AMD 64 : MSI vs Asus vs ABIT

The Neo Platinum is the biggest POS ever. I can't get it to boot because of a problem with the "keyboard controller." I need to RMA it on monday. :mad:
Thanks, I had 3 msi 6300t or whatever and they were a flying piece of crap, looks like MSI never changes.

Thanks for the headsup bro.

I have an abit , its kind of funny 1994 or 2004 the same companies are still in the mix .
also wasthinking about the msi

but now its between the abit av8 and the gigabyte k8nsnxp
I suggest you steer clear of the Via based boards until they can ship a chip that actually has a working AGP/PCI lock. Not one board manufacture will garuntee a working lock.
If you are running everything stock or just doing a little OC then the asus boards are not that bad.
MSI uses cheap components on their boards. That goes with everything they make, video cards, etc. I would never buy one of their products.

Asus and Abit are fairly equal. Asus is better for compatibility. So I would go with Asus (and I did).
According to the Anand roundup, the VIA based boards now have working locks (at least the Abit AV8). I was going to wait on the MSI K8N Neo2, but I'm starting to wonder what's going on. It keeps being delayed, and even Anand's mentioned they had to get three (!) boards before they got one that worked. Seems the MSI isn't going to be so reliable if they can't even get them out into the market. I'm leaning towards the AV8 now.

Anyone know if it monitors temps correctly? The Abit Intel boards are notoriously bad, especially the IC7 series...they're off like 7-10C, and I don't feel like dealing with that anymore.

anyone know where you can get gigabytes 939 board for under 200 bucks... spending over 200 on a motherboard is freakin rediculous! I am also looking at Asus but I would like gigabyte's if i could find the right price :D
Filter said:
if your going to overclock i would wait for the new dfi coming out next month.

Yeah, I've read that thread. It does sound promising, but it was also mentioned in an update to the AT article that DFI's NF3 939 board is "several weeks away". That could be late September by the time we see them. Also, the boards that bigtoe and OPP have are 754 beta maybe they'll be out in August, but I doubt the 939's will.

Krazy_Joe: Nope, I doubt it. Monarch has them listed for $217. :(

hemi said:
Krazy_Joe: Nope, I doubt it. Monarch has them listed for $217. :(
bummer... what do you think of MSI neo2? Monarch has it listed for $157. I live in GA so i can always return it to Monarch if their is a problem. Is it true that MSI uses cheap components compared to asus, abit, etc?!
Krazy_Joe said:
bummer... what do you think of MSI neo2? Monarch has it listed for $157. I live in GA so i can always return it to Monarch if their is a problem. Is it true that MSI uses cheap components compared to asus, abit, etc?!

I've been waiting for the MSI, but ya have to wonder what's taking so long. Plus, if you read my post above, they had to send AnandTech three of them before they got one that worked. I think I'm gonna pass on the MSI too because it sounds like they may be problematic.

ASUS K8v Deluxe is the worst of the 3 imo. This mobo has no AGP/PCI lock. If you value your hard drive data, overclocking past 225mhz HTT is guaranteed data corruption

This mobo is limited to 2.8vmem, not enough for die-hard RAM.

The options to set CPU speed and multiplier are non-conventional and are mislabelled.

Both auto overclocking options in the BIOS will result in a failure to boot.

CPU : RAM ratios are all messed up. Since when is 2:1 ratio = 1:1 ??

I can't believe people still think this motherboard is a viable option in this forum. Trust what I said, I have this thing.
Well, I can only hope that the MSI delay is to fix whatever problems they had. I had a dual mp msi board before and it was fine.

Who knows though. At this point I don't want the asus, gigabyte is too expensive, so its either the AV8 or the K8N-neo 2. I supposed neither will be a terrible choice, both were reccomended by anandtech, which is the only reliable place I have seen a comparison between 939 boards.
Sorry - I have to apologize for my comments about MSI needing to send AT three of the K8N's before they got one that worked. It was the bad. Sorry for any confusion.

Even so, with MSI being the NVIDIA launch partner and producer of the reference board, it makes you wonder why they aren't available yet, since they showed them first and more than likely had access to the NF3-250 first. I think I'm still gonna hold out for one though, let's just hope it's stable, fast and trouble free when it does arrive.

hemi said:
Sorry - I have to apologize for my comments about MSI needing to send AT three of the K8N's before they got one that worked. It was the bad. Sorry for any confusion.

