AMD Catalyst 15. 2 Beta Driver - Update

Not the only ones, So many new games with no crossfire support. :mad:

so get unlazy and make your own profiles.... It's really not that hard....

I don't even care about those games, honestly. Thousands of games get released every month and people will always find a reason to bitch because one of them isn't supported with crossfire/sli.

People with SLI go through the same problems. The amount of butt hurt in this thread is silly. :rolleyes:

Unless you're playing at 4k you don't even need sli/crossfire to get an enjoyable experience in any of those games anyways. Suck it up quit your bitching on a forum go annoy the people on your social media site of choice. Instead of posting your whiny posts here about how a driver update isn't available yet.

I have a copy of the press release drivers for those who want them. Uploading them now to my site, but if I get asked to remove them I will comply. Note I downloaded these earlier from guru, i didn't validate them, or try to install them. Use at your own risk.
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I just installed the 15.3.1 drivers that were leaked to test out the Evolve profile. Works great. I get 80-100fps at 2560x1440 Very High, 90 FOV now. Previously I was getting 40-50 fps. Excellent scaling. I did have a weird lock up on the first boot of Evolve after the install, but I had a custom application profile setup and I think it was causing the issues. I deleted the custom profiles, reset the 3D settings back to default, rebooted and everything works fine.

I'd give them a shot if you're like me and want to install everything ASAP. But, there should be an official version soon. :)
