AMD Catalyst™ 10.10d Hotfix

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
In case you haven't seen this yet, AMD has published the new Catalyst 10.10d Hotfix for all you Radeon owners out there. The date on the download page is the same as the 10.10c hotfix (10/28/2010) but I assure you this is indeed the right page for the 10.10d hotfix. Grab it if you need it. Thanks to Yakk for the heads up!

Fixed Morphological Anti-Aliasing (MLAA) issues
OpenGL 4.1 beta support
Support for the new Morphological Anti-Aliasing feature
Dead Rising 2 - Crossfire profile (Resolves negative scaling)
Performance optimizations for systems with a Radeon HD 6870 and HD 6850
Aliens versus Predator performance enhancements
Star Craft 2 performance enhancements
OpenGL performance enhancements
Crossfire Performance Improvement for: Metro 2033, F1 2011 - (Direct X9 version) and Fallout New Vegas
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Been using the 10.10d's without much issue. Haven't tested them thoroughly yet though.
Typo in post, should be 10.10d... The 10.10c hotfix was great for me with Fallout:NV on a 6870 - much improved fps.
thank god for the performance enhancements, cuz ya know we'd all be dead widdoutem.
OpenGL is still bugged in these. You have to use atioglxx.dll from the Catalyst 10.4 to get older OpenGL games to run at all.

Rack up another long-standing unresolved issue for the driver team :(
Cool, thanks for posting this - looking forward to trying these out when I get home. I don't think crossfire was working for Metro with 10.10c, as I was getting the same frame rates with Catalyst AI enabled/disabled.
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I was looking forward to MPAA on the 5XXX series.
Oh well, MPAA is kind of like a blur thing anyways, rather then true anti-aliasing.
Yay some love for me!, The date on the exe says nov1 so its the newest.
The 10.10c also said performance optimizations. Are these newer ones, or the same optimizations from the 10.10c just listed again?
The 10.10c also said performance optimizations. Are these newer ones, or the same optimizations from the 10.10c just listed again?

Or they fixed some of the optimizations. Starcraft 2 goes faster with the hotfix c but the pylons are messed up, maybe the fixed the pylons with the newest hotfix d.
I was looking forward to MPAA on the 5XXX series.
Oh well, MPAA is kind of like a blur thing anyways, rather then true anti-aliasing.

wait the MPAA is taking over the 5k series? lol some ones been reading to many anti-piracy articles..

I saw shit performance in sc2 with the C... hopefully this resolves some issues on my 5870
I thought the d hotfix was to resolve the MLAA bug on some dx 10/11 games only?
I'm skipping this one and waiting for the 10.10E.
OpenGL is still bugged in these. You have to use atioglxx.dll from the Catalyst 10.4 to get older OpenGL games to run at all.

Rack up another long-standing unresolved issue for the driver team :(

What the hell is up with this? I have a bunch of clan buddies that play SOF2 still and they can't with their new cards because of this bug.
This driver is a lot better but I still get text flickering in NBA 2K11.
I was about to send the 6870 back. We'll see if AMD can get it right when the 6900 series is released.
If not, I going back to Nvidia. Too many Hotfixes that fix one thing and break another.
MLAA is doesn't work in BFBC2, this game is AMDs kryptonite.
OpenGL is still bugged in these. You have to use atioglxx.dll from the Catalyst 10.4 to get older OpenGL games to run at all.

Rack up another long-standing unresolved issue for the driver team :(
What the hell is up with this? I have a bunch of clan buddies that play SOF2 still and they can't with their new cards because of this bug.

If it helps any, this is the atioglxx.dll from Catalyst 10.4. Drop this DLL into your game folder (the same folder as the game's executable). Your game should load the older DLL and run normally again.

I can personally confirm this works for Quake III Arena, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and Doom 3. Since SoF2 uses the Quake III engine, it should work as well.

Can't believe we have to kitbash multiple drivers to get things working, completely ridiculous...
What the hell is up with this? I have a bunch of clan buddies that play SOF2 still and they can't with their new cards because of this bug.

Awesome, people still play SOF2? I might have to reinstall that.