AMD a64 Venice 3000+ PIN PROBLEM


May 27, 2005
CPU arrived yesterday with a bent pin! Found out that the pin reference is memcheck[8] from the AMD website. Is this an important pin? I want to put my rig together this weekend and don't want a lousy pin to hold me up! To RMA it back to the company I got it from can take up to a week! Do you think I'll be successful in bending it back? The pin is 12 down on the outside row on the left and side if you look at the processor with the arrow in the top right hand corner. Thx.
Just used my finger nail to push it straight - the pin is now inline with all the others. Only problem is that at the base of the pin it does look slightly 'weak' maybe I'm being paranoid. I'm in 2 minds here. If you took the CPU out NOW and looked at it you wouldn't notice anything wrong, but if you look closely at pin P31 it has got a slight blemish near the base. Hmmmmmm. So hit and miss!
It SHOULD be fine dude. I had a bent pin on my new 3200+ Venice and i was just careful and lifted it back up with my finger and i haven't had any problems. If you have one you can use a 0.5 mm mechanical pencil without any lead in it. Its a perfect fit for a CPU pin.

Unless the pin broke it shouldn't be an issue.
Thanks for the vote of confidence buddy. :)

Just spoke to the company he said if my pin snaps he'll still RMA it for me. Bloody nice chap. :D
burningrave101 said:
Unless the pin broke it shouldn't be an issue.
agreed. i have bent >20 pins on my clawhammer, and it still works just fine :D
I just recently installed my new 3000+ Newcastle today and I must have set it down improperly as it had 2 bent pins when i went to install it. I just carefully bent the pins back with a very small standard screwdriver. Worked like a charm and im very pleased with the performance over my Athlon xp :) .