AMD-ATI Merger looks to be close...

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Me either. Very interesting. My favorite cpu manufacturer teaming up with my favorite video card manufacturer. What other surprises await?
This is based on some guy's prediction, not a shred of fact I can see. I dont see this happening.
BigMacAttack said:
Me either. Very interesting. My favorite cpu manufacturer teaming up with my favorite video card manufacturer. What other surprises await?

word.. i right there with ya.. hopefully we the consumer will reap the benefits of this merger ten fold :)
Won't happen, there's no benefit for either company out of this venture.
5150Joker said:
Won't happen, there's no benefit for either company out of this venture.

I dunno... is there? Doesn't Intel currently dominate the graphics market with almost 50% or something? Regardless of whether those graphics are actually capable of something, it's still a huge number. AMD could rake in more revenue with ATI and ATI could get more R&D money, right?
say they merged, what would change? they would both have to maintain at their present rate, just to make it. how can they both expand at the same time? if amd uses ati's fabs, then that cuts ati's production.. vise versa.

is this wrong?
It could be bad for Nvidia's AMD mobo chipset market in the long term, and it gives AMD a ready made and very competitive integrated graphics solution to fight Intel in the budget box and laptop arena.

Overall it'd be a nice diversified product portfolio, retail GPU's, XBox 360 GPU's, Nintendo GPU's, an advanced AMD compatable chipset (Xpress 3200), proven laptop chipsets, and a strong brand name.

If it does happen, you gotta wonder if they'll keep ATI "fabless" and keep farming out the fab work, or take advantage of AMD's fab capacity (such as it is) and keep everything in-house.
"may be looking to buy"

so he is suggesting that there is a chance that AMD is considering it.. how much more vague can you get?
Very interesting. There are pro's and con's on what can happen. Im exicited for this rumor.
I can see how two large chip makers would do well to merge. Things like HR, marketing and other support groups can be unified as well as fab plants and thus cut costs. But how will this affect the AMD - Nvidia friendship? After all Nvidia chipsets have really showcased AMD's abilities.

Nvidia and AMD are not rivals
Nvidia and ATI are rivals
Nvidia and AMD/ATI are then ???
It doesn't seem all that likely, considering Nvidia and AMD's relationship.

It'd be interesting, though.
Least said:
It doesn't seem all that likely, considering Nvidia and AMD's relationship.

It'd be interesting, though.

what relationship?

ATI has released much more integrated graphics for AMD boards. And almost every AMD laptop you buy, you're almost sure to get ATI graphics with it.
sp1nfer said:
what relationship?

ATI has released much more integrated graphics for AMD boards. And almost every AMD laptop you buy, you're almost sure to get ATI graphics with it.

True, I'm talking more on the side of enthusiasts... though I guess that isn't the prime market. Well, right now it is. We'll see how AMD v. Intel pans out.
Yeah, AMD's ability to beat Intel was dependent on the nForce chipsets. I don't think AMD would gain much by merging with ATI except maybe eliminating nVidia's competition for them. Which would be stupid. If AMD wants to be sure they get the best chipsets without making them themselves, they will keep both ATI and nVidia alive.

I don't think the analysts were think about the social factor of a merger like this. I'd be really disapointed if AMD decides to take a side in this graphics war.
Yeah only reason Nvidia chipsets is probably the most popular on AMD platforms, is because AMD doesnt have there own chipset like Intel does. Nforce from what I understand is what really took off the AMD platform and provided the stablity other chipset makers couldnt do. From all of the benchmarks and reviews, ATI chipsets are just as good as Nvidias. All speculation here, but probably a good one.
i could understand if amd was interested in producing their own chipset. something equal to intels.
Jason711 said:
i could understand if amd was interested in producing their own chipset. something equal to intels.
They do produce their own chipsets, just not for the enthusiast market.
Jason711 said:
i could understand if amd was interested in producing their own chipset. something equal to intels.

I was thinking the same thing. Come out with a rock solid chipset like Intel has, and then give them a good competition.
lithium726 said:
They do produce their own chipsets, just not for the enthusiast market.

yes, they do. but im refering to the amount of effort they put into producing and manufacturing them. would be nice to see them do something on the same scale as intel.
Jason711 said:
yes, they do. but im refering to the amount of effort they put into producing and manufacturing them. would be nice to see them do something on the same scale as intel.
They dont have the manufacturing muscle intel has to pull that off - their fabs are dedicated to processors mainly, and they still cant always meet demand. nevermind with dell taking them up now, theyre going to have a hell of a time meeting that demand, even if it only is the server market. This is probably one of the main reasons (along with dell's relationship with intel) that they are not supplying chips for dell's desktop machines.
lithium726 said:
They dont have the manufacturing muscle intel has to pull that off - their fabs are dedicated to processors mainly, and they still cant always meet demand. nevermind with dell taking them up now, theyre going to have a hell of a time meeting that demand, even if it only is the server market. This is probably one of the main reasons (along with dell's relationship with intel) that they are not supplying chips for dell's desktop machines.

hence, ati.
All you people post faster than I do.. bah! :D

Firstly, AMD and ATI getting together offers distinct benefits for both. Firstly, it gives ATI desperately needed chipset expertise, and gives AMD chipset fab they lack. (AMD's got fabs that are grinding 8111/8131/8132's and they'd rather be grinding processors.) ATI gives AMD integrated graphics expertise and knowledge, which AMD has a total lack of currently.

