AMD Catalyst 13.8 Beta Frame Pacing CrossFire Driver @ [H]

@ HardOCP.

For years your reviews were a fresh and different way of looking at GPU performance as other websites. I always checked and check HardOCP to see your opinion. And yes, you did report that CF was less fluid than SLI. Lot of credits for all that.
And maybe it is even true that we have to thank HardOCP for frame metering by nVidia in the first place.

However, and nofi, to me your whole introduction to this review is a painful read as it clearly shows imo that you are sore losers.

The simple fact is that, it wasn't HardOCP who quantified the framerating and it wasn't HardOCP who educated AMD that something was terribly wrong with CF. And consequently forced/inspired AMD to do something about it.
That was at first mainly Techreport and thereafter also PCPER who both deserve big credits for that.

Please stop whining that you knew/said it all along and that there were no proper tools etc. This has been in Fraps for ages. Not as sophisticated as FCAT but it showed clearly where the issues are. Techreport had no FCAT.
If you want the credits you should have developed what they did yourselves. But maybe you got lazy or complacent. I think it would make you look a whole lot better if you were somewhat more generous in giving credits were they are due. You were on the right path and then somebody else put in the hard work to finish it.
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Wow, can't wait to put these drivers to the test! It appears from other posts in the thread that this isn't 7xxx specific, it is 5xxx and 6xxx too?

The only feedback I have about this is that, although the charts are fairly intuitive, having different scales on them makes it much harder to compare.
Any improvements to single gpu set-ups? If not I'm probably just going to stick with my current drivers. They've been rock solid.
It didn't work well for me; 13.8 drivers these are beta so the next may be better. Everyone's setup is a little different but 13.6 beta 2 drivers work better for me. They do include a frame pacing on/off in the newer catalyst & I could tell it was very smooth with frame pacing on but lowered fps & off certain games will crash BF3
@ HardOCP.

For years your reviews were a fresh and different way of looking at GPU performance as other websites. I always checked and check HardOCP to see your opinion. And yes, you did report that CF was less fluid than SLI. Lot of credits for all that.
And maybe it is even true that we have to thank HardOCP for frame metering by nVidia in the first place.

However, and nofi, to me your whole introduction to this review is a painful read as it clearly shows imo that you are sore losers.

The simple fact is that, it wasn't HardOCP who quantified the framerating and it wasn't HardOCP who educated AMD that something was terribly wrong with CF. And consequently forced/inspired AMD to do something about it.
That was at first mainly Techreport and thereafter also PCPER who both deserve big credits for that.

Please stop whining that you knew/said it all along and that there were no proper tools etc. This has been in Fraps for ages. Not as sophisticated as FCAT but it showed clearly where the issues are. Techreport had no FCAT.
If you want the credits you should have developed what they did yourselves. But maybe you got lazy or complacent. I think it would make you look a whole lot better if you were somewhat more generous in giving credits were they are due. You were on the right path and then somebody else put in the hard work to finish it.

I agree with you on that whole introduction page. I even engaged this team back in August of 2011, on the GTX 660Ti review about implementing frametime data. This was when I first learned about frame time data via the techreport site. The only response in that thread was to the tune of we're working on putting equipment together to capture it. Well here we are a year later and the first review hits the HardOCP page. Better late than never I guess. *rolls eyes*
aw just got rid of my 6970 too for a gtx 760.... oh well 760 faster anyway plus i wanna sli right now
I'm amazed that was the first time I noticed it!

I guess if pretending it's a 79xx card makes them feel better about themselves, more power too 'em.

Well it actually is a 79xx card. Just stupid that AMD named it 7870 LE. LE always stood for light edition. So being that they never released a true 7930 I have no problem with users adopting that moniker for simplicity sake. Just horrid marketing from AMD. :confused:
But amd cheating, putting in "runt" frames to fools us all! Oh noes!

hope this gets rid of all those trolls.
Well Far Cry 3 is still messed up with random jerkiness.

The mouse pointer still gets corrupted on my dual displays.

The save presets still save corrupted profiles that are like 7KB and don’t contain most of the settings / don’t work.

Oh well, maybe in another year or two but hey, at least my X79 system no longer randomly crashes. They did fix that after almost a year.
played Battlefield3, 1440p@120hz. Lowest settings (for less input lag) + HBAO.

single GPU feels more smooth. CFX isn't 'jerky', but when turning side to side quickly, it feels like picture 'breaks' slightly compared to single card, hence feels like its less smooth. No microstutter.
Single GPU Owner reporting that general smoothness in certain games is slightly improved but nothing major. Still I wasn't having issues. When I can afford another 7970 I cannot wait to see what it feels like now.
It's better than what it was, although not quite up to snuff with Nvidia's solutions. I suspect though that in a few revisions, that will change.
Hello everyone,

My name is Sam (a.k.a. Warsam71), AMD’s newest Community Manager helping with everything enthusiast: Gaming, APUs, GPUs, CPUs, events and much more…:)

I’m here to help you in any way I can guys. So, feel free to message me with any thoughts, comments, issues and ideas you may have.