Even so, with MSI being the NVIDIA launch partner and producer of the reference board, it makes you wonder why they aren't available yet, since they showed them first and more than likely had access to the NF3-250 first. I think I'm still gonna hold out for one though, let's just hope it's stable, fast and trouble free when it does arrive.


Yep, I went and re read the article too. I think I will be waiting as well. I just hope they were fixing something during this delay. Id rather wait a bit longer and have more of the bugs worked out when I get it.
From my 2 experiances with the MSI Neo Platinum, I have have had 0 problems and they are working great... blazing fast. I'd go with the MSI, anand liked it.
Read any review you can find on the Neo Platinum, it's said by all that its an awesome board and has even set some overclocking records. I have it and so does my brother, and both are awesome. Every manufacturer has issues at some time or another. What if the second post in this forum had been me saying "My Abit board is the biggest POS and I had to RMA it! You don't know if I'm an idiot or not and don't know how to properly install something. You don't know if there was simply an unlucky shipping accident. Check as many web reviews as you can from different websites, and if the consensus is that all the boards you are looking at are great, then you need to narrow your focus. Features, which overclocks better, which has better software bundle, etc. I went with the MSI because of its features, curious about its dynamic overclocking stuff, and its won awards or very high marks in ever review I read. My two cents...
Well fuck MSI. ETA at monarch is now august 27th. Guess I need to do some rethinking here. God damn it. If I hadn't been waiting on this stupid freaking board, I could be playing doom 3 already.
There is a Holy Trinity of motherboards, and they are the ones in question here...Abit, Asus, and MSI. I own at least one rig with a board from each company. Also, I have at some point in time owned a dog board from each company. Over the years, boards from each company have been loved by reviewers, only to become dogs later. Sometimes the ignored model is a gem, too. The Abit KG7-Raid is an example of a board the reviewers loved that turned out to be a total POS. I went through two of them in short order. The Asus A7V was also a POS for me, but other guys still have them running strong. Reviewers were way too kind to it, or were they? On the otherhand, sometimes the reviewers are right on target, as far as my experience goes. My old Asus P5A and Abit BP6 rigs will never die, and I own two rigs that have flawless MSI boards that the reviewers loved. I suppose that I'm saying you can get a bad model from one of the three sometimes, but those three companies are consistantly better than the offbrand boards out there. Your mileage can also vary from that of reviewers.

I will say that I consider all of the other brands to be offbrands, except for server grade where Tyan comes into play, and Abit drops out. And, I believe it is prudent to think long and hard before you stray from the Holy Trinity.

Everytime I did, it cost me. Have a blessed day. :D

My 2 cents.
I have gone there since I own it just to see what people were coming up with and honestly I saw some people over there that seemed to know what they were doing, but they were in the minority. Its also a support forum so of course the majority of posters have problems and a lot actually had no clue what they were doing. I wouldn't be swayed by it. Even [H] gave this board high marks and it was pre-production. Checking forums isn't a bad idea, maybe just don't rely too much on the MSI ones. All the noobs not knowing anything will go there by default because its the manufacturers forums and complain because their PC133 RAM wont work in it. :rolleyes:
OldPueblo said:
I have gone there since I own it just to see what people were coming up with and honestly I saw some people over there that seemed to know what they were doing, but they were in the minority. Its also a support forum so of course the majority of posters have problems and a lot actually had no clue what they were doing. I wouldn't be swayed by it. Even [H] gave this board high marks and it was pre-production. Checking forums isn't a bad idea, maybe just don't rely too much on the MSI ones. All the noobs not knowing anything will go there by default because its the manufacturers forums and complain because their PC133 RAM wont work in it. :rolleyes:
You hit the nail on the head. That's what I was thinking when I made the above post. Experience is everything.
qdemn7 said:
Spend a little time over at the MSI HQ Forums reading about this board. Might make you think again.

