AMD 7970 DCII TOP conflicting VRM temps results?


Apr 23, 2009
I want to get this card in few days so i got some questions, and i hope some of you guys can help me out with.

1. Are this card really locked and you cant alter memory/core voltage?

2. Why are there so much different talking about VRM's? some say false software readings, some say its real, and there was thermal image from Asus showing like 65c on VRM's but then i found this,


so now i really dunno what are the real VRM temps during oc..

3. Also there where reports this cards overclock worse then reference design, and that this cards are hit or miss, and mostly

4. This is the only non referent high end gpu available atm where i live, this is the reason i'm looking to get it, so please guys don't recommend me any other referece cards....i hate them (noise + temps+ bad build quality)
well the temp you are seeing from the VRM is within the VRM its self. the temps are no where near max temps. most vrm's are rated well over 120C. of course the hotter they get the worst they will perform but temp wise its not going to damage them in any way. just means your overclock will be limited based on how hot the VRM's are running and the amount of voltage they can supply to the GPU/vram.
Yep but now is irrelevant, the recent 7970 DCII/TOP are voltage locked, so no Asus card at this point for me :mad:
Only Asus knows what ambient temp they got their VRM reading at and their card was (probably) at stock speeds. The picture you linked has the card overclocked and at fairly high voltage, so the VRMs are going to be much hotter.
Aren't the Asus DCII cards built with better components than all other cards on the market? I thought I saw a video somewhere on Newegg by an Asus rep that said they were.
Doesent matter at this point, the DCII/TOP cards are voltage locked atm, so this care is out of question for me, and for you guys should be as well.