AMD Delivers the World's First 1GHz Graphics Processor

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or you seriously don't know that "teh" is probably the most common typo to exist on the internet.

Spelling "the" as "teh" is also the most retarded fad to exist on the Internet.
Doesnt surprise me or anyone at least it shouldnt. Intel was late to teh game and was teh p 4's, teh overpriced BS and intel holding AMD back with dell amd Microshaft shouldnt surprise anyone either for any matter..nvidia with gddr3 still and lies and not delivering teh goods with dx 9.0 c on there FX cards that ATI had with hl2 back in 2004..AMD first to 64 bit also and mostly if you google it AMD has canned and pwned and shinned its way on top but intel makes you beleive otherwise due to there strong hold of money and resources which paves the way for advertisments from intel vs AMD which intel is winning but NOT for Price to Performance and Value in today's Depression were In..
did you use a bad Hindi to English translating program? and if english is your native language, are you mentally challenged?
Doesnt surprise me or anyone at least it shouldnt. Intel was late to teh game and was teh p 4's, teh overpriced BS and intel holding AMD back with dell amd Microshaft shouldnt surprise anyone either for any matter..nvidia with gddr3 still and lies and not delivering teh goods with dx 9.0 c on there FX cards that ATI had with hl2 back in 2004..AMD first to 64 bit also and mostly if you google it AMD has canned and pwned and shinned its way on top but intel makes you beleive otherwise due to there strong hold of money and resources which paves the way for advertisments from intel vs AMD which intel is winning but NOT for Price to Performance and Value in today's Depression were In..

me fail english? that's unpossible!
Blahblahblahblah...AMD has canned and pwned and shinned its way on top but intel makes you beleive blahblahblah...
I am unclear what the whole Intel/M$/Dell vs AMD thing has to do with GPU's.

Like it or not, AMD has been playing the same catch-up game with NVIDIA as they have been with Intel.

That aside, why would NV bother with the expense of GDDR4/5 when they get the performance they do out of GDDR3?

NV has not been immune from stupid marketing tricks either but, for the most part, each of their successive GPU generations has performing significantly better than the last. ( Note that I do not consider minor revisions and re-branding to be a generational change, so I'm referring to 7x vs 8x vs 2xx.).
All that has been without having to move to GDDR4 or 5.

Since AMD has not leapfrogged any of the NV GPU's in terms of performance, NV has not been forced to move to the next generation of memory.

Within the context of attempting to out-do the competition, AMD's insistence on using 256-bit wide memory bus puzzles me .

What's the point of using faster RAM if you throttle a card's overall performance by using a narrow bus?

Their recent "decision" to focus on the mid-tier market is tacit admission that they can't beat NV at the upper end; at least not with their current GPU design strategy.

Don't get me wrong, mid-tier is where the money is at, and it's a good strategy from the standpoint of making sure the company is profitable, but you can't have it both ways.
If you want to beat NV in the GPU war, you can't continually meet their performance, you have to exceed it by a commanding margin.

If your company's strategy does not include development at the high-end, then don't pretend you are trying to out-do the competition in that particular niche.
Don't get me wrong, mid-tier is where the money is at, and it's a good strategy from the standpoint of making sure the company is profitable, but you can't have it both ways.
If you want to beat NV in the GPU war, you can't continually meet their performance, you have to exceed it by a commanding margin.

I'm pretty sure there are comparable or better ATi parts for all current nVidia chips. I don't think ATi/AMD is really feeling a huge crunch from nVidia, though it seems nVidia may be first to market soon with next-gen chips.