but accurate). It showed my Ambient temp to be about 74-76°F . . . and the BIOS and speedfan were claiming 98-100°F . . .

So I'm going to buy an LCD disaplay to monitor the temps accurately. This would mean it's about a 10°C difference, so my temps would be fine, and therefore Zalman WOULDN'T "SUCK"

I'm not trying to start anything with you, but your answers don't help, nor are reliable without proof.
glad to see that your case fans are spinning, and that your temps are good, and the zalman doesn't "suck".