Currently if you look at AMD versus Intel from an integrator standpoint, only Intel has a chipset with onboard graphics capability. In low-end business machines, that's a big seller, because it reduces your BOM significantly. ($10 more for a mo'board versus $40 for a video card.) It's not about gaming capability there, it's about cost. The only way you can get integrated video with AMD is by way of ATI or nVidia right now, which both produce massive driver hell with the Radeon and GeForce family, and system administrators don't want to deal with that. To say nothing of stability and compatibility issues. (Say whatever you want, in a 100+ user environment, they're there. It's just plain fact. Deal.)

If AMD were to purchase or merge with ATI, it would expand their chipset capability signifcantly, allowing them to produce more 8111/8132's. It would also give them the ability to develop and present a unified All-AMD platform for integrators that can compete effectively with the Intel i915GM, which is the current leader. Don't look for AMD to be cranking out an nForce6150 competitor, or even consider it. Expect them to crank out an i915GM competitor, likely based on the RageXL or a similarly mature ATI product.
Most folks haven't been paying attention to Intel VIIV versus AMD Live, but an ATI buyout or even partnership would give AMD a serious advantage in pushing Live. Intel's video capabilities are still immature, especially with regards to tuners and the like. It's a significant weakspot in the HTPC arena. ATI has over a decade of experience with tuners and the like, and like it or not, has a significant leg up on everyone else. (I'm not counting Hauppage, Pinnacle, etc because they don't make all-in-one solutions like the AIW.) By integrating a RageXL All-In-Wonder into a chipset (RageXL and Theatre550,) AMD immediately matches i915 feature-for-feature and poetntially has a significant leg up.

But as stated; this is speculation. However, I personally would not be surprised to see AMD looking to at least partner very closely with ATI to develop an ATI-branded chipset for Live, targeted to take on the i915. Could they partner with nVidia? Maybe, but it's highly unlikely; given nVidia's current woes with the 7900, I highly doubt nVidia could muster the required engineering resources and fab capacity. A successful i915 competitor would need a very significant and steady supply from their fabs, and based on availability and sales, ATI's got fab available for such a task - though it would be very tight.

But hey, just my $0.02.
ATI is the #2 manufacturer of chipsets for Intel processors, so this could be quite a win for the AMD camp.

Then again, this is all pure speculation anyway.
Jason711 said:
personal hope, or is there a reason they should not merge?
he ninja edited, he said he was an AMD and NV f4nboy
ThreeDee said:
ATiMD™ ?

register the trademark now, sell it to them later... actually... wait a couple of mins with that, i got something to do real quick :D
ATYT has taken a huge hit in stock price. I know a bit about stocks so i see this in other views. If this happens ATYT would probably skyrocket.

NVDA was in the same boat a few years ago. Rumors like this happen on occassion really affecting the price of the stock... Hence up nicely today.

A0 If you notice "someone" is supporting the stock at the 14 area. Those bars are volume and volume picks up everytime it getsclose.

B) Indicators show ATYT is gaining strength. The chart also shows a long term pattern indicating it may be bottoming out.... hmmm. Showing a reversal pattern.... might be moving big if it can close above 18.

C) $ flow doesn't look good... that is the only neg I can notice.

I'm convincing myself to buy! lol

Also, what about the Intel deal with ATI for chipset help?
ATYT will probably get bought out... maybe. But I doubt by AMD. Though Intel has denied, ATI is better for Intel.
AreEss said:
All you people post faster than I do.. bah! :D

Firstly, AMD and ATI getting together offers distinct benefits for both. Firstly, it gives ATI desperately needed chipset expertise, and gives AMD chipset fab they lack. (AMD's got fabs that are grinding 8111/8131/8132's and they'd rather be grinding processors.) ATI gives AMD integrated graphics expertise and knowledge, which AMD has a total lack of currently.

But hey, just my $0.02.

interesting read. You appear to know a lot about AMD's operations.
ATYT has taken a huge hit in stock price. I know a bit about stocks so i see this in other views. If this happens ATYT would probably skyrocket.

NVDA was in the same boat a few years ago. Rumors like this happen on occassion really affecting the price of the stock... Hence up nicely today.

A0 If you notice "someone" is supporting the stock at the 14 area. Those bars are volume and volume picks up everytime it getsclose.

B) Indicators show ATYT is gaining strength. The chart also shows a long term pattern indicating it may be bottoming out.... hmmm. Showing a reversal pattern.... might be moving big if it can close above 18.

C) $ flow doesn't look good... that is the only neg I can notice.

I'm convincing myself to buy! lol

Also, what about the Intel deal with ATI for chipset help?
ATYT will probably get bought out... maybe. But I doubt by AMD. Though Intel has denied, ATI is better for Intel.

Is the green line the 200-day moving average? Cause if so, that's probably just traders buying - the 200-day is a strong support level. I'm not too suspicious of it.

What software is that?
SharpieFiend said:
ATI is the #2 manufacturer of chipsets for Intel processors, so this could be quite a win for the AMD camp.

Then again, this is all pure speculation anyway.

Than nVidia will get quite a boost if ATi goes to AMD.

knowing Intel, a deal will probably get worked out that will make it so that nVidia will focus more on Intel chipsets...
rayman2k2 said:
Than nVidia will get quite a boost if ATi goes to AMD.

knowing Intel, a deal will probably get worked out that will make it so that nVidia will focus more on Intel chipsets...

does intel even need that? seems they do well enough on their own.
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