Plus, the board in question is not even available yet. Though, on the bright side of things, I emailed a rep from msi, and he got right back to me, saying that the stuff was held up in customs, and the eta of the 27th was from them, but now he says a solid date is the 12th. If they actually become available the 12th I will still buy it. Otherwise, its off to find revision 2 of the asus board.
Zyzzyva100 said:
Plus, the board in question is not even available yet. Though, on the bright side of things, I emailed a rep from msi, and he got right back to me, saying that the stuff was held up in customs, and the eta of the 27th was from them, but now he says a solid date is the 12th. If they actually become available the 12th I will still buy it. Otherwise, its off to find revision 2 of the asus board.
This makes sense. I'm in the copier business, and obtaining a lot of our stuff has been slowed down to a crawl because of Homeland Security lately. It is harder to get a boat unloaded these days.
qdemn7 said:
Spend a little time over at the MSI HQ Forums reading about this board. Might make you think again.
Yeah, because people who love the board would sign up for the board to compliment it, but people who have problems would rather stay quiet and not complain on the official forums..

Oh wait..

Any official forum for anything it's always bitch and moan because people can't find anywhere else to get help or vent straight to the guys who made them mad.
That goes with everything they make, video cards, etc. I would never buy one of their products.

Now, now, I would be willing to bet that my MSI 5900 Ultra can keep up with all the other 5900's quite well.
Brad4321 said:
Now, now, I would be willing to bet that my MSI 5900 Ultra can keep up with all the other 5900's quite well.
Thats because the only this there allowed to change diffrent from refrence desing is the heatsink, NVIDIA made it that way....

There all the same, some i think use diffrent MFGs for memory, hence better overclcoks on some
my friend has a NEO Plat, his works great,...

MINE SUCKS BALLZ, keyboard controller issuse... im RMAing it on monday...
Thats because the only this there allowed to change diffrent from refrence desing is the heatsink, NVIDIA made it that way....

There all the same, some i think use diffrent MFGs for memory, hence better overclcoks on some

I don't see how that is a problem. The heatsink is of very good quality.
Brad4321 said:
I don't see how that is a problem. The heatsink is of very good quality.
im not saying it is, im just saying its hard for a MFG to build a poor NVIDIA card, seeing as they have to build it they same as everyone eles... the onyl thing diffrent from brand to brand is the HS and sometime what brand memory is used.

Unlike with motherboards, the MFG Can build them almose how they want, takeing in some rules form AMD a few from NVIDIA, everyboard is diffrent. So the quality of a good MFG show more in motherboards..... and likewise...poor quality shows also....offen covered by a fancy box and lots of accesories...
welp i just ordered one after pouring through all threads on all boards i could find haha. turns out that (are you ready for this?)........... they all have problems!!! :eek: not trying to be a dick or crap on anyone's posts but pretty much every board maker has issues with some users, that's why they have rma's haha
i'm a little weary though i used to work at a computer store fixing 'em and i think 15 msi kt-133 boards came back all dead... i think everyone of them we sold came back, i haven't looked at msi since. here goes!
KarmaPolice said:
wait so....we could have the MSI on the 12th?

Or so claims the MSI central/eastern zone of the US rep. Then again, anandtech still said there were some delays, so who knows.
Zyzzyva100 said:
Or so claims the MSI central/eastern zone of the US rep. Then again, anandtech still said there were some delays, so who knows.
from what I've read, the 12th date is when the boards are supposed to hit the US and need to clear coustoms... with a 16-17th date shipping from distributors

If this will hold, who knows
TCD said:
from what I've read, the 12th date is when the boards are supposed to hit the US and need to clear coustoms... with a 16-17th date shipping from distributors

If this will hold, who knows

As fars an Anadtech's recommendations what they said here is WAY, way overdue:

"If we could find it for sale anywhere, our recommendation would have been the excellent MSI K8N Neo2, which was our Gold Editor's Choice in our recent Socket 939 Roundup: Battle at the Top. However, just as we were going to press, we received word of further delays in retail availability of the K8N Neo2. Quite frankly, after two months of recommending the K8N Neo2 and no one able to buy it, we are not going to recommend again a board that you can't buy today. The K8N Neo2 is a great board, if you are willing to wait for it, and the nForce3-250 chipset is a bit faster with an nVidia 6 series video card than VIA".