AMD Chipset 780G question


Dec 13, 2007
i'm a Intel guy.

i'm excited over the new AMD/ATi chipset and especially the Hybrid Crossfire Graphics capabilities.
I know that combining the IGP and a 3450 wont yield high end gaming results.

I was wondering if anyone knows if AMD/ATi are planning on adding more powerful Hybrid enabled cards into the mix like a 3650 or 3850, maybe the 4xxx series?

would appreciate if anyone has any info or links or thoughts on the matter.

I am planning on purchasing the ewiz 780G posted in the [H]ot deals
edit: deal now OOS, but i'm a patient guy.
Doesn't the CrossfireX work with different kinds of ATI graphic cards? Other than 4 GPU crossfire, I thought that was the big draw of CrossfireX. I'm not much of a multi-GPU guy, so I don't really pay attention to it...might have missed something.
i am not talking about vanilla Crossfire (two discrete cards running together via a bridge).

i am talking about the Hybrid Crossfire (useing the 780G chipset AND a discrete graphics cards in crossfire mode).

i am intersted in the scalability of the platform as the curreny hybrid crossfire enabled discrete cards are on the lowest end.

would like to know if AMD has plans to make some 3870's (or equivalent) that are hybrid crossfire enabled at some point.
I have not heard or read anywhere of AMD's future plans with this tech, right now it only extends to 3450's, wait and see like everyone else....
I thought Crossfire X included Hybrid Crossfire, but like I said before, I might have misunderstood. I had heard about the IGP and a discrete card working with Crossfire to improve performance, but I thought it came under the heading Crossfire X.
you saying that any CrossfireX card should work in the 780G chipset?

AMD site says that the 780G chipset supports only 'up to' the 3450.
edit: let me correct my self that i'm referring here to the Hybrid Crossfire feature of the 780G.
I'm saying I know nothing about CrossfireX, but I thought I heard something about mixed card Crossfire. What cards actually work with it and what chipsets are needed? You should look to someone other than me ;).