AMD Brisbane 4800+X2--2.5/G1 DDstepping or Windsor 5000+X2-- 2.6/G1 DD stepping

Apr 10, 2007
Ik hears the Deal i have to choose between a Bris 2.5 or a Win2.6 both have G1 DDstepping 65watt core ......The 4800x2 $130 The 5000x2 $160....

I will be running one of these on the Sig system @ 240 or 250 FSB i can go as high as 280 but want to keep system no Higher than 240-250FSB ..this will keep my 550Nbrige cool!...and memory @ 960 or 1000mhz...

Which one would be better to clock upto 2.8 or 3.0ghz .....seeing there both G1 DDstepping and ive heard a lotta good stuff about the mostly F3 CZ ..What i always thought was a G1 should be more capable than the F3 CZ..

Now that i stirred up s:eek: t, I can only choose out of one of those 2chips no other ,My friend has already ordered them and seeing he didnt believe i Oced my 3200+ to 2.4 he bet me my next chip...that he could afford LOL...He dosnt Oc ,he just plays games and plays Dvd...He has no computer Know how Really!...So i looked up these 2chips and he Ordered them Yesterday ,though he was gonna wait till i post which one would be better so he could get 2 of the same.....He said i could have Either but now i have to show him how to Oc ....I said id pay for it! Pretty cool friend "told me pick 1 now were even".....

So hear i am," WHICH one should i choose for a 2.8Ghz clock":D

Check that out. The only G1 5000+ steppings are 65nm parts. So it doesn't seem you could have a G1 Win.

If the part number is ADO5000CZBOX then you have a F3 stepping. A CU or CS are F2 steppings.

From what info is out and about, either seem like they should hit 2.8 no problem. The Brisbane will most likely do it a bit cooler though. Kind of a toss up at those speeds.
I'd go with the Windsor 2.6 and OC that...

Yes the Brisbane is cooler stock, but overclocking it will make temps that are in the same ball park as the others.
Ok i just found out he had picked up the Chips from Centralcomputers in SantaClara and both chips are ADO4800DDBOX x2 4800------------ADO5000DDBOX x2 5000.........

Should i still grab the 5000 its not Cz its DD from stamp on chip ,:confused: should get me higher clock maybe than the 2.5 one? Also im only going to clock my bus up 400Hz. Should i take the chance on the 2.6 5000 to try and get a 3.0Ghz clock i know the 2.5 will only net me a 2.8 or maybe 2.9. at 13multiplyer