For those of you who have been wondering about the phases mentioned in this article, and possibly other sites, at the moment I can’t provide you more information as to when the next phase will hit beta. I hope this helps with setting your expectations.

do you have some kind of official credentials you can link to?

Without the endorsement of the staff, you appear to be some random person....
Exactly if you contacted the site owner I'm sure if he agreed with you assuming this role here he would provide you with a title to match.
Hello everyone,

My name is Sam (a.k.a. Warsam71), AMD’s newest Community Manager helping with everything enthusiast: Gaming, APUs, GPUs, CPUs, events and much more…:)

I’m here to help you in any way I can guys. So, feel free to message me with any thoughts, comments, issues and ideas you may have.

For those of you who have been wondering about the phases mentioned in this article, and possibly other sites, at the moment I can’t provide you more information as to when the next phase will hit beta. I hope this helps with setting your expectations.


You need to contact the site owner: Read the bottom of this post:
Hello everyone,

I have contacted Kyle via email this morning and will wait for his reply on how to proceed. Meanwhile, the best way I can prove my employment with AMD is a Tweet by Roy Taylor VP of Global Channel Sales, check it out - on August 3.

I look forward to officially joining this community :)
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After an hour or so of testing BF3, it would appear this configuration is not working w/ frame pacing. I could have just been delirious, but I'm fairly certain.

On the other hand, when it did work (with 2 displays disabled), BF3 was a brand new game. I could even play with 4xAA turned on, which I've never been able to get reliable consistent performance with at 2560x1600. I can't wait until they get this hammered out for multi-display setups.

I'm in the same boat as you with the multi-display, but single-for-gaming setup. When you say "displays disabled", do you simply mean disabled in the Windows display settings? or did you have to do anything extra in the CCC settings?
I'm in the same boat as you with the multi-display, but single-for-gaming setup. When you say "displays disabled", do you simply mean disabled in the Windows display settings? or did you have to do anything extra in the CCC settings?

So is leaving other displays on any kind of known issue? Must I disable all unused displays while gaming?
I'm in the same boat as you with the multi-display, but single-for-gaming setup. When you say "displays disabled", do you simply mean disabled in the Windows display settings? or did you have to do anything extra in the CCC settings?

I used tried both "disable display" in CCC or "disconnect this display" in Windows display preferences separately and they do the same thing. Once my 2nd and 3rd monitors were disabled with one of those 2 methods the frame pacing seemed to kick in.

The results were pretty amazing. I had no idea this is what it is "supposed to" be like, it was like wearing glasses for the first time. It even completely resolved the input latency issues I was having with AA turned on that I had just assumed was a fact of life, I had no idea it was a crossfire specific issue. Makes me kind of wish I had switched back to nVidia generations ago, but it's nice to see AMD is finally making it up to us.

Now it would be nice if they would make it work in our situation.

So is leaving other displays on any kind of known issue? Must I disable all unused displays while gaming?

That's exactly what I was asking because in all the write ups about beta 13.8 I never once saw this addressed. Now only if there was someone who could address this issue with some level of authority..... **COUGH**Warsam71**COUGH** I was kind of bummed Brent or Kyle didn't address the question.
I remember an article a while back showing how much stutter is improved when using trifire (and I've sen it myself), would you guys be willing to see if it goes further here? maybe do two tests when you check up on phase 2, one with crossfire one with trifire?
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I wonder to what extent this crossfire update affects APU Hybrid CF setups...
far too long in the works........i couldn't wait.....sold my dual HD7970's and got a pair of GTX780's.....haven't looked back since.....I cant believe i dealt with this frame pacing and just piss poor choppy gameplay issue for so many years....what a numbnut i was and my K/D ratio suffered from it.
far too long in the works........i couldn't wait.....sold my dual HD7970's and got a pair of GTX780's.....haven't looked back since.....I cant believe i dealt with this frame pacing and just piss poor choppy gameplay issue for so many years....what a numbnut i was and my K/D ratio suffered from it.

As long as your hobby makes you happy, dude.
Known Issues of The AMD Catalyst 13.8 Beta2 Driver for Windows:
■CrossFire configurations (when used in combination with Overdrive) can result in the secondary GPU usage running at 99%
■Enabling CrossFire can result in the PCI-e bus speed for the secondary GPU being reported as x1
■Bioshock Infinite: New DLC can cause system hangs with Frame Pacing enabled – disable frame pacing for this title to resolve

Just wanted to pull these specifically for people seeing issues.
Bit late for the FF14 fixes :p Friday might have been a better day to release :p
These 13.8 Beta drivers crashes my CF setup. The 13.4 works without issues.