AMD 939 to AMD 754 any performance decrease?

Jul 14, 2005
With the prices of 754 cpu's I almost want to go that way. I have a 939 system that's in my sig. but cannot find an good upgrade for my cpu cheap in 939 but it seems like I can in 754. I know that 754 will be dead soon but for the money is it really a downgrade from what I have now since there are 754 boards out there that have Pci-e video slots. the only thing I see that will be a major difference is the FSB and dual channel capabilities. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks :D
have you tried ocing your rig? im guessing you could get like 2.5-2.7ghz outta that chip if its a winchester or if its a venice then 2.7-2.9ghz outta it.
Yeah but at a 9x multipler my options are limited. Like to keep the warranty intact to since its a retail processor.. :D
alright im confused

how would buying a S754 motherboard and S754 CPU of higher performance be cheaper then
a 3500+ for example. Unless you buy a cheap mboard but then wouldnt that be down grading?

Id reccomend ocing it, or buying a 3500+
Just OC a little bit, between 2.2 and 2.4 should be easy (easy as in, only requireing a FSB bump)
I wouldnt do it

personally id look into ocing, you can oc without increasing the voltage (voiding your warranty).

this may give you the performance you want at no extra cost

my venice 3000+ does 2.5ghz with the stock cooler, 2.4ghz with no voltage increase.
What's a good overclocking tool that I could use? Should I use the one that came with my motherboard in my sig.?
Why have OCZ ram and not overclock? And thinking of going to 754 is insane! Thats like a doctor driving a porsche like its a fiat (OCZ RAM, etc. part) and then finally buying a fiat after (going to 754!)! :p
Tazman2 said:
Why have OCZ ram and not overclock? And thinking of going to 754 is insane! Thats like a doctor driving a porsche like its a fiat (OCZ RAM, etc. part) and then finally buying a fiat after (going to 754!)! :p

754 is barely slower than 939...
Tazman2 said:
Why have OCZ ram and not overclock? And thinking of going to 754 is insane! Thats like a doctor driving a porsche like its a fiat (OCZ RAM, etc. part) and then finally buying a fiat after (going to 754!)! :p

yea. if you take a 3700+ from s754, clocked in at 2.4ghz stock with 1mb of cache, it will be equal to or greater then a 3700+ from s939. 263 vs 289 for the 3700+. ill pay 30 bucks less for 200mhz more, and 40 more nms. and no sse3, which most dont need.
And socket 939 and socket 754 have about the same lifespan, as when M2 comes in, they will both be phased to say 754 will die sooner is a bit of a lie. ;)
tsuehpsyde said:
And socket 939 and socket 754 have about the same lifespan, as when M2 comes in, they will both be phased to say 754 will die sooner is a bit of a lie. ;)

not really. Can you use dual core on 754?
how about s754 going to 4000+? huh guy? get it straight, a 2.6ghz chip for s754 is coming out. show me a 2.6ghz chip for s939 thats not gonna cost 700 bucks?
Does anyone know if 754 will do dual channel memory capabilities or is that going to be srtictly 939? Hmmm....754 isn't that bad it seems.
sabrewolf732 said:
not really. Can you use dual core on 754?

I diddn't say it'd have COMPLETE coverage, I said it had the same lifespan. ;) There might be dual-core for 939, but a year from now, it's phased out as well.
tsuehpsyde said:
I diddn't say it'd have COMPLETE coverage, I said it had the same lifespan. ;) There might be dual-core for 939, but a year from now, it's phased out as well.

um again wrong, 3700 was the last 754 cpu, therefor it is dead (desktop, newarks don't count as they were intended for notebooks).
Just oc what you have. Even without bumpping vcore, you should still get to 2.4 - 2.5ghz (cpu & mb permitting) and with as little as .07v increase, I got to 2.7ghz stable (1.47vcore)